我正在使用Azure ML Studio尝试对文本正文进行各种分类。到目前为止,我在数据集中获得了每行每个类别的概率。我希望能够查看概率,如果它们都不超过60%,则将其中一行更改为“未分配”。我需要帮助的部分是更改数据存储区中的行。
dataset1 <- maml.mapInputPort(1) # class: data.frame
rowsCapCallProb <- array(get('Scored Probabilities for Class "Capital Call"', envir = as.environment(dataset1) , mode = "any", inherits = TRUE))
rowsDistroProb <- array(get('Scored Probabilities for Class "distribution"', envir = as.environment(dataset1) , mode = "any", inherits = TRUE))
rowsFinnancialProb <- array(get('Scored Probabilities for Class "Finnancial Document"', envir = as.environment(dataset1) , mode = "any", inherits = TRUE))
checkProb <- function(count) {
print(paste("Evaluating Probabilities on Row: ", count))
#Check to see if Probabilities are over 60%
if(rowsCapCallProb[[count]] > 60.00 | rowsDistroProb[[count]] > 60.00 | rowsFinnancialProb[[count]] > 60.00){
} else {
#Change the assignment of the row Category to unassigned
rowsScore[[count]] <- #<- Where I want the change to occur
rowsCat <- array(get('Email Category', envir = as.environment(dataset2) , mode = "any", inherits = TRUE))
count <= 1
for (rowCat in rowsCat) {
count = count+1