
时间:2020-01-10 21:02:47

标签: jenkins jenkins-pipeline jenkins-groovy

我在Jenkins中有一个动态的脚本管道,该管道具有许多并行阶段,但是在每个阶段中,都有多个串行步骤。我已经花了几天时间试图使它起作用:无论我如何尝试,所有串行子级都集中在一个级中! 这是我现在拥有的:

node () {
    stage("Parallel Demo") {
        // Canonical example to run steps in parallel

        // The map we'll store the steps in
        def stepsToRun = [:]

        for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
            stepsToRun["Step${i}"] = { node {
                echo "start"
                sleep 1
                echo "done"
        // Actually run the steps in parallel
        // parallel takes a map as an argument
        parallel stepsToRun


enter image description here


node () {
    stage("Parallel Demo") {
        // Run steps in parallel

        // The map we'll store the steps in
        def stepsToRun = [:]

        for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
            stepsToRun["Step${i}"] = { node {
                stage("1") {
                    echo "start 1"
                    sleep 1
                    echo "done 1"
                stage("2") {
                    echo "start 2"
                    sleep 1
                    echo "done 2"
        // Actually run the steps in parallel
        // parallel takes a map as an argument
        parallel stepsToRun


enter image description here


此外,如果有一种方法可以使声明性管道具有动态阶段(顺序和并行),那么我全力以赴。我找到了you can do static sequential stages,但是几乎不知道如何使其动态化而又不返回脚本管道。

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def stepsToRun = [:]

pipeline {
    agent none

    stages {
        stage ("Prepare Stages"){
            steps {
                script {
                    for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
                        stepsToRun["Step${i}"] = prepareStage("Step${i}")
                    parallel stepsToRun

def prepareStage(def name) {
    return {
        stage (name) {
            stage("1") {
                echo "start 1"
                sleep 1
                echo "done 1"
            stage("2") {
                echo "start 2"
                sleep 1
                echo "done 2"

enter image description here