我正在尝试将示例代码上传到ESP32(HILETGO) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DKD79Y9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Couldn't find a valid native assembly required by nanoFramework.Runtime.Native v1.1.0.3, checksum 0x153CD2E3.
This project is referencing nanoFramework.Runtime.Native NuGet package requiring native v100.0.5.0.
The connected target does not have support for nanoFramework.Runtime.Native.
Please check:
1) if the target is running the most updated image.
2) if the target image was built to include support for all referenced assemblies.
If you are using PREVIEW versions of the NuGet packages, make sure you have our Azure Pipelines feed setup.
See here for details: https://nanoframework.net/2018/05/16/setup-visual-studio-to-access-preview-versions-feed
at nanoFramework.Tools.VisualStudio.Extension.DeployProvider.<DeployAsync>d__17.MoveNext()]
2019-12-08 14:34:20Z [Check and start debug engine on nanoDevice.]
2019-12-08 14:34:20Z [Connect successful.]
2019-12-08 14:34:21Z [Erase deployment area successful.]
2019-12-08 14:34:23Z [Computing deployment blob.]`enter code here`
2019-12-08 14:34:23Z [Found assemblies mismatches when checking for deployment pre-check.]
2019-12-08 14:34:23Z [Exception occurred during deployment.
Deploy failed.
Couldn't find a valid native assembly required by nanoFramework.Runtime.Native v1.1.0.3, checksum 0x153CD2E3.
This project is referencing nanoFramework.Runtime.Native NuGet package requiring native v100.0.5.0.
The connected target does not have support for nanoFramework.Runtime.Native.
Please check:
1) if the target is running the most updated image.
2) if the target image was built to include support for all referenced assemblies.
If you are using PREVIEW versions of the NuGet packages, make sure you have our Azure Pipelines feed setup.
See here for details: https://nanoframework.net/2018/05/16/setup-visual-studio-to-access-preview-versions-feed
at nanoFramework.Tools.VisualStudio.Extension.DeployProvider.<DeployAsync>d__17.MoveNext()]
System Information
HAL build info:, nanoFramework running ESP32 built with IDF v3.3
Target: ESP32_WROOM_32
Platform: ESP32
Image build @ Dec 4 2019 GNU ARM GCC v5.2.0
OEM Product codes (vendor, model, SKU): 0, 0, 0
Serial Numbers (module, system):
Solution Build Info:, nanoFramework running ESP32 built with IDF v3.3
Native Assemblies:
mscorlib v100.4.6.0, checksum 0x3E5F09B0
nanoFramework.Runtime.Native v100.0.6.0, checksum 0x035EC7E8
nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32 v100.0.7.0, checksum 0xC16385A2
nanoFramework.Devices.OneWire v100.0.3.3, checksum 0xC7BEAEBC
nanoFramework.Networking.Sntp v100.0.4.3, checksum 0xB617FDFB
nanoFramework.ResourceManager v100.0.0.0, checksum 0xCDF9E76C
nanoFramework.System.Collections v100.0.0.0, checksum 0xC7167094
nanoFramework.System.Text v100.0.0.0, checksum 0x482137FC
nanoFramework.Runtime.Events v100.0.7.0, checksum 0x7B4AC2F2
EventSink v1.0.0.0, checksum 0xF32F4C3E
System.Math v100.0.4.3, checksum 0xC5A2A195
System.Net v100.1.3.0, checksum 0x0B718489
Windows.Devices.Adc v100.1.3.2, checksum 0xDEDF1136
Windows.Devices.Gpio v100.1.2.0, checksum 0x2432E7EB
Windows.Devices.I2c v100.2.0.1, checksum 0x8D1C8F95
Windows.Devices.Pwm v100.1.3.2, checksum 0x84D8B10C
Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication v100.1.1.0, checksum 0x8E46E2E2
Windows.Devices.Spi v100.1.4.0, checksum 0xEA555AF2
Windows.Devices.Wifi v100.0.6.0, checksum 0x5AC050C9
Windows.Storage v100.0.1.0, checksum 0x8D8C8026
++ Memory Map ++
Type Start Size
RAM 0x200000c0 0x00020000
FLASH 0x08000000 0x00800000
++ Flash Sector Map ++
Region Start Blocks Bytes/Block Usage
0 0x00010000 1 0x180000 nanoCLR
1 0x00190000 1 0x1B0000 Deployment
2 0x00340000 1 0x100000 Configuration
++ Storage Usage Map ++
Start Size (kB) Usage
0x00340000 0x100000 (1024kB) Configuration
0x00010000 0x180000 (1536kB) nanoCLR
0x00190000 0x1B0000 (1728kB) Deployment
Deployment Map
ESP32_WROOM_32 @ COM4 is active running nanoCLR