
时间:2019-12-19 19:49:06

标签: java discord discord-jda

我正在尝试使机器人通过嵌入的消息来响应命令,该消息在其下具有多个反应。 我已经知道它可以添加1个反应,但是我还需要添加不同的反应,例如:(http://prntscr.com/qd8da4)在线上有很多教程添加了1个反应,但是没有一个教程添加了多个反应

我正在使用最新版本的Discord JDA。


public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) {
    String[] args = event.getMessage().getContentRaw().split("\\s+");

    if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(DiscordBot.prefix + "info")) {
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss z");
        Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

        MessageChannel channel = event.getChannel(); // Channel the command was sent in.

        EmbedBuilder info = new EmbedBuilder();
        info.setTitle("Server Info");
        info.setDescription("Info About the bot.");
        info.addField("Creator", "Name", false);
        channel.sendMessage(info.build()).queue(message -> message.addReaction("✔️").queue());

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




public class ReactionListener<T> {

  private final Map<String, Consumer<Message>> reactions;
  private final long userId;
  private volatile T data;
  private Long expiresIn, lastAction;
  private boolean active;

  public ReactionListener(long userId, T data) {
    this.data = data;
    this.userId = userId;
    reactions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    active = true;
    lastAction = System.currentTimeMillis();
    expiresIn = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);

  public boolean isActive() {
    return active;

  public void disable() {
    this.active = false;

   * The time after which this listener expires which is now + specified time
   * Defaults to now+5min
   * @param timeUnit time units
   * @param time     amount of time units
  public void setExpiresIn(TimeUnit timeUnit, long time) {
    expiresIn = timeUnit.toMillis(time);

   * Check if this listener has specified emote
   * @param emote the emote to check for
   * @return does this listener do anything with this emote?
  public boolean hasReaction(String emote) {
    return reactions.containsKey(emote);

   * React to the reaction :')
   * @param emote   the emote used
   * @param message the message bound to the reaction
  public void react(String emote, Message message) {
    if (hasReaction(emote)) reactions.get(emote).accept(message);

  public T getData() {
    return data;

  public void setData(T data) {
    this.data = data;

   * Register a consumer for a specified emote
   * Multiple emote's will result in overriding the old one
   * @param emote    the emote to respond to
   * @param consumer the behaviour when emote is used
  public void registerReaction(String emote, Consumer<Message> consumer) {
    reactions.put(emote, consumer);

   * @return list of all emotes used in this reaction listener
  public Set<String> getEmotes() {
    return reactions.keySet();

   * updates the timestamp when the reaction was last accessed
  public void updateLastAction() {
    lastAction = System.currentTimeMillis();

   * When does this reaction listener expire?
   * @return timestamp in millis
  public Long getExpiresInTimestamp() {
    return lastAction + expiresIn;

  public long getUserId() {
    return userId;


public class ReactionHandler {

  private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ReactionListener<?>>> reactions;

  private ReactionHandler() {
    reactions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  public synchronized void addReactionListener(long guildId, Message message, ReactionListener<?> handler) {
    addReactionListener(guildId, message, handler, true);

  public synchronized void addReactionListener(long guildId, Message message, ReactionListener<?> handler, boolean queue) {
    if (handler == null) {
    if (message.getChannelType().equals(ChannelType.TEXT)) {
      if (!PermissionUtil.checkPermission(message.getTextChannel(), message.getGuild().getSelfMember(), Permission.MESSAGE_ADD_REACTION)) {
    if (!reactions.containsKey(guildId)) {
      reactions.put(guildId, new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
    if (!reactions.get(guildId).containsKey(message.getIdLong())) {
      for (String emote : handler.getEmotes()) {
        RestAction<Void> action = message.addReaction(emote);
        if (queue) action.queue(); else action.complete();
    reactions.get(guildId).put(message.getIdLong(), handler);

  public synchronized void removeReactionListener(long guildId, long messageId) {
    if (!reactions.containsKey(guildId)) return;

   * Handles the reaction
   * @param channel   TextChannel of the message
   * @param messageId id of the message
   * @param userId    id of the user reacting
   * @param reaction  the reaction
  public void handle(TextChannel channel, long messageId, long userId, MessageReaction reaction) {
    ReactionListener<?> listener = reactions.get(channel.getGuild().getIdLong()).get(messageId);
    if (!listener.isActive() || listener.getExpiresInTimestamp() < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
    } else if ((listener.hasReaction(reaction.getReactionEmote().getName())) && listener.getUserId() == userId) {
      Message message = channel.retrieveMessageById(messageId).complete();
      listener.react(reaction.getReactionEmote().getName(), message);

   * Do we have an event for a message?
   * @param guildId   discord guild-id of the message
   * @param messageId id of the message
   * @return do we have an handler?
  public boolean canHandle(long guildId, long messageId) {
    return reactions.containsKey(guildId) && reactions.get(guildId).containsKey(messageId);

  public synchronized void removeGuild(long guildId) {

   * Delete expired handlers
  public synchronized void cleanCache() {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ReactionListener<?>>>> iterator = reactions.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
      Map.Entry<Long, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ReactionListener<?>>> mapEntry = iterator.next();
      mapEntry.getValue().values().removeIf(listener -> !listener.isActive() || listener.getExpiresInTimestamp() < now);
      if (mapEntry.getValue().values().isEmpty()) {


channel.sendMessage(info.build()).queue((msg) -> {

  ReactionListener<String> handler = new ReactionListener<>(userId, msg.getId());
  handler.setExpiresIn(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 1);
  handler.registerReaction("✔️", (ret) -> foo());
  handler.registerReaction("X",  (ret) -> bar());

  reactionHandler.addReactionListener(guild.getIdLong(), msg, handler);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


channel.sendMessage(info.build()).queue(message -> {