表中的错误(data $ level.up,data $ threshold.pred1):所有参数的长度必须相同

时间:2019-12-10 15:37:23

标签: r


#Look at the ROC plot for your first model. Based on this plot choose a probability threshold that balances capturing the most correct predictions against false positives. Then generate a new variable in your data set that classifies each student according to your chosen threshold.

threshold.pred1 <- 0.1

#Now generate three diagnostics:

prob <- as.data.frame(predict(rp, newdata = data, type = "p"))
res <- ifelse(prob$yes < threshold.pred1, "yes", "no")
cm = as.matrix(table(Label = data$level.up, Predicted = res))

data$accuracy.model1 <- sum(diag(cm))/sum(cm)

data$precision.model1 <- cm[2,2]/sum(cm[2,])

data$recall.model1 <- cm[2,2]/sum(cm[,2])

#Finally, calculate Kappa for your model according to:

#First generate the table of comparisons
***table1 <- table(data$level.up, data$threshold.pred1)***

#Convert to matrix
matrix1 <- as.matrix(table1)

#Calculate kappa
kappa(matrix1, exact = TRUE)/kappa(matrix1)

#Now choose a different threshold value and repeat these diagnostics. What conclusions can you draw about your two thresholds?

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