Android Room-迁移数据库时合并用户的Android Room数据库

时间:2019-11-27 07:16:43

标签: java database android-room database-migration





public static AppDatabase getInMemoryDatabase(Context context) {
        if (INSTANCE == null) {
            synchronized (AppDatabase.class) {
                if (INSTANCE == null) {
                    INSTANCE = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(), AppDatabase.class, "app_database.db")
        return INSTANCE;


     * Migrate from:
     * version 1 - initial contents.
     * to
     * version 2 - updated database contents (no schema changes)
    static final Migration MIGRATION_1_2 = new Migration(1, 2) {
        public void migrate(SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {
            // I need to tell Room that it should use the data
            // from version 1 ( with the user's favorites ) to version 2.

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


这可能吗?   是。但这有点复杂。


但是,如果您对使用中的数据库而不是资产数据库进行模式更改,则可以获取资产数据库并复制新的非用户数据(如果用户的数据与非数据库混合在一起,将会非常复杂。 -用户数据)。

即使这不是那么简单。但是,这是一个简单的示例/ scanario,它基于将代码稍微扩展为:-

static final Migration MIGRATION_1_2 = new Migration(1, 2) {
    public void migrate(SupportSQLiteDatabase db) {
        final String TAG = "MIGRATE_1_2";
        Log.d(TAG,"Database Version when called is " + db.getVersion());

        // I need to tell Room that it should use the data
        // from version 1 ( with the user's favorites ) to version 2.

        // "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `userdata` (`userId` INTEGER DEFAULT uid, `name` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`userId`))"
        //db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `userdata_saveuserdata` (`userId` INTEGER, `name` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`userId`))");
        //db.execSQL("INSERT INTO `userdata_saveuserdata` SELECT * FROM `userdata`");
        db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE `otherdata` ADD COLUMN `column2` TEXT");
        Log.d(TAG,"Checking Context");
        if (sContext != null) {
        } else {
            Log.d(TAG,"Context is null!!!!");



  • 使用有效的上下文,而不是硬编码路径。

然后调用 applyAssetDB ,即:-

private static void applyAssetDB(SupportSQLiteDatabase sdb) {
    String TAG = "APPLYASSETDB";
    String mainDatabaseName = (new File(sdb.getPath()).getName());
    String assetDatabaseName = mainDatabaseName + "_asset";
    String asset_schema = "asset_schema";
    Log.d(TAG,"Attempting application of asset data to database."
                    + "\n\tActual Database = " + mainDatabaseName
                    + "\n\tAsset Database will be " + assetDatabaseName
                    + "\n\tSchema for attached database will be  " + asset_schema
    if (sdb.isWriteAheadLoggingEnabled()) {
    Log.d(TAG,"Attempting to ATTACH  asset database " + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "." + asset_schema);
    sdb.execSQL("ATTACH DATABASE '" + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "' AS " + asset_schema);
    Log.d(TAG,"Attempting INSERTING NEW DATA using\n\t" + "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `otherdata` SELECT * FROM `otherdata`." + asset_schema);
    sdb.execSQL("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `otherdata` SELECT * FROM `otherdata`." + asset_schema);
    Log.d(TAG,"Attempting to DETACH " + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "." + asset_schema);
    sdb.execSQL("DETACH DATABASE '" + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "." + asset_schema);

    int insertRows = 0;
    SQLiteDatabase assetdb = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);
    Cursor assetCursor = assetdb.query("`otherdata`",null,null,null,null,null,null);
    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    while (assetCursor.moveToNext()) {
        for (String c: assetCursor.getColumnNames()) {
            if (assetCursor.getType(assetCursor.getColumnIndex(c)) == Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) {
            } else {
        if (sdb.insert("`otherdata`", OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE,cv) > 0 ) insertRows++;
    Log.d(TAG,"Inserted " + insertRows + " from the Asset Database");

    Log.d(TAG,"Deleting " + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath());
    if ((new File(sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath())).delete()) {
        Log.d(TAG,"Copied AssetDatabase successfully deleted.");
    } else {
        Log.d(TAG,"Copied Asset Database file not deleted????");
  • 注释掉了故意遗留的代码,因为在尝试附加从资产复制的数据库时遇到了问题,因此恢复为使用单独的连接。

这通过 copyDatabaseFromAssets 方法(如下所示)将数据库从资产复制到默认数据库位置。它从资产数据库中提取所有非用户数据,并根据 OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE 将其插入到原始数据库(但根据更改的架构进行了更改)中。仅插入新行。 userdata 表保持不变,因此可以重设用户的数据。

  • 显然,这不能满足更改的行。

这是 copyDatabaseFromAssets

private static void copyDatabaseFromAssets(Context context, String assetName, String databaseName) {
    int bufferSize = 1024 * 4, length = 0, read = 0, written = 0, chunks = 0;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
    try {
        Log.d(TAG,"Attempting opening asset " + assetName + " as an InputFileStream.");
        InputStream is = context.getAssets().open(assetName);
        Log.d(TAG,"Attempting opening FileOutputStream " + context.getDatabasePath(databaseName).getPath());
        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(context.getDatabasePath(databaseName));
        Log.d(TAG,"Initiating copy.");
        while((length = > 0) {
            read += length;
            written += length;
        Log.d(TAG,"Read " + read + "bytes; Wrote " + written + " bytes; in " + chunks);
        Log.d(TAG,"Finalising (Flush and Close output and close input)");

