
时间:2011-05-09 11:33:23

标签: php javascript


我有一个带有表单的PHP文件。此PHP文件使用JavaScript进行下拉预选。 意思是:如果用户在下拉列表中选择一个值,则下拉列表中的选择有限2。 这个JavaScript肯定需要重新加载PHP文件以更改第二个drop-down2列表的值。


一种选择是将所有值设置为URL并使用GET获取它们。是..这将是一个选项,但因为我使用13个值,URL看起来不太好。我不想让用户注意到会发生什么。 我不能使用POST,因为我没有按下发布按钮..它只是执行的JavaScript并重新加载页面。



表单示例: 名字(文本框)姓氏(文本框)年龄(下拉)性别(下拉列表)


Transf.from(下拉)健康中心(文本框)救护车(下拉列表)Self.transferred(下拉)SEND BUTTON


   //Set parameters for provinces selection
   function reload1(form) {

      var val1=form.provinces.options[form.provinces.options.selectedIndex].value;

      //Get the current URL
      var url1=window.location.href;

      //Check if the current URL has the search term in it (-1 means it is not in it)
      if(url1.search("&provinces=") != -1) {

         //Now that the search term was found, cut the search term from the URL so that it can be replaced
         //This is necessary for multiple selections in the same drop down box
     var url2 = url1.substr(0,url1.search("&provinces="));

         //If the user has selected "Please select", then dont add the provinces parameter
         if(val1 == "") {

        //Create the new URL
            self.location= url2
         else {

            //Create the new URL
            self.location= url2 + "&provinces=" + val1 ;
      else {

         //The search term was not found, so just add the provinces
         self.location= url1 + "&provinces=" + val1;

   //Set parameters for districts selection
   function reload2(form) {

      var val1=form.provinces.options[form.provinces.options.selectedIndex].value; 
      var val2=form.districts.options[form.districts.options.selectedIndex].value; 

      //Get the current URL
      var url1=window.location.href;

      //Check if the current URL has the search term in it (-1 means it is not in it)
      if(url1.search("&districts=") != -1) {

         //Now that the search term was found, cut the search term from the URL so that it can be replaced
         //This is necessary for multiple selections in the same drop down box
         var url2 = url1.substr(0,url1.search("&districts="));

         //If the user has selected "Please select", then dont add the provinces parameter
         if(val2 == "") {

        //Create the new URL
            self.location= url2
         else {

            //Create the new URL
            self.location= url2 + "&districts=" + val2 ;
      else {

         //The search term was not found, so just add the districts
         self.location= url1 + "&districts=" + val2;

   //Set parameters for communes selection
   function reload3(form) {

      var val1=form.provinces.options[form.provinces.options.selectedIndex].value; 
      var val2=form.districts.options[form.districts.options.selectedIndex].value; 
      var val3=form.communes.options[form.communes.options.selectedIndex].value; 

      //Get the current URL
      var url1=window.location.href;

      //Check if the current URL has the search term in it (-1 means it is not in it)
      if(url1.search("&communes=") != -1) {

         //Now that the search term was found, cut the search term from the URL so that it can be replaced
         //This is necessary for multiple selections in the same drop down box
         var url2 = url1.substr(0,url1.search("&communes="));

             //If the user has selected "Please select", then dont add the provinces parameter
         if(val3 == "") {

        //Create the new URL
            self.location= url2
         else {

            //Create the new URL
            self.location= url2 + "&communes=" + val3 ;
      else {

         //The search term was not found, so just add the communes
         self.location= url1 + "&communes=" + val3;

代表JohnP的建议到目前为止是我的更改: 我添加了onload函数以使用值填充隐藏字段:

<body onload=\"setValue()\">


<script type=\"text/javascript\">

   function setValue() {



<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"dyndrpdwnhidden\">

为了从我上面的JavaScript dynmicoptionlist.js中的表单输入字段中获取值,我以一个例子为例:

var entry_date = form.entry_date.value;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)







if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
   setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/');

答案 1 :(得分:2)

为什么不让你的JS提交表格?这将使变量可用,您可以通过查看post数据而不是JS发送的$ _GET数据来激活第二个下拉列表。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

使用localStorage https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/obj_storage.asp

存储对象 Web Storage API的Storage对象提供对特定域的会话存储或本地存储的访问。这使您可以读取,添加,修改和删除存储的数据项。