
时间:2019-12-29 21:10:19

标签: c++ templates debugging codeblocks



Debug () << Perks;

并包含一个名为“ CppDebug.h”的头文件(或类似名称,我无法回忆起),该文件产生了以下结果:

// The solution to the problem followed by:
[LINE : 27] "Perks" created : 175
[LINE : 29] "Perks" : 200
[LINE : 85] "Perks" : 225 (loop iteration 1)
[LINE : 85] "Perks" : 250 (loop iteration 2)
[LINE : 85] "Perks" : 275 (loop iteration 3)
[LINE : 85] "Perks" : 300 (loop iteration 4)
[LINE : 85] "Perks" : 400 (loop iteration 12)
[LINE : 99] "Perks" : 400 (std::cout)
[LINE : 140] "Perks" deleted : 400

在这里我会同意,我不确定我是否看到了std :: cout和删除的部分(因为我记不清楚要去重新观看流的流媒体的输出或名称了),但是我确定行号和值的历史记录的显示方式与上面的示例类似。在那个时候,我不是很擅长编程,还只是非常基础的新东西,所以我对自己想,一旦我学到更多,实现起来可能很容易,但是事实证明,这非常令人困惑。至少是我。



#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define Debug(VarArgs...)                                                         \
{                                                                                 \
    std::string Str = #VarArgs;                                                   \
    std::replace (Str.begin () , Str.end () , ',' , ' ');                         \
    Str += " Debugging...";                                                       \
    std::stringstream SS (Str); std::istream_iterator<std::string> Iterator (SS); \
    std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl                                           \
              << "[FILE] : " << __FILE__ << '\n'                                  \
              << "[DATE] : " << __DATE__ << '\n'                                  \
              << "[TIME] : " << __TIME__ << '\n';                                 \
    Error (Iterator , VarArgs);                                                   \

void Error (std::istream_iterator <std::string> Iterator)
{ std::cerr << '\n' << *Iterator; }

template <typename Type , typename... Args> void Error (std::istream_iterator <std::string> Iterator , const Type& Var , Args... ExtraArgs)
    std::cerr << "\nValues of [" << *Iterator << "] : " << Var << '\n';
    Error (++Iterator , ExtraArgs...);

template <typename T> class Debugger

        T Variable;
        std::vector <T> VariableHistory;


     Debugger ();
     Debugger (const Debugger <T>& Other);
     Debugger (const T& Other);
    ~Debugger ();

    operator T () const;

    Debugger <T>& operator =   (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator +=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator -=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator *=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator /=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator &=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator |=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator %=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator ^=  (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator <<= (const Debugger <T>& Other);
    Debugger <T>& operator >>= (const Debugger <T>& Other);

    Debugger <T>& operator ++ ();
    Debugger <T>& operator -- ();
    Debugger <T>  operator ++ (int);
    Debugger <T>  operator -- (int);

    template <typename Ty>                 friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& Stream ,       Debugger <Ty>& Input);
    template <typename Ty>                 friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& Stream , const Debugger <Ty>& Output);
    template <typename Tp1 , typename Tp2> friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& Stream , const Debugger <std::pair <Tp1 , Tp2>>& Output);

template <typename T> Debugger <T>::Debugger ()
    : Variable ()
    , VariableHistory ({Variable})
{ }

template <typename T> Debugger <T>::Debugger (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    : Variable (Other.Variable)
    , VariableHistory (Other.VariableHistory)
{ }

template <typename T> Debugger <T>::Debugger (const T& Other)
    : Variable (Other)
    , VariableHistory ({Variable})
{ }

template <typename T> Debugger <T>::~Debugger ()
{ }

template <typename T> Debugger <T>::operator T () const
{ return Variable; }

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator = (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable = Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator += (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable += Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator -= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable -= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator *= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable *= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator /= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable /= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator &= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable &= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator |= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable |= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator %= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable %= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator ^= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable ^= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator <<= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable <<= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator >>= (const Debugger <T>& Other)
    Variable >>= Other.Variable;
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator ++ ()
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T>& Debugger <T>::operator -- ()
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return *this;

template <typename T> Debugger <T> Debugger <T>::operator ++ (int)
    Debugger <T> Copy (*this);
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return Copy;

template <typename T> Debugger <T> Debugger <T>::operator -- (int)
    Debugger <T> Copy (*this);
    VariableHistory.push_back (Variable);
    return Copy;

template <typename Ty> std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& Stream, Debugger <Ty>& Input)
    Stream >> Input.Variable;
    Input.VariableHistory.push_back (Input.Variable);
    return Stream;

template <typename Ty> std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& Stream, const Debugger <Ty>& Output)
    Stream << '\n';
    for (size_t i = 0; i < Output.VariableHistory.size (); i++)
        Stream << "\n" << Output.VariableHistory [i];
    return Stream;

template <typename Tp1 , typename Tp2> std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& Stream , const Debugger <std::pair <Tp1 , Tp2>>& Output)
    Stream << '\n';
    for (size_t i = 0; i < Output.VariableHistory.size (); i++)
        Stream << "\n{" << Output.VariableHistory[i].first << " , " << Output.VariableHistory[i].second << "}";
    return Stream;

template <typename Tp1 , typename Tp2> std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& Stream , const std::pair <Tp1 , Tp2>& Pair)
    Stream << "{" << Pair.first << " , " << Pair.second << "}";
    return Stream;



#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#if 1

    #include "z_debug.h"

    #define char    Debugger <char>
    #define int32   Debugger <int>
    #define uint32  Debugger <unsigned int>
    #define int64   Debugger <long long>
    #define uint64  Debugger <unsigned long long>
    #define size_t  Debugger <size_t>
    #define float   Debugger <float>
    #define double  Debugger <double>


    #define int32   int
    #define uint32  unsigned int
    #define int64   long long
    #define uint64  unsigned long long

    #define Debug(...)


using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;

// A lot of other things but no point posting it....

int main (void)
      cout.sync_with_stdio (false);
      cin.tie (nullptr);
      cout.precision (10);
      cout << fixed;

      return 0;

来源:main的前四行是从Gennady Korotkevich的CP代码模板复制而来的。其他一切都是自写的。


  • 如何追溯到赋值运算符重载的调用方以“知道”从何处调用重载?

  • 有人可以建议一种更好的方法吗?

  • 我如何使我的Debugger类适用于几乎所有类型?能做到吗(我相信是的,因为程序员可以做任何事情:))

  • 除了要为其提供运算符重载的赋值操作外,我希望Debugger类型的实例的行为与T类型完全相同(我做对了吗?)。我希望前者具有后者的所有属性,减去在CP代码模板的开头使用“ if 1”时要调用Debugger方法的赋值操作。正确的做法是什么?


  • 对于我传递给Debug宏的每个变量,我想知道该变量的历史记录,即通过赋值操作发生的所有变量值更改。我提供的上述代码试图这样做。


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