
时间:2019-11-29 16:14:39

标签: java spring spring-boot spring-mvc completable-future


在下面的代码中,// Import required modules const axios = require('axios'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const fs = require('fs'); const url = "http://johndevisser.marktplaza.nl/?p="; async function getProductsHtml(data) { const $ = await cheerio.load(data); let productsHTML = []; $("div.item").each((i, prod) => { productsHTML.push(($(prod).html())); }); return productsHTML; }; async function parseProducts(html) { let products = []; for (item in html) { // Store the data we already have const $ = await cheerio.load(html[item]); let product = {}; let mpUrl = $("a").attr("href"); product["title"] = $("a").attr("title"); product["mpUrl"] = mpUrl; product["imgUrl"] = $("img").attr("src"); let priceText = $("span.subtext").text().split("\xa0")[1].replace(",", "."); product["price"] = parseFloat(priceText); products.push(product); } return products; } async function addDescriptionToProducts(prods) { for (i in prods) { const response = await axios.get(prods[i]["mpUrl"]) const $ = cheerio.load(response.data); description = $("div.description p").text(); prods[i]["descr"] = description; } return prods } async function getProductsFromPage(i) { try { const page = await axios.get(`http://johndevisser.marktplaza.nl/?p=${i}`); console.log("GET request succeeded!"); // Get the Array with HTML of each product const productsHTML = await getProductsHtml(page.data); console.log("HTML array obtained!"); // Get the Array of objects with meta info const productsParsed = await parseProducts(productsHTML); console.log("Products parsed!") // Add description to each product const productsMeta = await addDescriptionToProducts(productsParsed); console.log("Descriptions added!") // Return the Array with all product information return productsMeta; } catch(e) { console.log(e); } }; async function saveAllProducts() { try { const allProducts = await getAllProducts(); let jsonProducts = await JSON.stringify(allProducts); fs.writeFile("products.json", jsonProducts, "utf8", (e) => { if (e) { console.log(e) } }); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } async function getAllProducts() { try { let allProducts = []; for (let i = 1; i < 855; i++) { const productsFromPage = await getProductsFromPage(i); allProducts = [...allProducts, ...productsFromPage]; console.log("Saved products from page " + i); } return allProducts } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } saveAllProducts(); 是当前同步的版本。我有一种感觉,getFilteredEvents操作将等待每个API的响应(内部使用map(x -> x.getFilteredEvents(eventResearch)),然后传递给下一个API,以构建要返回的RestTemplate.exchange()。一种解决方案可能是在单独的线程上启动List<Event>调用,但是我想尝试map API。



我的理解是,我希望将@Service public class EventsResearchService { @Autowired private List<UniformEventsResearchApi> eventsResearchApis; // this works, but I'm trying to improve it public EventResearchResponse getFilteredEvents(EventResearch eventResearch) { List<Event> eventsList = eventsResearchApis .stream() .map(x -> x.getFilteredEvents(eventResearch)) .flatMap(List::stream) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return extractResponse(eventResearch, eventsList); } // this doesn't work yet: what is wrong? public CompletableFuture<List<Event>> getFilteredEventsFaster(EventResearch eventResearch) { List<CompletableFuture<List<Event>>> futureEventsList = eventsResearchApis .parallelStream() .map(x -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> x.getFilteredEvents(eventResearch))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return CompletableFuture.allOf(futureEventsList.toArray(new CompletableFuture<List<Event>>[0])); } } 而不是CompletableFuture<List<Event>>发送回我的前端,因此,List<CompletableFuture<List<Event>>>调用(如果我理解正确,类似于CompletableFuture.allOf()操作,从多个flatmap创建一个CompletableFuture

不幸的是,使用CompleteableFuture时出现Generic array creation编译错误。


我觉得使用new CompletableFuture<List<Event>>[0]方法确实可以让我收集所有答案,但是那将是对Service线程的阻塞操作,不是吗? (如果我理解正确的话,这样做会挫败试图将join返回到我的前端的目的。)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

以下代码段显示了如何使用listOfFutures.stream().map(CompletableFuture::join)来收集allOF的结果。我从this page中选取了这个示例,该示例指出它不会等待每个Future完成。

class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        long millisBefore = System.currentTimeMillis();

        List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("1","2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8");
        List<CompletableFuture<String>> listOfFutures = strings.stream().map(Test::downloadWebPage).collect(toList());
        CompletableFuture<List<String>> futureOfList = CompletableFuture
                .allOf(listOfFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]))
                .thenApply(v ->  listOfFutures.stream().map(CompletableFuture::join).collect(toList()));

        System.out.println(futureOfList.get()); // blocks here
        System.out.printf("time taken : %.4fs\n", (System.currentTimeMillis() - millisBefore)/1000d);

    private static CompletableFuture<String> downloadWebPage(String webPageLink) {
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () ->{
            try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(4); }
            catch (Exception io){ throw new RuntimeException(io); }
            finally { return "downloaded : "+ webPageLink; }




[downloaded : 1, downloaded : 2, downloaded : 3, downloaded : 4, downloaded : 5, downloaded : 6, downloaded : 7, downloaded : 8]
time taken : 8.0630s


借助此答案,并通过使用this website(有关与allOf相关的异常处理的讨论),我想到了这个完整的版本:

    public CompletableFuture<List<Event>> getFilteredEventsFaster(EventResearch eventResearch) {

        /* Collecting the list of all the async requests that build a List<Event>. */
        List<CompletableFuture<List<Event>>> completableFutures = eventsResearchApis.stream()
                .map(api -> getFilteredEventsAsync(api, eventResearch))

        /* Creating a single Future that contains all the Futures we just created ("flatmap"). */
        CompletableFuture<Void> allFutures =CompletableFuture.allOf(completableFutures
                .toArray(new CompletableFuture[eventsResearchApis.size()]));

        /* When all the Futures have completed, we join them to create merged List<Event>. */
        CompletableFuture<List<Event>> allCompletableFutures = allFutures
                .thenApply(future -> completableFutures.stream()
                            .flatMap(List::stream) // creating a List<Event> from List<List<Event>>

        return allCompletableFutures;

    private CompletableFuture<List<Event>> getFilteredEventsAsync(UniformEventsResearchApi api,
            EventResearch eventResearch) {
        /* Manage the Exceptions here to ensure the wrapping Future returns the other calls. */
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> api.getFilteredEvents(eventResearch))
                .exceptionally(ex -> {
                    LOGGER.error("Extraction of events from API went wrong: ", ex);
                    return Collections.emptyList(); // gets managed in the wrapping Future