
时间:2019-12-02 09:17:56

标签: c++



class B {
     int a;
     int b;
     int get_a() { return a };
     int get_b() { return b };
     B() : a(1), b(2) { }

class D : public B {
     int a;
     int b;
     int get_a() { return a };
     int get_b() { return b };
     D() : a(3), b(4) { }

int main() {
   Base* b = new Base;
   std::cout << b->get_a() << std::endl; // Gives 1
   std::cout << b->get_b() << std::endl; // Gives 2

    // Do something here which instantiates Derived and can call Derived functions using base class pointers.

    // Maybe Base\* b = new Derived();

   // But doing b->get_a() should call Derived class function get_a. 

   std::cout << <some_base_class_pointer_after_doing_something>->get_a() << std::endl; // Should give 3
   std::cout << <some_base_class_pointer_after_doing_something>->get_b() << std::endl; // Should give 4

有什么可能的方法吗? reinterpret_cast还是其他?

我不想使用虚拟,因为vptr进入了图片并且将每个对象的内存增加了8个字节(取决于)。很多时候,我可以拥有大量的B型对象。假设有100万个B类型的对象,我不希望我的程序内存增加1m x 8字节。相反,我宁愿在如此大的情况下也不要使用virutal / vptr。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于我无法从任何人那里得到任何答案,所以让我在这里浮动一个我已经想到的选项。虽然这可能是一个hack。我也乐于接受纠正/评论和批评。 :)


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

bool preState = true;
class Derived;
class Base;

class Base {
  unsigned char a;
  int b;
  Base() : a('a'), b (2) { };
  unsigned char get_a() const;
  int get_b() const;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ;

class __attribute__ ((__packed__)) Derived : public Base {
  unsigned char c;
  int d;
  Derived() : c('c'), d(4) { };

  unsigned char get_a() const;
  int get_b() const;

unsigned char Base::get_a() const {
  if (preState) {
    return a;
  } else {
    const Derived* d = reinterpret_cast<const Derived*>(this);
    return d->get_a();

int Base::get_b() const {
  if (preState) {
    return b;
  } else {
    const Derived* d = reinterpret_cast<const Derived*>(this);
    return d->get_b();

unsigned char Derived::get_a() const {
  return c;

int Derived::get_b() const {
  return d;

int main() {
  std::vector<Base*> bArray;
  bArray.push_back(new Base());
  bArray.push_back(new Base());

  std::vector<Base*>::iterator bArrayIt = bArray.begin();
  for (; bArrayIt != bArray.end(); ++bArrayIt) {
    std::cout << (*bArrayIt)->get_a() << " ";
    std::cout << (*bArrayIt)->get_b() << std::endl;

  preState = false;

  std::vector<Base*> dArray;
  bArrayIt = bArray.begin();
  for (; bArrayIt != bArray.end(); ++bArrayIt) {
    // Write copy constructor in Derived class which copies everything from 
    // base object to Derived object
    Base* b = new Derived(); 

  std::vector<Base*>::iterator dArrayIt = dArray.begin();
  for (; dArrayIt != dArray.end(); ++dArrayIt) {
    std::cout << (*dArrayIt)->get_a() << " ";
    std::cout << (*dArrayIt)->get_b() << std::endl;



a 2 // Base class get_a() and get_b()
a 2 // Base class get_a() and get_b()
c 4 // Derived class get_a() and get_b()
c 4 // Derived class get_a() and get_b()

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Base* b = new Derived;

Derived *d = static_cast<Derived *>(b);
std::cout << d->get_b() << '\n';

当然,如果您在b上尝试使用它实际上未指向此类的Derived或子类,则会导致未定义的行为。如果您总体上不确定指针指向什么,并且不想使用vtables,则需要手动实施一些操作以向您提供该信息(例如,Base的成员变量具有类型信息) )。