BeautifulSoup ---如果/否则---检查容器是否包含另一个容器,那么

时间:2019-12-04 13:16:30

标签: python html selenium if-statement beautifulsoup


以下网站包含17个“ productlist-item__bottom-container”,其中4个包含“ productlist-item__discount-text”


“ productlist-item__bottom-container”中的所有容器

if "productlist-item__bottom-container" contains "productlist-item__discount-text"
  store value in a list

  store value "no text" in the list


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd

desired_width = 320
pd.set_option("display.width", desired_width)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 30)

chrome_path = r"C:\Users\Sebas\Desktop\chromedriver_win32 (1)\chromedriver.exe"

url = ""
browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_path)

import time
html = browser.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

###Get the descriptions
all_descriptions = []
containers = soup.find_all("div", {"class":"productlist-item__info"})
for container in containers:
    brand = container.text


###Get the product name
all_productnames = []
productnames = soup.find_all("div", {"class":"productlist-item__name"})

for product in productnames:
    productname = product.text


###Get the base price
all_basePrices = []
basePrices = soup.find_all("div", {"class":"pricecontainer__base-price"})
for price in basePrices:
    x = price.text

###Get promo price
all_promoPrices = []
promoPrices = soup.find_all("div", {"class":"pricecontainer__campaign-price"})
for promoprice in promoPrices:
    promoprice_ = promoprice.text

###Bottom container

all_texts =[]

bottom_containers = soup.find_all("div", {"class":"productlist-item__bottom-container"})

for container in bottom_containers:
    discountText = bottom_containers.find_all("div", {"class": "productlist-item__discount-text"})

    if discountText != None :
        text = discountText.text

    else :
        all_texts.append("No text")


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Sebas/PycharmProjects/DePivotize/venv/", line 58, in <module>
    discountText = bottom_containers.find_all("div", {"class": "productlist-item__discount-text"})
  File "C:\Users\Sebas\PycharmProjects\DePivotize\venv\lib\site-packages\bs4\", line 1602, in __getattr__
    "ResultSet object has no attribute '%s'. You're probably treating a list of items like a single item. Did you call find_all() when you meant to call find()?" % key
AttributeError: ResultSet object has no attribute 'find_all'. You're probably treating a list of items like a single item. Did you call find_all() when you meant to call find()?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我不确切知道您要使用的discount text是什么,但是它可能在json响应之内吗?

import requests
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Get coded timestamp for the api request url
url = ''

headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Mobile Safari/537.36'}

s = requests.Session()
response = s.get(url,headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
scripts = soup.find_all('script')
for script in scripts:
    if 'contentAsJson =' in script.text:
        jsonStr = script.text.strip().split('var contentAsJson = ')[-1][:-1]
        jsonData = json.loads(jsonStr)
        productStamp = jsonData['Settings']['ProductsImportedTimestamp']
        publishStamp = jsonData['Settings']['SitecorePublishedStamp']
        timeSlot = jsonData['Settings']['TimeslotUtc']
        deliveryZoneId = jsonData['Settings']['DeliveryZoneId']
        zipcode = jsonData['Settings']['ZipCode']
        productGroupId = jsonData['content'][0]['ProductGroupId']

# Access data from API
req_url = ''   %(productStamp,publishStamp, timeSlot, deliveryZoneId,zipcode)
payload = {
'pageindex': '-1',
'pagesize': '-1',
'productGroupId': '%s' %(productGroupId)}

jsonData = s.get(req_url, headers=headers,params=payload).json()
products = jsonData['Products']
for each in products:
    if each['DiscountItem'] == True:
            print (each['CampaignAttribute'])
        print (each['Campaign'], '\n')


Fast mixtilbud
{'MinQuantity': 4, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'TotalPrice': 90.0, 'CampaignPrice': 90.0, 'CampaignUnitPrice': None, 'Type': 'ProductCampaignBuyXForY', 'DiscountSavings': 29.8} 

{'MinQuantity': 3, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'TotalPrice': 89.95, 'VariousPriceProductsCampaign': True, 'CampaignPrice': 89.95, 'CampaignUnitPrice': None, 'Type': 'ProductCampaignMixOffer', 'DiscountSavings': 47.9} 


import requests
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd

s = requests.Session()

# Get coded timestamp for the api request url
url = ''

headers = {'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Mobile Safari/537.36'}

response = s.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
scripts = soup.find_all('script')
for script in scripts:
    if 'contentAsJson =' in script.text:
        jsonStr = script.text.strip().split('var contentAsJson = ')[-1][:-1]
        jsonData = json.loads(jsonStr)
        productStamp = jsonData['Settings']['ProductsImportedTimestamp']
        publishStamp = jsonData['Settings']['SitecorePublishedStamp']
        timeSlot = jsonData['Settings']['TimeslotUtc']
        deliveryZoneId = jsonData['Settings']['DeliveryZoneId']
        zipcode = jsonData['Settings']['ZipCode']
        productGroupId = jsonData['content'][0]['ProductGroupId']

