char *get_value ( node *handle, char *name) {
node *current = handle;
while (current) {
if((!strcmp(current->name, name))) {
printf("=> %s %s %s\n", __func__, current->name, current->value);
return current->value;
return "";
void list_add(node **handle, char *name, char *value)
node *current, *new;
new = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
if (value == NULL) {
value = "";
strcpy(new->name, name);
strcpy(new->value, value);
new->next = NULL;
current = *handle;
if(*handle == NULL) {
*handle = new;
else {
while(current->next != NULL) {
current->next = new;
从main.c调用此函数时,我无法检索 返回的字符串(当前->值)并进行细分 故障,但可以使用相同的功能进行打印。
struct node {
char name[100];
char value[512];
struct node *next;
node handle = NULL;
int main () {
printf("%s\n", get_value (handle, name));
答案 0 :(得分:1)
list_add函数期望(指向)类型节点的数组(非预期):void list_add(node **handle, ...
的初始化不完整:node handle = NULL;
应该是node handle = {"","",NULL};
不要将堆栈内存(字符数组)返回给调用方(主):return "";
可以,因为“”仅是一个字符('\ 0'),但是最好定义堆占位符表示“空”返回char数组。
struct node_ {
char name[100];
char value[512];
struct node_ *next;
} typedef node;
//declarations - linked list of type node, not array node** structure
char *get_value(node *handle, char *name);
void list_add(node *handle, char *name, char *value);
//initialise heap variable
node handle = {"","", NULL };
char _notFound__[1] = "";
int main() {
//passing address of heap variable 'handle'
list_add(&handle, "a", "1");
//passing address of heap variable 'handle'
printf("%s\n", get_value(&handle, "a"));
return 0;
char *get_value(node *handle, char *name) {
//asign placeholder
node *current = handle;
//search linked list
while (current) {
if (!strcmp(current->name, name)) {
printf("=> %s %s %s\n", __func__, current->name, current->value);
//return pointer to heap memory
return current->value;
current = current->next;
//return pointer to heap char-array memory
return _notFound__;
void list_add(node *handle, char *name, char *value)
node *current, *new;
//heap memory - requires destruction at heap scope
new = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
//initialise (copy construction)
(name) ? strcpy(new->name, name) : strcpy(new->name, "");
(value) ? strcpy(new->value, value) : strcpy(new->value, "");
new->next = NULL;
//insert new item
if (handle == NULL) {
handle = new;
//assign placeholder
current = handle;
//scroll to end
while (current->next != NULL)
current = current->next;
current->next = new;