我使用注册服务商Admin(无关联字段)注册了用户(关联“ org1.department1”)。然后我的管理员被阻止,因为输入了10次错误的密码。我正在尝试使用其他管理员(带有从属字段)来获取用户身份。现在,我从此代码块(dbaccessor.go,592)中得到了错误:
if util.ListContains(types, "*") { // If type is '*', allowed to get back of all types for requested affiliation
query := "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ((affiliation = ?) OR (affiliation LIKE ?))"
rows, err := d.db.Queryx("GetFilteredUsers", d.db.Rebind(query))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to execute query '%s' for affiliation '%s' and types '%s'", query, affiliation, types)
return rows, nil
这是我收到的错误消息: GET /identities?ca=ca.rzd.wheelsets.ru 500 49 "Failed to get users by affiliation and type: Failed to execute query 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE ((affiliation = ?) OR (affiliation LIKE ?))' for affiliation 'org1.department1' and types '*': Not enough args to execute query. Expected 2, got 0."