
时间:2019-12-18 16:21:44

标签: java parsing syntax nested stack


  1. 它包含单词或组(用括号括起来),并且组可以嵌套;

  2. 如果单词或组之间有空格,则这些单词或组应附加“ +”。


"a b" needs to be "+a +b"
"a (b c)" needs to be "+a +(+b +c)"
  1. 如果单词或组之间有|,则这些单词或组应用括号括起来。 例如:
"a|b" needs to be "(a b)"
"a|b|c" needs to be "(a b c)"


"aa|bb|(cc|(ff gg)) hh" needs to be "+(aa bb (cc (+ff +gg))) +hh"

我尝试使用正则表达式,堆栈和recursive descent parser logic,但仍不能完全解决问题。


新编辑: 一个更重要的规则:竖线的优先级更高。


aa|bb hh cc|dd (a|b)必须为+(aa bb) +hh +(cc dd) +((a b))

(aa dd)|bb|cc (ee ff)|(gg hh)必须为+((+aa +dd) bb cc) +((+ee +ff) (+gg +hh))

新编辑: 为了解决优先级问题,我找到了一种在调用Sunil Dabburi的方法之前添加括号的方法。


aa|bb hh cc|dd (a|b)将是(aa|bb) hh (cc|dd) (a|b)

(aa dd)|bb|cc (ee ff)|(gg hh)将是((aa dd)|bb|cc) ((ee ff)|(gg hh))

由于性能不是我的应用程序的大问题,因此至少可以使它对我有用。我猜 JavaCC 工具可以很好地解决此问题。希望其他人可以继续讨论并贡献这个问题。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. 我们需要首先格式化管道。这将有助于添加必要的括号和间距。
  2. 在管道处理过程中生成的空间可能会干扰表达式中可用的实际空间。因此使用$符号对其进行屏蔽。
  3. 要处理空间,它的技巧很复杂,需要单独处理。因此,我要采用的方法是找到一组从外部开始并进入内部的寄生物。

因此,通常我们有<left_part><parantheses_code><right_part>。现在left_part可以为空,相似的right_part可以为空。我们需要处理这种情况。 另外,如果right_part以空格开头,则需要根据空间要求在left_part上添加'+'。

注意:我不确定(a|b)会有什么期望。结果应为((a b))还是(a b)。我完全按照((a b))的定义去做。


public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = "aa|bb hh cc|dd (a|b)";
        String result = formatSpaces(formatPipes(input)).replaceAll("\\$", " ");

    private static String formatPipes(String input) {

        while (true) {
            char[] chars = input.toCharArray();
            int pIndex = input.indexOf("|");

            if (pIndex == -1) {
                return input;

            input = input.substring(0, pIndex) + '$' + input.substring(pIndex + 1);

            int first = pIndex - 1;
            int closeParenthesesCount = 0;
            while (first >= 0) {

                if (chars[first] == ')') {

                if (chars[first] == '(') {
                    if (closeParenthesesCount > 0) {

                if (chars[first] == ' ') {
                    if (closeParenthesesCount == 0) {

            String result;

            if (first > 0) {
                result = input.substring(0, first + 1) + "(";
            } else {
                result = "(";

            int last = pIndex + 1;
            int openParenthesesCount = 0;
            while (last <= input.length() - 1) {

                if (chars[last] == '(') {

                if (chars[last] == ')') {
                    if (openParenthesesCount > 0) {

                if (chars[last] == ' ') {
                    if (openParenthesesCount == 0) {

            if (last >= input.length() - 1) {
                result = result + input.substring(first + 1) + ")";
            } else {
                result = result + input.substring(first + 1, last) + ")" + input.substring(last);

            input = result;

    private static String formatSpaces(String input) {

        if (input.isEmpty()) {
            return "";

        int startIndex = input.indexOf("(");
        if (startIndex == -1) {
            if (input.contains(" ")) {
                String result = input.replaceAll(" ", " +");
                if (!result.trim().startsWith("+")) {
                    result = '+' + result;
                return result;
            } else {
                return input;

        int endIndex = startIndex + matchingCloseParenthesesIndex(input.substring(startIndex));

        if (endIndex == -1) {
            System.out.println("Invalid input!!!");
            return "";

