
时间:2019-12-20 19:03:08

标签: json swift recursion enums codable


    "items" : [
        { "name": "a name", "version": "a version" },
        { "version": "a 2nd version" },
            "any_of": [
                { "name": "some name" },
                { "name": "some other name", "version": "some other version" },
                    { "name": "another name" },
                    { "version": "another version" },
                        "any_of": [
                                { "version": "some version" },
                                { "version": "some version" }
                            { "version": "yet another version" }
            "any_of" : [
                { "name": "a name" },
                { "name": "another name" }

JSON文件具有递归结构。 any_of键指示其数组中所有元素之间的OR关系,而缺少any_of键则指示AND关系。我想使用Swift的Codable协议对JSON文件进行解码(和编码),目前我有一个Codable结构,它表示name version JSON对象:

struct NameVersion: Codable {
    let name: String?
    let version: String?

    func toString() -> String { "\(name ?? "")\(version ?? "")" }


enum Items: Codable {
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        //  decode from JSON here

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        //  encode to JSON here

    case item(NameVersion)

    //  A set of `Items` instances with an "OR" relationship.
    //  This represents a JSON array with an "any_of" key.
    case anyOfItems(Set<Items>)

    //  A set of `Items` instances with an "AND" relationship
    //  This represents a JSON array without an "any_of" key.
    case allOfItems(Set<Items>)

    //  This function might help illustrate the structure and my goal.
    func toString() -> String {
        switch self {
        case let .item(item):
            return item.toString()
        case let .anyOfItems(items):
            return "(\(items.map { $0.toString() }.joined(separator: " ∨ ")))"
        case let .allOfItems(items):
            return "(\(items.map { $0.toString() }.joined(separator: " ∧ ")))"

我在为init(from:)枚举实现encode(to:)Items函数时遇到麻烦。我检查了堆栈溢出问题Swift Codable protocol with recursive enums,但与我的情况不同,我的枚举未嵌套在结构中,并且我的item的关联值NameVersion没有出现直接来自键值对。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

尝试了几乎所有内容之后,我发现解码JSON的最佳方法是通过UnkeyedDecodingContainer protocol





struct NameVersion: Codable {
    let name: String?
    let version: String?


indirect enum Items: Codable {

    Initialises an `Items` instance by decoding from the given `decoder`.

    - Parameter decoder: The decoder to read data from.
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        //  This initialiser is designed recursively decode nested JSON arrays into 
        //  recursive Swift enums, so we need an instance of a collection type to 
        //  hold all the intermediate results.
        //  Because the unkeyed values in JSON are in a sequence, and because 2 of 
        //  Item's cases have associated values of Set<Items> type, we need a 
        //  Set<Items> variable to hold all the values while the JSON values are 
        //  decoded one by one.
        var itemsSet: Set<Items> = []

        //  Create an unkeyed container holding the current level of JSON values.
        var unkeyedValues = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()

        //  "Loop" through values in the unkeyed container.
        //  The unkeyed container does not conform to the `Sequence` protocol, 
        //  but its `currentIndex` property grows by 1 every time when a value 
        //  is decoded successfully.
        while unkeyedValues.count! > unkeyedValues.currentIndex {
            let containerIndexBeforeLoop = unkeyedValues.currentIndex

            //  Case 1: the JSON value decodes to a NameVersion instance.
            if let nameVersion = try? unkeyedValues.decode(NameVersion.self) {

            //  Case 2: the JSON value is a { "any_of": [] } object.
            //  This requires a service structure to take care of it. 
            //  More detailed explanation on this later.
            else if let anyOfItems = try? unkeyedValues.decode(AnyOfItems.self) {

            //  Case 3: the JSON value is an array without a key.
            else if let items = try? unkeyedValues.decode(Items.self) {

            //  If the unkeyed container's current index didn't increase by 1 
            //  during this loop, then the the unkeyed value at the current index 
            //  was not decoded, and will not be in future loops. There is no way 
            //  to increment the index manually, so the unkeyed container will keep 
            //  trying for the same value. The only choice is to break out of the 
            //  loop in this situation.
            if unkeyedValues.currentIndex <= containerIndexBeforeLoop { break }

        if itemsSet.count == 1 {
            //  If there is only 1 Item in the set, we can just assign it to self.
            self = ItemsSet.popFirst()!
        } else {
            //  Since all "any_of" JSON arrays are taken care of by the service 
            //  structure, all Items instances in the set are decoded from an 
            //  unkeyed JSON array.
            self = .allOfItems(itemsSet)

