(defn component
(let [waiting? (r/atom false)
selection-made? (r/atom false)
(fn []
(println "selection-handler running")
(when (seq (.. js/document getSelection toString))
(reset! selection-made? true)))]
(fn []
; For debugging
[:pre {} "waiting? " (str @waiting?)]
[:pre {} "selection-made? " (str @selection-made?)]
; Your clickable element
(fn [e]
(println "click handler triggered")
; Remove the selection handler in any case because
; there is a small chance that the selection handler
; was triggered without selecting any text (by
; holding down the mouse on the text for a little
; while without moving it).
(.removeEventListener js/document "selectionchange" selection-handler)
(if @selection-made?
; If a selection was made, only perform cleanup.
(reset! selection-made? false)
; If no selection was made, treat it as a
; simple click for now...
(reset! waiting? true)
; Wait an appropriate amount of time for the
; double click to happen...
(fn []
; If we are still waiting for the double click
; to happen, it didn't happen! The mouse-down
; handler would have set waiting? to false
; by now if it had been clicked a second time.
; (Remember that the mouse down handler runs
; before the click handler since the click handler
; runs only once the mouse is released.
(when @waiting?
(single-click-fn e)
(reset! waiting? false)))
(fn [e]
; Set this for the click handler in case a double
; click is happening.
(reset! waiting? false)
; Only run this if it is a left click, or the event
; listener is not removed until a single click on this
; segment is performed again, and will listen on
; every click everywhere in the window.
(when (-> e .-button zero?)
(js/console.log "mouse down handler running")
(.addEventListener js/document "selectionchange" selection-handler)))
:on-double-click #(double-click-fn %)}
some content here]])))
$v = Array
[0] => Array
[a] => 1
[b] => 2
[1] => Array
[a] => 11
[b] => 22