// NOTE: This example will not work locally in Chrome / IE because of cross-domain restrictions.
// You can try it out on the website for the book http://javascriptbook.com/code
// or run it on your own server.
$('#exchangerates').append('<div id="rates"></div><div id="reload"></div>');
function loadRates() {
.done( function(**data**){ // SERVER RETURNS DATA
var d = new Date(); // Create date object
var hrs = d.getHours(); // Get hours
var mins = d.getMinutes(); // Get mins
var msg = '<h2>Exchange Rates</h2>'; // Start message
$.each(data, function(**key**, **val**) { // Add each rate
msg += '<div class="' + key + '">' + key + ': ' + val + '</div>';
msg += '<br>Last update: ' + hrs + ':' + mins + '<br>'; // Show update time
$('#rates').html(msg); // Add rates to page
}).fail( function() { // THERE IS AN ERROR
$('#rates').text('Sorry, we cannot load rates.'); // Show error message
}).always( function() { // ALWAYS RUNS
var reload = '<a id="refresh" href="#">'; // Add refresh link
reload += '<img src="img/refresh.png" alt="refresh" /></a>';
$('#reload').html(reload); // Add refresh link
$('#refresh').on('click', function(e) { // Add click handler
e.preventDefault(); // Stop link
loadRates(); // Call loadRates()
loadRates(); // Call loadRates()
// When working locally in Firefox, you may see an error saying that the JSON is not well-formed.
// This is because Firefox is not reading the correct MIME type (and it can safely be ignored).
// If you get it on a server, you may need to se the MIME type for JSON on the server (application/JSON).
嗨,所以我目前正在学习jquery。我只是想在上面的代码中,“数据”(以及键和值)参数/参数从何而来?是否像'e'/ events参数一样对待?