在浏览the Botium GitHub page中的 Botium 文档时,我发现了 botium-cli 有用的命令行开关' nlpanalytics 。
c:\botium\cli-build>botium-cli nlpanalytics
Botium CLI
Usage: botium-cli.js [options]
botium-cli.js run [output] Run Botium convo files and output
test report with Mocha test runner
botium-cli.js alexaimport Importing conversations for Botium
botium-cli.js dialogflowimport [source] Importing conversations for Botium
botium-cli.js watsonimport [source] Importing conversations for Botium
botium-cli.js emulator [ui] Launch Botium emulator
botium-cli.js box [output] Run Test Project on Botium Box and
output test report with Mocha test
botium-cli.js init Setup a directory for Botium usage
botium-cli.js init-alexa-avs Run the "Botium Connector Alexa AVS
Initialization Tool"
botium-cli.js init-dev [project] Setup a development project for
Botium connectors, asserters or logic
hooks in the current directory
botium-cli.js inbound-proxy Run Botium endpoint for accepting
inbound messages, forwarding it to
botium-cli.js agent Launch Botium agent
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -V Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output (also read from env variable
"BOTIUM_VERBOSE" - "1" means verbose)[boolean] [default: false]
--convos, -C Path to a directory holding your convo files. Can be specified
more than once, ending in "--" ("... --convos dir1 dir2 dir3 --
...") (also read from env variables starting with
"BOTIUM_CONVOS") [array] [default: "."]
--config, -c Path to the Botium configuration file (also read from env
variable "BOTIUM_CONFIG") [default: "./botium.json"]
Unknown argument: nlpanalytics