
时间:2020-02-01 16:18:37

标签: windows powershell command-line parameter-passing




powershell.exe -Command 'C:\temp\hashcheck.ps1' -SourceDir "D:\Temp\Public" -DestDir "D:\Temp\Public2"

“ sourcedir”和“ destdir”是我要传递的字符串的名称。但是,当我从admin命令提示符运行它时,它给我错误“意外令牌'-SourceDir'”

在powershell脚本中,已经有一些参数实参,但是我添加了“ sourcedir”和“ destdir”,如下所示:

            param (




                [ValidateScript({!(Test-Path -path $_ -Type Leaf) })]



        # Run this for Source
        Get-TreeCheckSum -BaseDirectory "$SourceDir" -OutputFilePath C:\temp\PublicSource.xml -Verbose

        # Run this for Destination
        Get-TreeCheckSum -BaseDirectory "$DestDir" -OutputFilePath C:\temp\PublicDestination.xml -Verbose


编辑:这是完整的代码,也许会更有意义。我基本上想在分配给“ BaseDirectory”的“#Run this for source”和“ #Run this for Destination”部分下传递文件夹名称

        # Created by P33500k for fun..
        # Use at your own risk follow directions at end to run the commands
        function Get-TreeCheckSum {
            param (


                [ValidateScript({!(Test-Path -path $_ -Type Leaf) })]


            begin {
                # Define $results as an array of objects
                $results = @()


            process {
                Write-Verbose "Getting all files in $BaseDirectory..."
                # check files
                $allfiles = Get-ChildItem -path $BaseDirectory -Force -File -Recurse | select-object Name,FullName,Length

                Write-Verbose "Found $($allfiles.count) files in $BaseDirectory..."

                $n = 0
                Foreach ($File in $allfiles) {
                    Write-Progress -Activity "CheckSumming $BaseFolder" -Status "Checksumming $($File.FullName)" -PercentComplete (($n / ($allfiles | measure-object | Select-object -ExpandProperty Count)) * 100)
                    Write-Verbose "Checksumming $($file.fullname)"
                    $tempobj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                        'FullPath' = $file.FullName
                        'FileName' = $file.Name
                        'Size' = $file.Length
                        'Hash' = (Get-FileHash -Path $file.fullname | select-object -ExpandProperty Hash)
                        'RelativePath' = ($file.fullname.substring($BaseDirectory.Length))
                    $results += $tempobj
                    $tempobj = $null
                Write-Verbose "Hashing Complete for file set in $BaseDirectory"


            end {
                Write-Verbose "Writing Output File to $OutputFilePath"
                $results | Export-Clixml -Path $OutputFilePath

        # Run this for Source
        Get-TreeCheckSum -BaseDirectory "D:\Temp\Public" -OutputFilePath C:\temp\PublicSource.xml -Verbose

        # Run this for Destination
        Get-TreeCheckSum -BaseDirectory "D:\Temp\Public2" -OutputFilePath C:\temp\PublicDestination.xml -Verbose

        # Run this code for comparing

        # Global variables for comparing
        $Filesnotondestination = ".\FilesNotonDestination.txt"
        $Filesnotonsource = ".\FilesNotonSource.txt"
        $FailedHashes = ".\Failedchecksums.txt"

        $Source = import-clixml C:\temp\PublicSource.xml
        $Destination = import-clixml C:\temp\PublicDestination.xml

        Write-Host "Comparing objects.."
        $compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Source -DifferenceObject $Destination -Property RelativePath -IncludeEqual
        Write-Host "Writing file names to files only on source.."
        $compare | Where-object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="} | Select-object -expandproperty RelativePath | Set-content -path $Filesnotondestination
        Write-Host "Writing file names to files only on destination.."
        $compare | Where-object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"} | Select-object -expandproperty RelativePath | Set-content -path $Filesnotonsource
        Write-Host "Comparing files on both source and destination... "
        $verify = $compare | Where-object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=="}
        Write-Host "Found $($verify.count) files that are in both paths.." 
        $n = 0
        foreach ($v in $verify) {
            Write-progress -Activity "Comparing file hashes.." -Status "Processing File: $($v.relativepath)" -PercentComplete (($n / ($verify | measure-object | Select-object -ExpandProperty Count)) * 100)
            #Write-Host "Comparing $($v.relativepath).."
            #Write-Host $v.relativepath
            Foreach ($s in $source) {
                If ($s.relativepath -eq $v.relativepath) {
                    $sourceh = $s.hash
                    #Write-Host "Source Hash: $Sourceh"
            Foreach ($d in $Destination) {
                If ($d.relativepath -eq $v.relativepath) {
                    $desth = $d.hash
                    #Write-Host "Destination Hash: $desth"
            If ($desth -eq $sourceh) {
                #Write-Host "File hashed match"
            Else {
                Write-Warning "$($v.relativepath) - File Hashes Do Not Match"
                Add-content -path $FailedHashes -value "$(get-date) - $($v.relativepath) failed checksum: $sourceh not equal to $desth"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


C:\temp\hashcheck.ps1 -SourceDir "D:\Temp\Public" -DestDir "D:\Temp\Public2"

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Param (
  # The Rest of the script


现在使用调用脚本 其余参数。