
时间:2019-12-15 06:19:29

标签: 2d game-engine godot gdscript


df <- structure(list(House_No. = c("1a", "1a", "1a", "1a", "2a", "2a", 
"2a", "2a"), Info_On_Area = c("Names of neighbouringhouse in 100m  1b   1c    1d    1e", 
"Area of neighbouringhouse  in 100m  500  1000  1500  300", "Names of neighbouringhouse in 300m  1b   1c    1d    1e   1f    1g   1h", 
"Area of neighbouringhouse  in 300m  500  1000  1500  300  600   400  2000", 
"Names of neighbouringhouse in 100m  2b   2c    2d    2e", "Area of neighbouringhouse  in 100m  500  1000  1500  300", 
"Names of neighbouringhouse in 300m  2b   2c    2d    2e   2f    2g   2h", 
"Area of neighbouringhouse  in 300m  500  1000  1500  300  600   400  2000"
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))



extends KinematicBody2D

export var speed = 10.0
export var tileSize = 32.0

var initpos = Vector2()
var dir = Vector2()
var facing = 'down'
var counter = 0.0

var moving = false

func _ready():
    initpos = position

func _process(delta):
    if not moving:
    elif dir != Vector2():
        moving = false

func set_dir(): #set moving
    dir = get_dir()

    if dir.x != 0 or dir.y != 0:
        moving = true
        initpos = position

func get_dir(): #user input

    var x = 0
    var y = 0

    if dir.y == 0:
        x = int(Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right")) - int(Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"))
    if dir.x == 0:
        y = int(Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down")) - int(Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"))

    return Vector2(x, y)

func move(delta): #move player linearly
    counter += delta + speed

    if counter >= 1.0:
        position = initpos + dir * tileSize
        counter = 0.0
        moving = false
        position = initpos + dir * tileSize * counter

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