
时间:2020-02-13 17:29:05

标签: lisp common-lisp





(defvar *data* (list
               '(A 20 10)
               '(B 5  16)
               '(C 12 18)
               '(D x  y)
               '(E x  y)

我想以类似于以下方式的方式对此数据进行编码: City encoding method


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


(defparameter *data* (list
                     '(A 20 10)
                     '(B 5 16)
                     '(C 12 18)
                     '(D x y)
                     '(E x y)))


(defun choose-city (city-list city-name)
  "Return city-name with its index position
  and city-list with the chosen city removed, keeping the order."
  (let* ((cities (mapcar #'car city-list))
         (pos (position city-name cities)))
    (list city-name 
          (append (subseq city-list 0 pos)
                  (subseq city-list (+ pos 1) (length city-list))))))

;; improved version by @Kaz - thanks! (lispier)
(defun choose-city (city-list city-name)
  (list city-name 
        (positiion city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)
        (remove city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)))

然后,您需要一个应用先前功能的功能 一遍又一遍地收集索引位置并通过从city-list中删除匹配的current-city来逐步更新city-sequence。 在Lisp中发生的典型模式是 定义要突变的变量作为let表达式中的局部变量,并从let表达式的主体定义为使用setf更新变量值(setf-ing)

(defun choose-cities-subsequently (city-list city-sequence)
  "Return sequence of subsequent-index-positions of the cities
  given in city-sequence. After choosing a sequence, the city is
  removed from the city-list and its index position of the previous
  pool taken for record."
  (let ((index-positions '()) ; initiate collector variable
        (current-city-list city-list)) ; current state of city-list
    (loop for current-city in city-sequence
          do (progn
               ;; call `choose-city` and capture its results
                 (name index new-city-list) ; capturing vars
                 ;; and in the following the function call:
                 (choose-city current-city-list current-city) 
                 ;; update collector variable and 
                 ;; current-city-list using the captured values
                 (setf index-positions (cons index index-positions))
                 (setf current-city-list new-city-list)))
          ;; if city-sequence processed in this way, 
          ;; return the collected index-positions.
          ;; remark: cons-ing during collecting and 
          ;; at the end nreverse-ing the result
          ;; when/while returning 
          ;; is a very typical lisp idiom 
          finally (return (nreverse index-positions)))))

;; improved version by @Kaz - thanks!
(defun choose-cities-subsequently (city-list city-sequence)
  (let ((index-positions '()) ; initiate collector variable
        (current-city-list city-list)) ; current state of city-list
    (loop for current-city in city-sequence
          collect (destructuring-bind 
              (name index new-city-list) 
              (choose-city current-city-list current-city) 
                    (setf current-city-list new-city-list)
        into index-positions
      finally (return index-positions)))))


(choose-cities-subsequently *data* '(A D E B C))


(0 2 2 0 0)

通过在最后一个函数中定义更多let变量, setf-指向destructuring-bind表达式正文中的内容,并在最终列表中返回最终值, 您可以收集更多信息并使它们可见。


(defparameter *data* (list
                     '(A 20 10)
                     '(B 5 16)
                     '(C 12 18)
                     '(D x y)
                     '(E x y)))

(defun choose-city (city-list city-name)
  (list (position city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)
        (remove city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)))
;; when city names are strings use `:test #'string=

(defun choose-cities-subsequently (city-list city-sequence)
  (let ((current-cities city-list))
    (loop for current-city in city-sequence
          for (idx updated-cities) = (choose-city current-cities current-city)
          collect (progn (setf current-cities updated-cities)
            into index-positions
          finally (return index-positions))))

(choose-cities-subsequently *cities* '(A D E B C))
;; (0 2 2 0 0)

;; a tail-call recursive version:
(defun choose-cities-subsequently (cities city-sequence 
                                   &key (acc-cities '()) 
                                        (acc-positions '())
                                        (pos-counter 0)
                                        (test #'eql))
    (cond ((or (null city-sequence) (null cities)) (nreverse acc-positions))
          ((funcall test (car city-sequence) (car cities))
           (choose-cities-subsequently (append (nreverse acc-cities) (cdr cities))
                                       (cdr city-sequence)
                                       :acc-cities '()
                                       :acc-positions (cons pos-counter acc-positions)
                                       :pos-counter 0
                                       :test test))
          (t (choose-cities-subsequently (cdr cities)
                                         :acc-cities (cons (car cities) acc-cities)
                                         :acc-positions acc-positions
                                         :pos-counter (1+ pos-counter)
                                         :test test))))