
时间:2019-12-20 15:31:34

标签: maven maven-plugin multi-module

如果要运行在其[{ hours: '11:00 to 12:00', quantity: 1 }, { hours: '12:00 to 13:00', quantity: 1 }, { hours: '13:00 to 14:00', quantity: 2 }] 批注中具有requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE的Maven目标,即要求在运行之前解决所有依赖关系,则在多模块项目中会遇到问题。 / p>



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诀窍是尽可能使用with Glib; use Glib; with Gtk.Main; with Gtk.Widget; with Gtk.Window; with Gtk.Enums; with Gtk.Adjustment; with Cairo; package body Demo.Main_Window is procedure Destroy_Event_Callback (Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class); function Draw_Event_Callback (Self : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context) return Boolean; ------------- -- Gtk_New -- ------------- procedure Gtk_New (Main_Window : out Demo_Main_Window) is begin Main_Window := new Demo_Main_Window_Record; Demo.Main_Window.Initialize (Main_Window); end Gtk_New; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Main_Window : not null access Demo_Main_Window_Record'Class) is begin Gtk.Window.Initialize (Main_Window); -- Setup window Main_Window.Set_Title ("Demo"); Main_Window.Set_Size_Request (Window_Width, Window_Height); Main_Window.Set_Resizable (False); Main_Window.On_Destroy (Destroy_Event_Callback'Access); -- Add controls Gtk_New (Main_Window.SW); Gtk_New_Vbox (Main_Window.VB); Gtk_New (Main_Window.DA); Main_Window.SW.Set_Policy (Hscrollbar_Policy => Gtk.Enums.Policy_Always, Vscrollbar_Policy => Gtk.Enums.Policy_Always); Main_Window.DA.Set_Size_Request (Draw_Area_Width, Draw_Area_Height); Main_Window.DA.On_Draw (Draw_Event_Callback'Access); Main_Window.VB.Pack_Start (Main_Window.DA, True, True, 0); Main_Window.SW.Add (Main_Window.VB); Main_Window.Add (Main_Window.SW); -- Show the window. Main_Window.Show_All; end Initialize; ---------------------------- -- Destroy_Event_Callback -- ---------------------------- procedure Destroy_Event_Callback (Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) is begin Gtk.Main.Main_Quit; end Destroy_Event_Callback; ------------------------- -- Draw_Event_Callback -- ------------------------- function Draw_Event_Callback (Self : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context) return Boolean is -- Draw some rectangles. This function is not optimal in terms of -- performance as everything is being redrawn, including the non -- visible parts, but it's OK (I think) for the demo. Num_X : constant Gint := 20; Num_Y : constant Gint := 20; Ratio : constant Gdouble := 0.8; Dx : constant GDouble := GDouble (Self.Get_Allocated_Width / Num_X); Dy : constant GDouble := GDouble (Self.Get_Allocated_Height / Num_Y); -- Or, alternatively (same outcome) -- Dx : constant GDouble := GDouble (Draw_Area_Width / Num_X); -- Dy : constant GDouble := GDouble (Draw_Area_Height / Num_Y); begin for X in 0 .. Num_X - 1 loop for Y in 0 .. Num_Y - 1 loop Cairo.Set_Source_RGB (Cr => Cr, Red => GDouble (X) / GDouble (Num_X), Green => GDouble (X * Y) / GDouble (Num_X * Num_Y), Blue => GDouble (Y) / GDouble (Num_Y)); Cairo.Rectangle (Cr => Cr, X => Dx * (GDouble (X) + 0.5 * (1.0 - Ratio)), Y => Dy * (GDouble (Y) + 0.5 * (1.0 - Ratio)), Width => Dx * Ratio, Height => Dy * Ratio); Cairo.Fill (Cr); end loop; end loop; return True; -- GDK_EVENT_STOP, do not propagate event to parent. end Draw_Event_Callback; end Demo.Main_Window; ,因为它不需要构建其他模块。