private void pictureBox1_paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e){
// Draw the ECG.
DrawArea = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Size.Width,pictureBox1.Size.Height);
using (g = Graphics.FromImage(DrawArea))
//dispose the original image.
if (pictureBox1.Image != null)
// draw the labels
int numOfLabels = ((numOfCellsX - numOfCellsX % 4) / 4) * 2;
for (int l = 0; l < numOfLabels; l++)
g.DrawString((labelV).ToString(), drawFont, drawBrush, (unitOfLabel * l) + changeValueOfLabel, viewsizeY - 20);
labelV = labelV + unitOfLabel;
labelV -= numOfLabels * unitOfLabel;
// draw horizontal lines of gird
for (int y = 0; y <= numOfCellsY; ++y)
g.DrawLine(bgp, 0, y * cellSizeY, viewsizeX, y * cellSizeY);
// draw vertical lines of gri, +6 because here we are drawing 6 more lines on the right of the grid for further moving.
for (int x = 1; x <= numOfCellsX * 2; ++x)
g.DrawLine(bgp, (x * cellSizeX) + changeValue, 0, (x * cellSizeX) + changeValue, viewsizeY);
g.DrawLines(mypen, points);
//draw the most top line
//g.DrawLine(bgp, viewsizeX - 1, 0, viewsizeX - 1, viewsizeY);
// draw the most right line
g.DrawLine(bgp, viewsizeX - 1, 0, viewsizeX - 1, viewsizeY);
//draw the most left line
g.DrawLine(bgp, 0, 0, 0, viewsizeY);
// draw the bottom line, the reason that draw those line outside the for loop, is because the location.X of
// the most left point of the picturebox is actually 599, therefore,it cannot display the 600 index point.
g.DrawLine(bgp, 0, viewsizeY - 1, viewsizeX, viewsizeY - 1);
// replace the image of the picturebox
pictureBox1.Image = DrawArea;
// Draw the ECG.
g = e.Graphics;
if (pictureBox1.Image != null)
// draw the labels
int numOfLabels = ((numOfCellsX - numOfCellsX % 4) / 4) * 2;
for (int l = 0; l < numOfLabels; l++)
g.DrawString((labelV).ToString(), drawFont, drawBrush, (unitOfLabel * l) + changeValueOfLabel, viewsizeY - 20);
labelV = labelV + unitOfLabel;
labelV -= numOfLabels * unitOfLabel;
// draw horizontal lines of gird
for (int y = 0; y <= numOfCellsY; ++y)
g.DrawLine(bgp, 0, y * cellSizeY, viewsizeX, y * cellSizeY);
// draw vertical lines of gri, +6 because here we are drawing 6 more lines on the right of the grid for further moving.
for (int x = 1; x <= numOfCellsX * 2; ++x)
g.DrawLine(bgp, (x * cellSizeX) + changeValue, 0, (x * cellSizeX) + changeValue, viewsizeY);
g.DrawLines(mypen, points);
//draw the most top line
//g.DrawLine(bgp, viewsizeX - 1, 0, viewsizeX - 1, viewsizeY);
// draw the most right line
g.DrawLine(bgp, viewsizeX - 1, 0, viewsizeX - 1, viewsizeY);
//draw the most left line
g.DrawLine(bgp, 0, 0, 0, viewsizeY);
// draw the bottom line, the reason that draw those line outside the for loop, is because the location.X of
// the most left point of the picturebox is actually 599, therefore,it cannot display the 600 index point.
g.DrawLine(bgp, 0, viewsizeY - 1, viewsizeX, viewsizeY - 1);
计时器代码: 更新网格和点的坐标,然后调用Invalidate刷新图片框。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在.net的内部,您给GC施加了压力。您可以在CLR分析器中看到Gen2正在耗尽。 GC正在尝试释放内存,但“处置”,“收集”,“复活”和最终的malloc占用的时间超过50ms。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我找到了解决问题的一种愚蠢的方法。假设我在一秒钟内有240点数据要绘制,并且如果我将计时器的间隔设置为50ms,则我需要为每个刻度线在图片上绘制240/20 = 12点,以便在一秒钟内绘制240点
但是,在这种情况下,我发现由于延迟而需要大约1.25秒才能绘制240点。因此,我使用的愚蠢方法是为每个计时器滴答声绘制12 * 1.25 = 15点。然后我可以在一秒钟内画出240点来解决问题。