我的基本Web爬虫使用DOMDocument和 file_get_contents 来爬网URL。 问题是它不遵守Robots.txt的政策,该政策旨在不抓取具有“禁用”模式的链接或URL。 而且,此程序非常慢,并且无法快速下载URL进行最终处理。
1。。首先,添加一个PHP条件以遵守 Robots.txt 策略,并且请勿下载URL 或包含 > robots.txt 文件(目录或链接已禁用)。
2。在第二个地方,修改已经与 PHP DomDocument ( DomElement )一起使用的代码。通过添加库https://github.com/marcushat/RollingCurlX,允许他一次并快速地下载 10,000个网址 。
3。。通过提取标题,说明和来处理下载的 10,000个URL ,就像我在代码中所做的一样。
// This is our starting point. Change this to whatever URL you want.
$start = "";
// Our 2 global arrays containing our links to be crawled.
$already_crawled = array();
$crawling = array();
function get_details($url) {
// The array that we pass to stream_context_create() to modify our User Agent.
$options = array('http'=>array('method'=>"GET", 'headers'=>"User-Agent: howBot/0.1\n"));
// Create the stream context.
$context = stream_context_create($options);
// Create a new instance of PHP's DOMDocument class.
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// Use file_get_contents() to download the page, pass the output of file_get_contents()
// to PHP's DOMDocument class.
@$doc->loadHTML(@file_get_contents($url, false, $context));
// Create an array of all of the title tags.
$title = $doc->getElementsByTagName("title");
// There should only be one <title> on each page, so our array should have only 1 element.
$title = $title->item(0)->nodeValue;
// Give $description and $keywords no value initially. We do this to prevent errors.
$description = "";
$keywords = "";
// Create an array of all of the pages <meta> tags. There will probably be lots of these.
$metas = $doc->getElementsByTagName("meta");
// Loop through all of the <meta> tags we find.
for ($i = 0; $i < $metas->length; $i++) {
$meta = $metas->item($i);
// Get the description and the keywords.
if (strtolower($meta->getAttribute("name")) == "description")
$description = $meta->getAttribute("content");
if (strtolower($meta->getAttribute("name")) == "keywords")
$keywords = $meta->getAttribute("content");
// Return our JSON string containing the title, description, keywords and URL.
return '{ "Title": "'.str_replace("\n", "", $title).'", "Description": "'.str_replace("\n", "", $description).'", "Keywords": "'.str_replace("\n", "", $keywords).'", "URL": "'.$url.'"},';
function follow_links($url) {
// Give our function access to our crawl arrays.
global $already_crawled;
global $crawling;
// The array that we pass to stream_context_create() to modify our User Agent.
$options = array('http'=>array('method'=>"GET", 'headers'=>"User-Agent: howBot/0.1\n"));
// Create the stream context.
$context = stream_context_create($options);
// Create a new instance of PHP's DOMDocument class.
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// Use file_get_contents() to download the page, pass the output of file_get_contents()
// to PHP's DOMDocument class.
@$doc->loadHTML(@file_get_contents($url, false, $context));
// Create an array of all of the links we find on the page.
$linklist = $doc->getElementsByTagName("a");
// Loop through all of the links we find.
foreach ($linklist as $link) {
$l = $link->getAttribute("href");
// Process all of the links we find. This is covered in part 2 and part 3 of the video series.
if (substr($l, 0, 1) == "/" && substr($l, 0, 2) != "//") {
$l = parse_url($url)["scheme"]."://".parse_url($url)["host"].$l;
} else if (substr($l, 0, 2) == "//") {
$l = parse_url($url)["scheme"].":".$l;
} else if (substr($l, 0, 2) == "./") {
$l = parse_url($url)["scheme"]."://".parse_url($url)["host"].dirname(parse_url($url)["path"]).substr($l, 1);
} else if (substr($l, 0, 1) == "#") {
$l = parse_url($url)["scheme"]."://".parse_url($url)["host"].parse_url($url)["path"].$l;
} else if (substr($l, 0, 3) == "../") {
$l = parse_url($url)["scheme"]."://".parse_url($url)["host"]."/".$l;
} else if (substr($l, 0, 11) == "javascript:") {
} else if (substr($l, 0, 5) != "https" && substr($l, 0, 4) != "http") {
$l = parse_url($url)["scheme"]."://".parse_url($url)["host"]."/".$l;
// If the link isn't already in our crawl array add it, otherwise ignore it.
if (!in_array($l, $already_crawled)) {
$already_crawled[] = $l;
$crawling[] = $l;
// Output the page title, descriptions, keywords and URL. This output is
// piped off to an external file using the command line.
echo get_details($l)."\n";
// Remove an item from the array after we have crawled it.
// This prevents infinitely crawling the same page.
// Follow each link in the crawling array.
foreach ($crawling as $site) {
// Begin the crawling process by crawling the starting link first.
require_once 'rollingcurlx.class.php';
function get_details($url) {
$post_data = null;
//$user_data = null;
// $headers = array('http'=>array('method'=>"GET", 'headers'=>"User-Agent: chegSpider/0.1\n"));
$RollingCurlX = new RollingCurlX(10000);
$RollingCurlX->setTimeout(86400000) //86400 milliseconds => 1 jour;
$RollingCurlX->setHeaders(array('http'=>array('method'=>"GET", 'headers'=>"User-Agent: chegSpider/0.1\n")));
$RollingCurlX->addRequest($url, $post_data);
// The array that we pass to stream_context_create() to modify our User Agent.
$options = array('http'=>array('method'=>"GET", 'headers'=>"User-Agent: chegSpider/0.1\n"));
// Create the stream context.
$context = stream_context_create($options);
// Create a new instance of PHP's DOMDocument class.
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// @$doc->loadHTML(@file_get_contents($url, false, $context));
$pageDownloadedHtml = @$doc->saveHTML();
// fread($pageDownloadedHtml);
// Get all of the lang Attribute in HTML tag.
$langPage = $doc->getElementsByTagName("html");
$lang = $langPage->getAttribute("lang");
// Create an array of all of the title tags.
$title = $doc->getElementsByTagName("title");
// There should only be one <title> on each page, so our array should have only 1 element.
$title = $title->item(0)->nodeValue;
// Give $description and $keywords no value initially. We do this to prevent errors.
$description = "";
$keywords = "";
// Create an array of all of the pages <meta> tags. There will probably be lots of these.
$metas = $doc->getElementsByTagName("meta");
// Loop through all of the <meta> tags we find.
for ($i = 0; $i < $metas->length; $i++) {
$meta = $metas->item($i);
// Getthe keywords.
if (strtolower($meta->getAttribute("name")) == "keywords")
$keywords = $meta->getAttribute("content");