这是一个使用表单类型来创建计算器的JS程序。 由于某种原因(我不知道),我在运行该代码时不执行任何操作。 我希望获得帮助,以了解我做错了什么以及如何修复该程序。 该程序的工作方式如下:运行该程序时,屏幕上会出现数字(0-9),您可以用它们组成2个数字。还有其他一些按钮可以帮助进行计算-点按钮用于生成数字,如4.2; C按钮用于重置用户创建的数字;操作按钮,您可以用它们减去,连接,乘和除数字;还有一个计算按钮,用于计算用户输入的所有数据(在计算按钮下方,有两个输出,指示输入到计算器中的两个数字)。例如,对于输入6,。,5、4,*,7,输出应为6.54 * 7 = 45.78。
<!DOCTYPE html>
function add(num){ <!--builds the numbers which I'm using to calculate the result-->
<!--I was trying to learn the material myself because my teacher pretty sucks so probably I did a basic mistake which is most likely here-->
var number1 = document.getElementById("no_1").value;
var number2 = document.getElementById("no_2").value;
if(document.getElementById("+").clicked || document.getElementById("-").clicked ||
document.getElementById("*").clicked || document.getElementById("/").clicked) <--checks if the user finish to write the first num and pass to the next one-->
document.getElementById("no_2").id = number2 + num;
document.getElementById("no_1").id = number1 + num;
function clear(){ <!--reset the numbers-->
document.frm.no_1.id = 0;
document.frm.no_2.id = 0;
function calc(){ <!--calculate the result by using the numbers the "add" method built and write the formule x?y=? which enters to "total" and printed-->
<!--same thing here, too-->
var number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("no_1").value);
var number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("no_2").value);
var sum = number1 + number2;
document.frm.total.id = number1+"+"+number2+"="+sum;
var sum = number1 - number2;
document.frm.total.id = number1+"-"+number2+"="+sum;
var sum = number1 * number2;
document.frm.total.id = number1+"*"+number2+"="+sum;
var sum = number1 / number2;
document.frm.total.id = number1+"/"+number2+"="+sum;
<div style="border: solid black 5px ; width: 20% ; position:absolute ; top: 25% ; right: 40%">
<form name="frm">
<input type="button" id="1" value="1" onclick="add(1)"> <input type="button" id="2" value="2" onclick="add(2)">
<input type="button" id="3" value="3" onclick="add(3)"> <input type="button" id="+" value=" + ">
<input type="button" id="4" value="4" onclick="add(4)"> <input type="button" id="5" value="5" onclick="add(5)">
<input type="button" id="6" value="6" onclick="add(6)"> <input type="button" id="-" value=" - ">
<input type="button" id="7" value="7" onclick="add(7)"> <input type="button" id="8" value="8" onclick="add(8)">
<input type="button" id="9" value="9" onclick="add(9)"> <input type="button" id="*" value=" * ">
<input type="button" id="dot" value=". " onclick="add(.)"> <input type="button" id="0" value="0" onclick="add(0)">
<input type="button" id="clear" value="c" onclick="clear()"> <input type="button" id="/" value=" / ">
number 1 = <input type="text" id="no_1" size="1"> number 2 = <input type="text" id="no_2" size="1">
<input type="button" id="calc" value=" calculate " onclick="calc()">
<input type="text" id="total" size="13">
答案 0 :(得分:0)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>a Calc...</title>
#f-calc {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
border: 5px solid black;
padding: 1em;
width: 12em;
margin: 2em auto;
border-radius: .8em;
#f-calc button {
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
width: 2.8em;
height: 2.4em;
margin: .2em;
font-weight: bold;
#f-calc button:nth-child(4n) {
margin-left: .5em;
#f-calc span {
margin-top: .3em;
font-size: 12px;
margin-right: .3em;
#f-calc input {
margin-top: .3em;
width: 9em;
height: 1.8em;
padding-right: .3em;
text-align: right;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
#f-calc button[value=calc] {
width: 14em;
margin-top: .7em;
#f-calc output {
display: block;
width: 12em;
margin-top: .3em;
height: 1.2em;
text-align: right;
border-bottom: 1px solid grey;
.current {
color: darkblue;
font-weight: bold;
border-color: darkblue !important;
<div id="f-calc">
<button value="1">1</button> <button value="2">2</button> <button value="3">3</button> <button value="+">+</button>
<button value="4">4</button> <button value="5">5</button> <button value="6">6</button> <button value="-">-</button>
<button value="7">7</button> <button value="8">8</button> <button value="9">9</button> <button value="*">x</button>
<button value=".">.</button> <button value="0">0</button> <button value="c">c</button> <button value="/">/</button>
<span>Number 1:</span> <input type="text" value="0" id="in-1" readonly >
<span>Number 2:</span> <input type="text" value="0" id="in-2" readonly >
<button value="calc">calculate ( + )</button>
const fCalc = document.getElementById('f-calc')
, total = fCalc.querySelector('output')
, btCalc = fCalc.querySelector('button[value=calc]')
, inVal = [ { elm: document.getElementById('in-1') }
, { elm: document.getElementById('in-2') }
let current_inVal = 0
, operation = '+'
function setInVal()
inVal[0].elm.className = (current_inVal===0)?'current':'';
inVal[1].elm.className = (current_inVal===1)?'current':'';
if (e.target.matches('input'))
current_inVal = inVal.findIndex(x=>x.elm.id=== e.target.id);
if (!e.target.matches('button')) return
total.textContent = ''; // in any cases
if (!isNaN(parseInt(e.target.value)) ) // numeric entry only
inVal[current_inVal].elm.value = (parseFloat(inVal[current_inVal].elm.value + e.target.value));
switch (e.target.value) // operations..