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        //  TODO: encode to JSON here

    case item(NameVersion)

    //  A set of `Items` instances with an "OR" relationship.
    //  This represents a JSON array with an "any_of" key.
    case anyOfItems(Set<Items>)

    //  A set of `Item` instances with an "AND" relationship
    //  This represents a JSON array without an "any_of" key.
    case allOfItems(Set<Items>)

尽管有一种.nestedContainer()方法可用于从无键容器中获取嵌套的键控容器,该方法保存了{ "any_of": [] } JSON对象的数据,但嵌套的容器无法调用{{1 }}方法来解码JSON。

相反,我遵循this solution来解码嵌套数据,并创建了以下服务结构来解码decode(forKey:, from:) JSON对象。

{ "any_of": [] }


struct AnyOfItems: Codable {

    Initialises an `Items` instance by decoding from the given `decoder`.

    - Parameter decoder: The decoder to read data from.
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        var itemsSet: Set<Items> = []

        var unkeyedValues = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()

        while unkeyedValues.count! > unkeyedValues.currentIndex {
            let containerIndexBeforeLoop = unkeyedValues.currentIndex

            if let nameVersion = try? unkeyedValues.decode(NameVersion.self) {
            } else if let anyOfItems = try? unkeyedValues.decode(AnyOfItems.self) {
            } else if let items = try? unkeyedValues.decode(Items.self) {

            if unkeyedValues.currentIndex <= containerIndexBeforeLoop { break }

        if itemsSet.count == 1 {
            items = itemsSet.popFirst()!
        } else {
            //  The decoding part for AnyOfItems is largely the same as that for 
            //  Items, but they differ in that for AnyOfItems, the set of Items 
            //  are given to the .anyOfItems case.
            itsms = Items.anyOfItems(itemsSet)

    let items: Items

indirect enum Items: Codable { init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { // Still has to be a variable, because .popFirst() is a mutating method. var itemsSet: Set<Items> = try decodeItems(from: decoder) if itemsSet.count == 1 { self = ItemsSet.popFirst()! } else { self = .allOfItems(itemsSet) } } func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { // TODO: encode to JSON here } case item(NameVersion) case anyOfItems(Set<Items>) case allOfItems(Set<Items>) } struct AnyOfItems: Codable { init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { var itemsSet: Set<Items> = try decodeItems(from: decoder) if itemsSet.count == 1 { items = itemsSet.popFirst()! } else { items = Items.anyOfItems(itemsSet) } } let items: Items } func decodeItems(from decoder: Decoder) throws -> Set<Items> { var itemsSet: Set<Items> = [] var unkeyedValues = try decoder.unkeyedContainer() while unkeyedValues.count! > unkeyedValues.currentIndex { let containerIndexBeforeLoop = unkeyedValues.currentIndex if let nameVersion = try? unkeyedValues.decode(NameVersion.self) { itemsSet.insert(Items.item(nameVersion)) } else if let anyOfItems = try? unkeyedValues.decode(AnyOfItems.self) { itemsSet.insert(anyOfItems.items) } else if let items = try? unkeyedValues.decode(Items.self) { itemsSet.insert(items) } if unkeyedValues.currentIndex <= containerIndexBeforeLoop { break } } return itemsSet } 符合性



indirect enum Items: Codable { init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { // JSON decoded here } /** Encodes an `Items` instance`. - Parameter encoder: The encoder to encode data to. */ func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer() switch self { case .item(let item): try container.encode(item) case .allOfItems(let items): try container.encode(contentsOf: items) case .anyOfItems(let items): try container.encode(AnyOfItems(Items.anyOfItems(items))) } } case item(NameVersion) case anyOfItems(Set<Items>) case allOfItems(Set<Items>) } struct AnyOfItems: Codable { init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { // JSON decoded here } /** Encodes an `Items` instance`. - Parameter encoder: The encoder to encode data to. */ func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encode(items, forKey: .items) } /** A memberwise initialiser. */ init(_ items: Items) { self.items = items } let items: Items private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case items = "any_of" } } 符合性

