
时间:2020-01-02 16:01:00

标签: c# discord roles discord.net


1 个答案:

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[Command("addrole all"), Summary("Adds the Star role to all users")]
public async Task AddRoleStarCommand()
    // Gets all the users of the guild. Note that this may not completely
    // work for extremely large guilds (thousands of users).
    var users = await Context.Guild.GetUsersAsync();

    // Gets the role "Star".
    var role = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Star");

    // Adds the role "Star" to each user in the guild.
    foreach (IGuildUser user in users)
        await user.AddRoleAsync(role);


public async Task SocketGuildDemoCommand()
    // Don't do this.
    // Does not exist, error returned.
    SocketGuild guild = Context.Guild;
    var users = await guild.GetUsersAsync();

public async Task IGuildDemoCommand()
    // Do this.
    // Exists, should work perfectly.
    IGuild guild = Context.Guild;
    var users = await guild.GetUsersAsync();