        String first = "";
        String last = "";
        if (startIndex > 0) {
            first = input.substring(0, startIndex);
        if (endIndex < input.length() - 1) {
            last = input.substring(endIndex + 1);

        String result = formatSpaces(first);
        String parenthesesStr = input.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex);
        if (last.startsWith(" ") && first.isEmpty()) {
            result = result + "+";

        result = result + "("
                + formatSpaces(parenthesesStr)
                + ")"
                + formatSpaces(last);

        return result;

    private static int matchingCloseParenthesesIndex(String input) {
        int counter = 1;
        char[] chars = input.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 1; i < chars.length; i++) {
            char ch = chars[i];
            if (ch == '(') {
            } else if (ch == ')') {

            if (counter == 0) {
                return i;
        return -1;


答案 1 :(得分:2)


  1. 解决我假设字符串仅包含单词或仅包含单词的组的情况。
  2. 通过替换子组来解决单词和组,使用1)部分并递归重复2)子组。
    private String transformString(String input) {
        Stack<Pair<Integer, String>> childParams = new Stack<>();
        String parsedInput = input;
        int nextInt = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\((\\w|\\|| )+\\)");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(parsedInput);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            parsedInput = matcher.replaceFirst(String.valueOf(nextInt));
            String childParam = matcher.group();
            childParams.add(Pair.of(nextInt, childParam));
            matcher = pattern.matcher(parsedInput);

        parsedInput = transformBasic(parsedInput);
        while (!childParams.empty()) {
            Pair<Integer, String> childGroup = childParams.pop();
            parsedInput = parsedInput.replace(childGroup.fst.toString(), transformBasic(childGroup.snd));
        return parsedInput;

    // Transform basic only handles strings that contain words. This allows us to simplify the problem
    // and not have to worry about child groups or nested groups.
    private String transformBasic(String input) {
        String transformedBasic = input;
        if (input.startsWith("(")) {
            transformedBasic = input.substring(1, input.length() - 1);

        // Append + in front of each word if there are multiple words.
        if (transformedBasic.contains(" ")) {
            transformedBasic = transformedBasic.replaceAll("( )|^", "$1+");
        // Surround all words containing | with parenthesis.
        transformedBasic = transformedBasic.replaceAll("([\\w]+\\|[\\w|]*[\\w]+)", "($1)");
        // Replace pipes with spaces.
        transformedBasic = transformedBasic.replace("|", " ");
        if (input.startsWith("(") && !transformedBasic.startsWith("(")) {
            transformedBasic = "(" + transformedBasic + ")";
        return transformedBasic;


            "a b,+a +b",
            "a (b c),+a +(+b +c)",
            "a|b,(a b)",
            "a|b|c,(a b c)",
            "aa|bb|(cc|(ff gg)) hh,+(aa bb (cc (+ff +gg))) +hh",
            "(aa(bb(cc|ee)|ff) gg),(+aa(bb(cc ee) ff) +gg)",
            "(a b),(+a +b)",
            "(a(c|d) b),(+a(c d) +b)",
            "bb(cc|ee),bb(cc ee)",
            "((a|b) (a b)|b (c|d)|e),(+(a b) +((+a +b) b) +((c d) e))"
    void testTransformString(String input, String output) {
        Assertions.assertEquals(output, transformString(input));

            "a b,+a +b",
            "a b c,+a +b +c",
            "a|b,(a b)",
            "(a b),(+a +b)",
            "(a|b),(a b)",
            "a|b|c,(a b c)",
            "(aa|bb cc|dd),(+(aa bb) +(cc dd))",
            "(aa|bb|ee cc|dd),(+(aa bb ee) +(cc dd))",
            "aa|bb|cc|ff gg hh,+(aa bb cc ff) +gg +hh"
    void testTransformBasic(String input, String output) {
        Assertions.assertEquals(output, transformBasic(input));