
时间:2009-03-02 11:59:09

标签: powershell


例如,我有一个脚本使用Windows Installer PowerShell Extensions来确定是否已安装程序/补丁。如果没有显式调用PowerShell(x86),该脚本在x64环境中不起作用,默认情况下,该脚本不在路径中。当我们将这些脚本移植到x64平台时,维护一组脚本在两个体系结构的powershell中工作并且仅在需要时调用x86代码将是很棒的。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:16)


  1. 使用多个函数来测试我是否处于64位环境(http://blogs.msdn.com/jaredpar/archive/2008/10/16/powershell-and-64-bit-windows-helper-functions.aspx
  2. 根据特定脚本的需要调用x86 / x64 PowerShell
  3. 不幸的是,很多事情是以蛮力的方式完成的。 x86 / x64依赖的每个特定配置条目实际上具有2个代码路径(每个体系结构一个)。


    if ( test-path (join-path Get-ProgramFiles32 "subversion") ) { ...


    # Get the path where powershell resides.  If the caller passes -use32 then 
    # make sure we are returning back a 32 bit version of powershell regardless
    # of the current machine architecture
    function Get-PowerShellPath() {
        param ( [switch]$use32=$false,
                [string]$version="1.0" )
        if ( $use32 -and (test-win64machine) ) {
            return (join-path $env:windir "syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v$version\powershell.exe")
        return (join-path $env:windir "System32\WindowsPowerShell\v$version\powershell.exe")
    # Is this a Win64 machine regardless of whether or not we are currently 
    # running in a 64 bit mode 
    function Test-Win64Machine() {
        return test-path (join-path $env:WinDir "SysWow64") 
    # Is this a Wow64 powershell host
    function Test-Wow64() {
        return (Test-Win32) -and (test-path env:\PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432)
    # Is this a 64 bit process
    function Test-Win64() {
        return [IntPtr]::size -eq 8
    # Is this a 32 bit process
    function Test-Win32() {
        return [IntPtr]::size -eq 4
    function Get-ProgramFiles32() {
        if (Test-Win64 ) {
            return ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}
        return $env:ProgramFiles
    function Invoke-Admin() {
        param ( [string]$program = $(throw "Please specify a program" ),
                [string]$argumentString = "",
                [switch]$waitForExit )
        $psi = new-object "Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"
        $psi.FileName = $program 
        $psi.Arguments = $argumentString
        $psi.Verb = "runas"
        $proc = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
        if ( $waitForExit ) {
    # Run the specified script as an administrator
    function Invoke-ScriptAdmin() {
        param ( [string]$scriptPath = $(throw "Please specify a script"),
                [switch]$use32=$false )
        $argString = ""
        for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $args.Length; $i++ ) {
            $argString += $args[$i]
            if ( ($i + 1) -lt $args.Length ) {
                $argString += " "
        $p = "-Command & "
        $p += resolve-path($scriptPath)
        $p += " $argString" 
        $psPath = Get-PowershellPath -use32:$use32
        write-debug ("Running: $psPath $p")
        Invoke-Admin $psPath $p -waitForExit:$waitForExit

答案 1 :(得分:2)

msgoodies blogthis suggestion for determining the architecture。当存在已知的不兼容性时,可以使用此方法来确定体系结构并调用x86 powershell。