# Access data from API
req_url = ''   %(productStamp,publishStamp, timeSlot, deliveryZoneId,zipcode)
payload = {
'pageindex': '-1',
'pagesize': '-1',
'productGroupId': '%s' %(productGroupId)}

df = pd.DataFrame()
jsonData = s.get(req_url, headers=headers, params=payload).json()
products = jsonData['Products']
for each in products:
    temp_df = pd.DataFrame([each])
    df = df.append(temp_df, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)


print (df.to_string())
                                         Availability         Brand                                           Campaign CampaignAttribute      Category                             Description  DiscountItem       Id                                    Labels                          Name   Price                                       PrimaryImage ProductCategoryGroupName ProductCategoryGroupNumber    ProductMainGroupName ProductMainGroupNumber               ProductSubGroupName ProductSubGroupNumber  SaleBeforeLastSalesDate     Score      SearchDescription     TemplateName        UnitPrice  UnitPriceCalc UnitPriceLabel                                 Url
0   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...        Ecover                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask                 25 stk. / zero / Ecover         False  5039333                             [Svanemærket]        Opvasketabs all in one   44.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    1,80 kr./Stk.           1.80       kr./Stk.      opvasketabs-all-in-one-5039333
1   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...        Finish                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask              60 stk. / Quantum / Finish         False  5038266                                        []           Maskinopvask (tabs)   99.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886  [OPVASKETABS NEOPHOS]  productlistitem    1,67 kr./Stk.           1.67       kr./Stk.           maskinopvask-tabs-5038266
2   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...   First Price  {'MinQuantity': 4, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'TotalPri...    Fast mixtilbud  Maskinopvask                   40 stk. / First Price          True   102160                                [Discount]             Maskinopvasketabs   29.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    0,75 kr./Stk.           0.75       kr./Stk.            maskinopvasketabs-102160
3   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...  Grøn Balance  {'MinQuantity': 4, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'TotalPri...    Fast mixtilbud  Maskinopvask                  30 stk. / Grøn Balance         False  5012162  [Den Blå Krans, Parfumefri, Svanemærket]  Maskinopvask alt-i-en (tabs)   32.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    1,10 kr./Stk.           1.10       kr./Stk.  maskinopvask-alt-i-en-tabs-5012162
4   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask                       2,50 kg / Neophos         False   101638                                        []         Maskinopvask (pulver)   79.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000  Maskinopvask, pulver og flydende            4800600005                        0  3.433886        [MASKINOPVASK ]  productlistitem    31,98 kr./Kg.          31.98        kr./Kg.          maskinopvask-pulver-101638
5   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask                  0,65 l / Eco / Neophos         False  5008215                             [Svanemærket]    Maskinopvask 0% (flydende)   79.00                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000  Maskinopvask, pulver og flydende            4800600005                        0  3.433886        [MASKINOPVASK ]  productlistitem  121,54 kr./Ltr.         121.54       kr./Ltr.     maskinopvask-0-flydende-5008215
6   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos  {'MinQuantity': 3, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'TotalPri...               NaN  Maskinopvask                        1 stk. / Neophos          True  5009595                                [Discount]             Odour Stop 2-in-1   33.00                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000       Tilbehør til opvaskemaskine            4800600004                        0  3.433886          [LUGTFJERNER]  productlistitem   33,00 kr./Stk.          33.00       kr./Stk.           odour-stop-2-in-1-5009595
7   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos  {'DiscountSavings': 79.95, 'MaxQuantity': 0, '...               NaN  Maskinopvask            70 stk. / All-in-1 / Neophos         False  5021615                                        []           Maskinopvask (tabs)  199.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    2,86 kr./Stk.           2.86       kr./Stk.           maskinopvask-tabs-5021615
8   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos  {'DiscountSavings': 20.0, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'C...               NaN  Maskinopvask            25 stk. / All-in-1 / Neophos         False  5025942                                        []           Maskinopvask (tabs)   79.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    2,96 kr./Stk.           2.96       kr./Stk.           maskinopvask-tabs-5025942
9   {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask   40 stk. / Classic Powerball / Neophos         False  5025945                                        []           Maskinopvask (tabs)   89.00                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    2,23 kr./Stk.           2.22       kr./Stk.           maskinopvask-tabs-5025945
10  {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos  {'DiscountSavings': 50.0, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'C...               NaN  Maskinopvask            50 stk. / All-in-1 / Neophos         False  5025966                                        []           Maskinopvask (tabs)  149.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem  149,95 kr./Stk.         149.95       kr./Stk.           maskinopvask-tabs-5025966
11  {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask               60 stk. / Neophos Quantum         False  5031592                                        []    Maskinopvaskemiddel (tabs)  163.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    2,73 kr./Stk.           2.73       kr./Stk.    maskinopvaskemiddel-tabs-5031592
12  {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos  {'DiscountSavings': 20.0, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'C...               NaN  Maskinopvask               22 stk. / Neophos Quantum         False  5031593                                        []    Maskinopvaskemiddel (tabs)   79.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    3,63 kr./Stk.           3.63       kr./Stk.    maskinopvaskemiddel-tabs-5031593
13  {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos  {'DiscountSavings': 60.0, 'MaxQuantity': 0, 'C...               NaN  Maskinopvask               45 stk. / Neophos Quantum         False  5031594                                        []    Maskinopvaskemiddel (tabs)  149.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    3,33 kr./Stk.           3.33       kr./Stk.    maskinopvaskemiddel-tabs-5031594
14  {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask                       65 stk. / Neophos         False  5042520                                        []               Maskinopvask 0%  179.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    2,77 kr./Stk.           2.77       kr./Stk.              maskinopvask-0-5042520
15  {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...       Neophos  {'DiscountSavings': 19.05, 'MaxQuantity': 0, '...    Fast mixtilbud  Maskinopvask  110 stk. / Classic Powerball / Neophos         False  5043729                                        []           Maskinopvask (tabs)  119.00                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    1,08 kr./Stk.           1.08       kr./Stk.           maskinopvask-tabs-5043729
16  {'IsDeliveryAvailable': True, 'IsAvailableInSt...           Sun                                               None               NaN  Maskinopvask                           70 stk. / Sun         False  5028082                                        []           Maskinopvask (tabs)   79.95                   Opvask                 4800600000  Husholdning og dyremad             4800000000               Maskinopvask, tabs             4800600002                        0  3.433886          [OPVASKETABS]  productlistitem    1,14 kr./Stk.           1.14       kr./Stk.           maskinopvask-tabs-5028082