2019/11/30 使用解决方案here更新了代码沙箱。
原始问题在2019年11月28日问到 我正在尝试学习高阶组件,但努力将高阶组件连接到redux存储和路由器。希望有人可以帮助解决与 mapStateToProps 相关的高阶组件类型编译问题。
StateProps = { error: IApiFailure[]}
其用途如下NewComponent = withErrorListener(withId(BaseComponent))
我遇到的问题是Typescript引发了将 IApiFailure 类型分配给react-redux的 ErrorListener HoC类中找不到的编译错误 connect 功能。 IApiFailure是mapStateToProps函数的StateProps返回类型中包含的类型。我可以编译的唯一方法是强制转换为 any 类型。
HoC通过以下代码片段连接到商店。您可以在here中找到HoC ErrorListener类的完整代码。我还包括以下错误信息...
因此,我无法将连接的组件连接到withRouter函数。 如果我将Hoc ErrorListener强制转换为connect函数中的任何类型,则编译成功,但OwnProps is undefined中的uniqueId属性。这用于过滤错误存储。
* Redux properties
type StateProps = {
error: FailureNotify[];
* Function to return subset of store state that filters errors for the wrapped component via uniqueId property
* @param state The root state
* @param ownProps Properties passed to wrapped component according to `https://react-redux.js.org/next/using-react-redux/connect-mapstate#ownprops-optional`
* @returns StateProps type that contains a list of filtered errors of type FailureNotify.
const mapStateToProps = (
state: RootState,
ownProps: HocProps
): StateProps => {
console.log(`withErrorListener mapStateToProps => ${ownProps.uniqueId}`);
return {
error: filterErrors(state.errors, ownProps)
const dispatchProps = {
clearError: clearErrorAction
* Type declarations
type TStateProps = ReturnType<typeof mapStateToProps>;
type TDispatchProps = typeof dispatchProps;
type HocProps = BaseProps & TStateProps & TDispatchProps;
const ConnectedHoc = connect<
)(ErrorListener); // this raises the error below...unless I cast it as any
return ConnectedHoc;
// const RouteHoc = withRouter(ConnectedHoc);
// return RouteHoc;
我收到的编译错误如下。我认为打字稿无法识别mapStateToProps返回的内部类型,即 HocProps 无法识别IApiFailure []类型。使用ReturnType<typeof mapStateToProps>
Argument of type 'typeof ErrorListener' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentType<Matching<StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; }, HocProps>>'.
Type 'typeof ErrorListener' is not assignable to type 'ComponentClass<Matching<StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; }, HocProps>, any>'.
Types of parameters 'props' and 'props' are incompatible.
Type 'Matching<StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; }, HocProps>' is not assignable to type 'Readonly<HocProps>'.
Type 'P extends "error" | "clearError" ? (StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; })[P] extends HocProps[P] ? HocProps[P] : (StateProps & { ...; })[P] : HocProps[P]' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type 'HocProps[P] | ((StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; })[P] extends HocProps[P] ? HocProps[P] : (StateProps & { ...; })[P])' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type '(StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; })[P] extends HocProps[P] ? HocProps[P] : (StateProps & { ...; })[P]' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type '(StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; })[P] | HocProps[P]' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type '(StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; })[P]' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type 'StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; }' is not assignable to type 'HocProps'.
Type 'StateProps & { clearError: (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<constants.CLEAR_ERROR, ClearError>; }' is not assignable to type 'BaseProps'.
Type '(FailureNotify[] extends HocProps["error"] ? HocProps["error"] : FailureNotify[]) | ((fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<any>, navigateTo?: string) => PayloadAction<...> extends HocProps["clearError"] ? HocProps["clearError"] : (fromAction: string, fromComponent: string, history?: History<....' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type 'FailureNotify[] extends HocProps["error"] ? HocProps["error"] : FailureNotify[]' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type 'FailureNotify[] | HocProps["error"]' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.
Type 'FailureNotify[]' is not assignable to type 'HocProps[P]'.ts(2345)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
注入道具时,必须使用{{1 }}辅助类型。
组件中使用这些注入的Props,则必须将它们作为Component type参数传递。例如Diff