1 3 +
上面的表达式等于1 + 3
1.) **left to right**
2.) **right to left**
for each token in the postfix expression:
if token is an operator:
operand_2 ← pop from the stack
operand_1 ← pop from the stack
result ← evaluate token with operand_1 and operand_2
push result back onto the stack
else if token is an operand:
push token onto the stack
result ← pop from the stack
for each token in the reversed postfix expression:
if token is an operator:
push token onto the operator stack
pending_operand ← False
else if token is an operand:
operand ← token
if pending_operand is True:
while the operand stack is not empty:
operand_1 ← pop from the operand stack
operator ← pop from the operator stack
operand ← evaluate operator with operand_1 and operand
push operand onto the operand stack
pending_operand ← True
result ← pop from the operand stack