Make | Model | Years(this is a list) <- this would be the headers if you like
Item1 | Item1 | Item1s,Item1s
Item2 | Item2 | Item2s,Items2,Items2
^ 这将是从我的String String [Int]类型加载的数据。
答案 0 :(得分:13)
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.List
-- a type for records
data T = T { make :: String
, model :: String
, years :: [Int] }
deriving Show
-- test data
test =
[ T "foo" "avenger" [1990, 1992]
, T "bar" "eagle" [1980, 1982]
-- print lists of records: a header, then each row
draw :: [T] -> Doc
draw xs =
text "Make\t|\tModel\t|\tYear"
vcat (map row xs)
-- print a row
row t = foldl1 (<|>) [ text (make t)
, text (model t)
, foldl1 (<^>) (map int (years t))
-- helpers
x <|> y = x <> text "\t|\t" <> y
x <^> y = x <> text "," <+> y
main = putStrLn (render (draw test))
Make | Model | Year
foo | avenger | 1990, 1992
bar | eagle | 1980, 1982
答案 1 :(得分:5)
这是一个通用表生成器。它计算列宽以适合最宽的行。 ColDesc
import Data.List (transpose, intercalate)
-- a type for records
data T = T { make :: String
, model :: String
, years :: [Int] }
deriving Show
-- a type for fill functions
type Filler = Int -> String -> String
-- a type for describing table columns
data ColDesc t = ColDesc { colTitleFill :: Filler
, colTitle :: String
, colValueFill :: Filler
, colValue :: t -> String
-- test data
test =
[ T "foo" "avenger" [1990, 1992]
, T "bar" "eagle" [1980, 1982, 1983]
-- functions that fill a string (s) to a given width (n) by adding pad
-- character (c) to align left, right, or center
fillLeft c n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) c
fillRight c n s = replicate (n - length s) c ++ s
fillCenter c n s = replicate l c ++ s ++ replicate r c
where x = n - length s
l = x `div` 2
r = x - l
-- functions that fill with spaces
left = fillLeft ' '
right = fillRight ' '
center = fillCenter ' '
-- converts a list of items into a table according to a list
-- of column descriptors
showTable :: [ColDesc t] -> [t] -> String
showTable cs ts =
let header = map colTitle cs
rows = [[colValue c t | c <- cs] | t <- ts]
widths = [maximum $ map length col | col <- transpose $ header : rows]
separator = intercalate "-+-" [replicate width '-' | width <- widths]
fillCols fill cols = intercalate " | " [fill c width col | (c, width, col) <- zip3 cs widths cols]
unlines $ fillCols colTitleFill header : separator : map (fillCols colValueFill) rows
putStrLn $ showTable [ ColDesc center "Make" left make
, ColDesc center "Model" left model
, ColDesc center "Year" right (intercalate ", " . map show . years)
] test
Make | Model | Year
foo | avenger | 1990, 1992
bar | eagle | 1980, 1982, 1983
答案 2 :(得分:3)
import Data.List (intercalate)
data Foo = Foo String String [Int]
fooToLine :: Foo -> String
fooToLine (Foo a b cs) = a ++ " | " ++ b ++ " | " ++ intercalate ", " (map show cs)
>>> fooToLine (Foo "Hello" "World" [1, 2, 3])
"Hello | World | 1, 2, 3"