我正在尝试遍历查询中的(SQLAlchemy Core)结果行,该查询具有(多个)联接和结果集中具有相同名称的多个列。一个最小的例子:
query = select([Table_A, Table_B]).select_from(Table_A.outerjoin(Table_B))
query_result = conn.execute(query)
for row in query_result:
for column_name, column_value in row.items(): # this breaks due to overlapping column names in Table_A and Table_B
print(column_name, column_value)
for col, value in row.items(): # notice the col variable should hold a column object instead of only it's name
print(col.name, value)
我知道我可以使用列对象作为索引来访问结果行:value = row[Table_A.c.id]