
时间:2011-05-11 18:54:43

标签: c++ class function arrays


创建一个main()函数,声明一个包含10个BankAccount对象的数组。后 输入第一个BankAccount对象,询问用户是否要继续。提示用户输入BankAccount值,直到用户想要退出或输入10个BankAccount对象为止,以先到者为准。输入的每个BankAccount,显示BankAccount详细信息。然后提示用户输入值介于1和40之间的术语。继续提示用户,直到输入有效值。 然后将BankAccount对象数组,数组中有效对象的数量以及所需术语传递给一个函数,该函数计算并显示每个BankAccounts 的值,在给定的年数之后标准利率。

我必须使用3个公共函数来完成此任务。当我尝试使用computeInterest()时,我才开始遇到问题。如果我尝试传递该术语并计入该函数并将其设置为2 for for循环,我将只接收单个对象的数字和余额。我想我要问的是:如何让程序调用computeInterest并为每个BankAccount对象运行?


我不确定我是否将对象数组发送到函数中?这可能是造成麻烦的原因。这已经让我的大脑磨了好几天了 :( 。非常感谢任何帮助/指针!

using namespace std;

// Declaration Section

class BankAccount
    int accNum;
    double accBal;
    const static double intRate;

    void enterAccountData(int, double);
    void computeInterest(int);
    void displayAccount();

// Implementation Section

const double BankAccount::intRate = 0.03;

void BankAccount::enterAccountData(int num, double bal)
    const int MIN_ACC = 1000, MAX_ACC = 9999, MIN_BAL = 0,
    MAX_BAL = 100000;

    cout << "Enter account number: ";
    cin >> num;

    while (num < MIN_ACC || num > MAX_ACC)
        cout << "ERROR: Account number must be between " << MIN_ACC <<
        " - " << MAX_ACC << ".\n" << "Enter account number: ";
        cin >> num;

    cout << "Enter account balance: $";
    cin >> bal;

    while (bal < MIN_BAL || bal > MAX_BAL)
        cout << "ERROR: Account balance must be positive and less than $" <<
        MAX_BAL << ".\n" << "Enter account balance: $";
        cin >> bal;

    accNum = num;
    accBal = bal;

void BankAccount::computeInterest(int YR)
    int x;
    double interest;

    for (x = 0; x < YR; ++x)
        interest = accBal * intRate;
        accBal = accBal + interest;

        cout << "Account# " << accNum <<
            ", Balance: $" << accBal << ", Interest: " <<
            intRate << endl;
    cout << endl;

void BankAccount::displayAccount()
    cout<<"Account: " << accNum <<", Balance: $" << accBal <<
    ", Interest: " << intRate << endl << endl;

int main()
    const int END = -999, MAX_ACCOUNTS = 10, CONTINUE = 1, MIN_TERM = 1,
    MAX_TERM = 40;
    int i, x, count = 0, num = 0, term = 0;
    double bal = 0;

    BankAccount accounts[MAX_ACCOUNTS];

        accounts[count - 1].enterAccountData(num, bal);
        accounts[count - 1].displayAccount();
        cout << "Enter " << CONTINUE << " to proceed, or " << END << " to stop: ";
        cin >> i;

        if (i == END || count == MAX_ACCOUNTS)
            cout << "Enter the term of the accounts (" << MIN_TERM <<
                "-" << MAX_TERM << "): ";
            cin >> term;

            while (term < MIN_TERM || term > MAX_TERM)
                cout << "ERROR: Term must be between " << MIN_TERM <<
                    " - " << MAX_TERM << " inclusive.\n" <<
                    "Enter term of the accounts (" << MIN_TERM <<
                    "-" << MAX_TERM << "): ";
                cin >> term;

            for (x = 0; x < count; ++x)
    } while (i != END && count != MAX_ACCOUNTS);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

你已经在做了 for (x = 0; x < count; ++x) accounts[x].computeInterest(term);


您设置BankAccount类的方式是每个对象计算自己的兴趣。 由于你有几个这样的对象,你可以要求每个人计算自己的兴趣。
