
时间:2019-12-16 10:12:18

标签: docker tls1.2 docker-machine

我已按照以下步骤按照 https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/https/

中的文档在Docker主机上设置 TLS
Step1: I have generated private key and csr key on https://mydockerhost.com server and got server certificate (caroot1.pem and server cert.pem)

Step 3: I have created /etc/docker/daemon.json file update with certificate details

Step 4: I have tried to validate tls secure connection on same host by using below command
  docker --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem ps**

It throws below error :
  error during connect: Get https://mydockerhost.com/v1.38/containers/json: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


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