auth0Client$ = (from(
domain: AuthConfig.domain,
client_id: AuthConfig.clientId,
redirect_uri: `${window.location.origin}`
) as Observable<Auth0Client>).pipe(
shareReplay(1), // Every subscription receives the same shared value
catchError(err => _throw(err))
// Define observables for SDK methods that return promises by default
// For each Auth0 SDK method, first ensure the client instance is ready
// concatMap: Using the client instance, call SDK method; SDK returns a promise
// from: Convert that resulting promise into an observable
isAuthenticated$ = this.auth0Client$.pipe(
concatMap((client: Auth0Client) => from(client.isAuthenticated())),
tap(res => this.loggedIn = res)
handleRedirectCallback$ = this.auth0Client$.pipe(
concatMap((client: Auth0Client) => from(client.handleRedirectCallback()))
// Create subject and public observable of user profile data
private userProfileSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
userProfile$ = this.userProfileSubject$.asObservable();
// Create a local property for login status
loggedIn: boolean = null;
constructor(private router: Router) {
console.log('service called');
//calling localauthsetup and handleAuthCallback here
// When calling, options can be passed if desired
// https://auth0.github.io/auth0-spa-js/classes/auth0client.html#getuser
getUser$(options?): Observable<any> {
return this.auth0Client$.pipe(
concatMap((client: Auth0Client) => from(client.getUser(options))),
tap(user => this.userProfileSubject$.next(user))
localAuthSetup() {
// This should only be called on app initialization
// Set up local authentication streams
const checkAuth$ = this.isAuthenticated$.pipe(
concatMap((loggedIn: boolean) => {
if (loggedIn) {
// If authenticated, get user and set in app
// NOTE: you could pass options here if needed
return this.getUser$();
// If not authenticated, return stream that emits 'false'
return of(loggedIn);
login(redirectPath: string = '/') {
console.log('login called',redirectPath);
// A desired redirect path can be passed to login method
// (e.g., from a route guard)
// Ensure Auth0 client instance exists
this.auth0Client$.subscribe((client: Auth0Client) => {
// Call method to log in
redirect_uri: `${window.location.origin}`,
appState: { target: redirectPath }
handleAuthCallback() {
console.log('handleauth called');
// Call when app reloads after user logs in with Auth0
const params = window.location.search;
if (params.includes('code=') && params.includes('state=')) {
let targetRoute: string; // Path to redirect to after login processsed
const authComplete$ = this.handleRedirectCallback$.pipe(
// Have client, now call method to handle auth callback redirect
tap(cbRes => {
// Get and set target redirect route from callback results
targetRoute = cbRes.appState && cbRes.appState.target ? cbRes.appState.target : '/';
concatMap(() => {
// Redirect callback complete; get user and login status
return combineLatest([
// Subscribe to authentication completion observable
// Response will be an array of user and login status
authComplete$.subscribe(([user, loggedIn]) => {
// Redirect to target route after callback processing
logout() {
// Ensure Auth0 client instance exists
this.auth0Client$.subscribe((client: Auth0Client) => {
// Call method to log out
client_id: AuthConfig.clientId,
returnTo: `${window.location.origin}`
答案 0 :(得分:2)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
登录到您的租户,转到spa应用程序,设置。 找到允许的回调URL,并确保在那里有类似的内容。
您的域, your_domain /登录 “”“
PS“ / login”是应用程序登录URI的相同路径