
时间:2020-01-31 13:56:58

标签: python python-3.x pandas dataframe bigdata



table name: POP
year | Borough | Population


#Output = pd.merge(Output, POP, on=['year', 'Borough'], how='outer')


ValueError:您正在尝试合并object和int64列。如果 您希望继续,应该使用pd.concat


POP['year'] = POP['year'].astype(object)



import pandas as pd

# Add Population Data

#rename columns for easier joining
POP.rename(columns={"Area name":"Borough"}, inplace=True)
POP.rename(columns={"Persons":"Population"}, inplace=True)
POP.rename(columns={"Year":"year"}, inplace=True)

#convert type of output column to allow join
POP['year'] = POP['year'].astype(object)

#add to output file
Output = pd.merge(Output, POP, on=['year', 'Borough'], how='outer')


> Output table info
> <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 34241 entries, 0 to
> 38179 Data columns (total 2 columns): year       34241 non-null object
> Borough    34241 non-null object dtypes: object(2) memory usage:
> 535.0+ KB None table shape: (34241, 36)
> ----------
> POP table info <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 357
> entries, 0 to 356 Data columns (total 3 columns): year          357
> non-null object Borough       357 non-null object Population    357
> non-null object dtypes: object(3) memory usage: 4.2+ KB None table
> shape: (357, 3)






[357 rows x 3 columns]
                  Borough       Date  totalIncidents  Calculated Mean Closure  \
0                  Camden 2013-11-06             2.0                    613.5   
1  Kensington and Chelsea 2013-11-06             NaN                      NaN   
2             Westminster 2013-11-06             1.0                    113.0   

   PM2.5 (ug/m3)  PM10 (ug/m3) (R)  SO2 (ug/m3) (R)  CO (mg m-3) (R)  \
0           9.55            16.200              5.3              NaN   
1          10.65            21.125              1.7              0.2   
2          19.90            30.600              NaN              0.7   

   NO (ug/m3) (R)  NO2 (ug/m3) (R)  O3 (ug/m3) (R)  Bus Stops  \
0      135.866670        82.033333            24.4      447.0   
1       80.360000        65.680000            29.3      270.0   
2      171.033333       109.000000            21.3      489.0   

   Cycle Parking Points  \
0                  67.0   
1                  27.0   
2                  45.0   

   Average Public Transport Access Index 2015 (AvPTAI2015)  \
0                                          24.316782         
1                                          23.262691         
2                                          39.750796         

  Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTAL) Catagorisation  \
0                                                  5            
1                                                  5            
2                                                 6a            

   Underground Stations in Borough  \
0                             16.0   
1                             12.0   
2                             31.0   

  PM2.5 Daily Air Quality Index(DAQI) classification  \
0                                                Low   
1                                                Low   
2                                                Low   

   PM2.5 Above WHO 24hr mean Guidline  PM10 Above WHO 24hr mean Guidline  \
0                                 0.0                                0.0   
1                                 0.0                                0.0   
2                                 0.0                                0.0   

   O3 Above WHO 8hr mean Guidline*  NO2 Above WHO 1hr mean Guidline*  \
0                              1.0                               1.0   
1                              1.0                               1.0   
2                              1.0                               1.0   

   SO2 Above WHO 24hr mean Guidline  SO2 Above EU 24hr mean Allowence  \
0                               0.0                               0.0   
1                               0.0                               0.0   
2                               0.0                               0.0   

   NO2 Above EU 24hr mean Allowence  CO Above EU 8hr mean Allowence  \
0                               1.0                             0.0   
1                               1.0                             0.0   
2                               1.0                             0.0   

   O3 Above EU 8hr mean Allowence  year  NO2 Year Mean (ug/m3)  \
0                             0.0  2013              50.003618   
1                             0.0  2013              50.003618   
2                             0.0  2013              50.003618   

   PM2.5 Year Mean (ug/m3)  PM10 Year Mean (ug/m3)  \
0                15.339228               24.530299   
1                15.339228               24.530299   
2                15.339228               24.530299   

   NO2 Above WHO Annual mean Guidline  NO2 Above EU Annual mean Allowence  \
0                                 0.0                                 1.0   
1                                 0.0                                 1.0   
2                                 0.0                                 1.0   

   PM2.5 Above EU Annual mean Allowence  PM10 Above EU Annual mean Allowence  \
0                                   0.0                                  0.0   
1                                   0.0                                  0.0   
2                                   0.0                                  0.0   

  Number of Bicycle Hires (All Boroughs)  
0                                 18,431  
1                                 18,431  
2                                 18,431 


   year               Borough Population
0  2010  Barking and Dagenham   182,838 
1  2011  Barking and Dagenham   187,029 
2  2012  Barking and Dagenham   190,560 

编辑(2): 所以这似乎是一个日期类型的问题,但我仍然不确定为什么要重铸数据类型。但是,finall使我着迷的解决方案是将输出数据帧另存为csv,然后将其重新加载到程序中,从那里合并开始再次工作。

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