我需要创建一个给定任何LinkedHashMap的方法,该方法必须将其转换为Document的XML / Dom元素,如:
public Element marshal(Object linkedHashMap) {
Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
final Element element = doc.createElement("root");
//For each attribute and object of the linked hashmap
// I must iterate recursively in order to get all the objects and atributes of the LinkedHashMap and append them to the root node element:
return element; // here the element must be already populated with all the attributes of the linked hashmap and its values.
private void marshalMapElements(ArrayList<LinkedHashMap> linkedHashMaps) {
Document doc = getDocument();
Element root = doc.createElement("root");
for (Map<String, Object> element : linkedHashMaps) {
Element e = doc.createElement(element.getKey());