
时间:2020-02-07 14:49:07

标签: javascript node.js discord.js

我正在使用Node.js(使用Discord.js API)创建Discord机器人,并且在运行我的命令之一($$server)时遇到了一些奇怪的行为。事实是,我正在为机器人使用定制的翻译引擎(实际上是机器人本身的一部分),问题似乎完全是胡说八道。首先,为了简单起见,我不会包含所有代码。如果您想了解整个代码实际上是如何运作的,请转到GitHub repository,我已在其中上传了最新更新。我删除了未使用和不重要的代码以节省空间。

现在,对于这个问题:问题在于,相同的代码(不包括我的调试代码)在不同的Discord语音通道区域中的工作方式不同。除了美国的四个地区(美国西部,东部,中部和南部)以外,所有地区的工作方式几乎都相同。我已经研究了区域ID,它们的解释正确。问题是,当我设置一个美国地区时,它可能找到的第一个翻译(嵌入页脚)突然停止工作。我还尝试设置调试代码(简单的console.log()函数),事情就是这样。在server.js中,除了打印出实际的Discord语音区域外,它实际上不做任何其他事情。完全不影响功能。但是,在functions.js中,调试代码的存在(只是打印出regex输出的内容,没有其他内容)使代码突然停止在有问题的行中工作(在{{1}中以注释突出显示) }),不仅限于美国地区。



这是/***************************************** * Joker Discord Bot * Made by CZghost/Polda18, 2019 * ALPHA v0.0.1 * * File: functions.js *****************************************/ const { Permissions } = require("discord.js"); const locales = require("./locales.js"); const literals = require("./literals.js"); const colors = require("colors"); module.exports = { // ... // Resolve locale string resolveLocale: (localeString, localeCode) => { localeString = localeString.toLowerCase().trim(); // Anything else than #locale{<content>} isn't a locale string if(!localeString.startsWith('#locale{') || !localeString.endsWith('}')) return localeString; if(!literals.locales.includes(localeCode)) return null; // Could not recognise locale code if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(literals.locales_map, localeCode)) localeCode = literals.locales_map[localeCode]; // No country code encountered, map to default country // Check a locale string for any matches const regex = /#locale\{([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)\}/g; // Debug <-- If this is present, the command doesn't work at all, this is where it gets stuck console.log(regex.exec(localeString)); // Get the content of the brackets and split by colon let content = regex.exec(localeString)[1].split(':'); // Problematic line - works or not, depends on the region settings - sounds strange, right? // Get the available locales for this locale string let availableLocales = content.reduce((o, i) => { try { return o[i]; // Decompile string to an object reference } catch(e) { console.error(`Cannot find locale string \`${localeString}\` for language \`${localeCode}\`. Perhaps missing?`); console.error(e); return undefined; // If reached an unreachable end, return undefined (safe reference) } }, locales.locale_strings); if(!availableLocales || availableLocales.constructor !== Object) return null; // Reached an unreachable reference // Locale string for this locale code not found => use default locale code if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(availableLocales, localeCode)) return availableLocales[locales.default_locale]; // Get and return the correct locale string return availableLocales[localeCode]; }, // ... } 的内容:


为澄清起见,这是/***************************************** * Joker Discord Bot * Made by CZghost/Polda18, 2019 * ALPHA v0.0.1 * * File: commands/info/server.js *****************************************/ const { RichEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const { stripIndents } = require("common-tags"); const { formatDate, createError, resolveLocale } = require("../../functions.js"); const literals = require("../../literals.js"); module.exports = { name: 'serverinfo', aliases: [ 'server', 'sinfo' ], category: 'info', help: { description: '#locale{help:command:serverinfo:description}', args: [] }, run: async (client, message, args) => { // Check if a locale is set for this guild and fetch that settings const server_id = message.guild.id; const localeCode = (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(client.settings.guilds, server_id)) ? client.settings.guilds[server_id].locale : client.settings.guilds.default.locale || client.settings.guilds.default.locale; // Debug <-- prints out the actual region id to console console.log(`\`${message.guild.region}\``); const embed = new RichEmbed() .setFooter(resolveLocale("#locale{commands:serverinfo:query:footer}", localeCode) // This is where it gets stuck .replace(/\[author\]/g, message.author.tag.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')), message.author.displayAvatarURL) .setTitle(resolveLocale("#locale{commands:serverinfo:query:title}", localeCode)) .setAuthor(message.guild.name, message.guild.iconURL) .setThumbnail(message.guild.iconURL) .setColor(literals.region_colors[message.guild.region]) .addField(resolveLocale("#locale{commands:serverinfo:query:basic_info:caption}", localeCode), stripIndents` **\\> ${ resolveLocale("#locale{commands:serverinfo:query:basic_info:description:id}", localeCode) }:** ${server_id} **\\> ${ resolveLocale("#locale{commands:serverinfo:query:basic_info:description:system_channel}", localeCode) }:** ${message.guild.systemChannel} **\\> ${ resolveLocale("#locale{commands:serverinfo:query:basic_info:description:member_count}", localeCode) }:** ${message.guild.memberCount} **\\> ${ resolveLocale("#locale{commands:serverinfo:query:basic_info:description:region}", localeCode) }:** ${literals.region_flags[message.guild.region]} ${resolveLocale(`#locale{regions:${message.guild.region}}`, localeCode)} `.trim()) embed.setTimestamp(); await message.channel.send(embed); } } 的实际内容,用于翻译:



 * Joker Discord Bot
 * Made by CZghost/Polda18, 2019
 * ALPHA v0.0.1
 * File: locales.js
 * Description:
 * This file contains locale settings
 * for supported languages using ISO 639-1
 * language codes with country locale code
 * Please send me a feature request for
 * adding another locale code

const { stripIndents } = require("common-tags");

// Translations
module.exports = {
    default_locale: 'en-US',
    supported_locales: {
        partially: [],
        completely: [
    locale_strings: {
        regions: {
            'brazil': {
                'en-US': 'Brazil',
                'cs-CZ': 'Brazílie'
            'eu-central': {
                'en-US': 'Central Europe',
                'cs-CZ': 'Střední Evropa'
            'europe': {
                'en-US': 'Europe',
                'cs-CZ': 'Evropa'
            'hongkong': {
                'en-US': 'Hong Kong',
                'cs-CZ': 'Hong Kong'
            'india': {
                'en-US': 'India',
                'cs-CZ': 'Indie'
            'japan': {
                'en-US': 'Japan',
                'cs-CZ': 'Japonsko'
            'russia': {
                'en-US': 'Russia',
                'cs-CZ': 'Rusko'
            'singapore': {
                'en-US': 'Singapore',
                'cs-CZ': 'Singapur'
            'southafrica': {
                'en-US': 'South Africa',
                'cs-CZ': 'Jižní Afrika'
            'sydney': {
                'en-US': 'Sydney',
                'cs-CZ': 'Sydney'
            'us-central': {
                'en-US': 'U.S. Central',
                'cs-CZ': 'Střed USA'
            'us-east': {
                'en-US': 'U.S. East',
                'cs-CZ': 'Východ USA'
            'us-south': {
                'en-US': 'U.S. South',
                'cs-CZ': 'Jih USA'
            'us-west': {
                'en-US': 'U.S. West',
                'cs-CZ': 'Západ USA'
        // ...
        commands: {
            // ...
            serverinfo: {
                query: {
                    footer: {
                        'en-US': 'Queried by [author]',
                        'cs-CZ': 'Vyžádal/-a si [author]'
                    title: {
                        'en-US': 'Server info',
                        'cs-CZ': 'Informace o serveru'
                    basic_info: {
                        caption: {
                            'en-US': 'Basic info',
                            'cs-CZ': 'Základní informace'
                        description: {
                            id: {
                                'en-US': 'Server ID',
                                'cs-CZ': 'ID serveru'
                            system_channel: {
                                'en-US': 'System channel',
                                'cs-CZ': 'Systémový kanál'
                            member_count: {
                                'en-US': 'Member count',
                                'cs-CZ': 'Počet členů'
                            region: {
                                'en-US': 'Region',
                                'cs-CZ': 'Region'
            // ...
        help: {
            // ...
            command: {
                // ...
                serverinfo: {
                    description: {
                        'en-US': 'Returns server information',
                        'cs-CZ': 'Vrátí informace o serveru'

为了完整起见,这是机器人在服务器上的响应方式: Discord bot is going crazy

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