我正在尝试为在父堆栈中创建的资源传递Arn以在嵌套堆栈中使用。 aws-cdk文档指出:
但是,尝试引用在父堆栈中创建的资源会导致Circular dependency between resources:
object TestTemplateApp extends App {
class MainStack(parent: Construct)
extends Stack(parent, "Main") {
//some other resources
val firstNestedStack = new FirstNestedStack(this)
class FirstNestedStack(parent: Construct)
extends NestedStack(parent, "Batch") {
//some other resources
val s3Bucket = Bucket.Builder
.create(this, "id")
val BucketArn = s3Bucket.getBucketArn
val secondNested = new SecondNestedStack(this, BucketArn)
class SecondNestedStack(parent: Construct, bucketArn: String) extends NestedStack(parent, "second") {
//some other resources
val secondS3Bucket = Bucket.Builder
.create(this, s" S3WorkspaceBucket")
.bucketName(s"$bucketArn example") // assume we want to use the ARN of the s3 bucket from the parent in the bucket in the nested stack
val cdkApp = CDKApp.Builder.create().outdir("/tmp/test_template").build()
val mainStack = new MainStack(cdkApp)