case 'calc':
total.textContent = eval(`${inVal[0].elm.value} ${operation} ${inVal[1].elm.value}`);
case 'c':
inVal[current_inVal].elm.value = 0;
case '.':
if ( inVal[current_inVal].elm.value.indexOf('.')===-1 ) // only one is possible
inVal[current_inVal].elm.value += '.'
default: // this is '+' or '-' or '*' or '/'
operation = e.target.value;
current_inVal = ++current_inVal %2;
btCalc.textContent = `calculate ( ${e.target.textContent} )`;
const fCalc = document.getElementById('f-calc')
, total = fCalc.querySelector('output')
, btCalc = fCalc.querySelector('button[value=calc]')
, inVal = [ { elm: document.getElementById('in-1') }
, { elm: document.getElementById('in-2') }
let current_inVal = 0
, operation = '+'
function setInVal()
inVal[0].elm.className = (current_inVal===0)?'current':'';
inVal[1].elm.className = (current_inVal===1)?'current':'';
if (e.target.matches('input'))
current_inVal = inVal.findIndex(x=>x.elm.id=== e.target.id);
if (!e.target.matches('button')) return
total.textContent = ''; // in any cases
if (!isNaN(parseInt(e.target.value)) ) // numeric entry only
inVal[current_inVal].elm.value = (parseFloat(inVal[current_inVal].elm.value + e.target.value));
switch (e.target.value) // operations..
case 'calc':
total.textContent = eval(`${inVal[0].elm.value} ${operation} ${inVal[1].elm.value}`);
case 'c':
inVal[current_inVal].elm.value = 0;
case '.':
if ( inVal[current_inVal].elm.value.indexOf('.')===-1 ) // only one is possible
inVal[current_inVal].elm.value += '.'
default: // this is '+' or '-' or '*' or '/'
operation = e.target.value;
current_inVal = ++current_inVal %2;
btCalc.textContent = `calculate ( ${e.target.textContent} )`;
#f-calc {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
border: 5px solid black;
padding: 1em;
width: 12em;
margin: 2em auto;
border-radius: .8em;
#f-calc button {
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
width: 2.8em;
height: 2.4em;
margin: .2em;
font-weight: bold;
#f-calc button:nth-child(4n) {
margin-left: .5em;
#f-calc span {
margin-top: .3em;
font-size: 12px;
margin-right: .3em;
#f-calc input {
margin-top: .3em;
width: 9em;
height: 1.8em;
padding-right: .3em;
text-align: right;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
#f-calc button[value=calc] {
width: 14em;
margin-top: .7em;
#f-calc output {
display: block;
width: 12em;
margin-top: .3em;
height: 1.2em;
text-align: right;
border-bottom: 1px solid grey;
.current {
color: darkblue;
font-weight: bold;
border-color: darkblue !important;
<div id="f-calc">
<button value="1">1</button> <button value="2">2</button> <button value="3">3</button> <button value="+">+</button>
<button value="4">4</button> <button value="5">5</button> <button value="6">6</button> <button value="-">-</button>
<button value="7">7</button> <button value="8">8</button> <button value="9">9</button> <button value="*">x</button>
<button value=".">.</button> <button value="0">0</button> <button value="c">c</button> <button value="/">/</button>
<span>Number 1:</span> <input type="text" value="0" id="in-1" readonly >
<span>Number 2:</span> <input type="text" value="0" id="in-2" readonly >
<button value="calc">calculate ( + )</button>