    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error copying Database from Asset " + e.getMessage());

下面是一个示例活动 MainActivity ,将所有这些放在一起(注意,为了方便起见,我使用allowMainThreadQueries):-

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    //public static final int DBVERSION = 1; //!!!!! ORIGINAL
    public static final int DBVERSION = 2;
    public static final String DBNAME = "app_database.db";
    public static final String ASSETNAME = "database/QuotesDB.db";

    AppDatabase appDB;
    AllDao adao;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        appDB = Room.databaseBuilder(this,AppDatabase.class,DBNAME)
        adao = appDB.allDao();
        if (adao.getUserDataRowCount() == 3) {
            adao.insertOneUserData(new UserData("ADDEDU100"));
            adao.insertOneUserData(new UserData("ADDEDU200"));
            adao.insertOneUserData(new UserData("ADDEDU300"));


2019-11-30 10:56:38.768 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/MIGRATE_1_2: Database Version when called is 1
2019-11-30 10:56:38.771 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/MIGRATE_1_2: Checking Context
2019-11-30 10:56:38.771 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/APPLYASSETDB: Attempting application of asset data to database.
        Actual Database = app_database.db
        Asset Database will be app_database.db_asset
        Schema for attached database will be  asset_schema
2019-11-30 10:56:38.771 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/COPYDBFROMASSET: Attempting opening asset database/QuotesDB.db as an InputFileStream.
2019-11-30 10:56:38.771 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/COPYDBFROMASSET: Attempting opening FileOutputStream /data/user/0/a.roommigrationwithassets/databases/app_database.db_asset
2019-11-30 10:56:38.771 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/COPYDBFROMASSET: Initiating copy.
2019-11-30 10:56:38.771 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/COPYDBFROMASSET: Read 12288bytes; Wrote 12288 bytes; in 3
2019-11-30 10:56:38.771 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/COPYDBFROMASSET: Finalising (Flush and Close output and close input)
2019-11-30 10:56:38.772 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/COPYDBFROMASSET: Finalised
2019-11-30 10:56:38.780 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/APPLYASSETDB: Inserted 3 from the Asset Database
2019-11-30 10:56:38.780 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/APPLYASSETDB: Deleting /data/user/0/a.roommigrationwithassets/databases/app_database.db_asset
2019-11-30 10:56:38.780 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/APPLYASSETDB: Copied AssetDatabase successfully deleted.
2019-11-30 10:56:38.780 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/APPLYASSETDB: Finished
2019-11-30 10:56:38.815 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/ONOPEN: Database Version when called is 2
2019-11-30 10:56:38.816 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/ONOPEN: Database Version after Super call is 2
2019-11-30 10:56:38.819 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/DBINFO: UserData rowcount = 6
        ID = 1 NAME = OU1
        ID = 2 NAME = OU2
        ID = 3 NAME = OU3
        ID = 4 NAME = ADDEDU100
        ID = 5 NAME = ADDEDU200
        ID = 6 NAME = ADDEDU300

    OtherData rowcount = 3
        ID = 1Column1 = OD1
        ID = 2Column1 = OD2
        ID = 3Column1 = OD3
2019-11-30 10:56:38.821 12944-12944/a.roommigrationwithassets D/DBINFO: UserData rowcount = 6
        ID = 1 NAME = OU1
        ID = 2 NAME = OU2
        ID = 3 NAME = OU3
        ID = 4 NAME = ADDEDU100
        ID = 5 NAME = ADDEDU200
        ID = 6 NAME = ADDEDU300

    OtherData rowcount = 3
        ID = 1Column1 = OD1
        ID = 2Column1 = OD2
        ID = 3Column1 = OD3

AppDatabase 类的完整代码(请注意,其中包括一些冗余代码)为:-

@Database(version = MainActivity.DBVERSION, exportSchema = false,entities = {UserData.class,OtherData.class})
abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {

    abstract AllDao allDao();
    static Context sContext;

    static final Migration MIGRATION_1_2 = new Migration(1, 2) {
        public void migrate(SupportSQLiteDatabase db) {
            final String TAG = "MIGRATE_1_2";
            Log.d(TAG,"Database Version when called is " + db.getVersion());

            // I need to tell Room that it should use the data
            // from version 1 ( with the user's favorites ) to version 2.

            // "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `userdata` (`userId` INTEGER DEFAULT uid, `name` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`userId`))"
            //db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `userdata_saveuserdata` (`userId` INTEGER, `name` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`userId`))");
            //db.execSQL("INSERT INTO `userdata_saveuserdata` SELECT * FROM `userdata`");
            db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE `otherdata` ADD COLUMN `column2` TEXT");
            Log.d(TAG,"Checking Context");
            if (sContext != null) {
            } else {
                Log.d(TAG,"Context is null!!!!");

    static final RoomDatabase.Callback CALLBACK = new RoomDatabase.Callback() {
        public void onCreate(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase db) {
            Log.d("ONCREATE","Database Version when called is " + db.getVersion());
            Log.d("ONCREATE","Database Version after Super call is " + db.getVersion());

        public void onOpen(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase db) {
            Log.d("ONOPEN","Database Version when called is " + db.getVersion());
            Log.d("ONOPEN","Database Version after Super call is " + db.getVersion());

        public void onDestructiveMigration(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase db) {
            Log.d("ONDESTRMIG","Database Version when called is " + db.getVersion());
            Log.d("ONDESTRMIG","Database Version after Super call is " + db.getVersion());

    public void logDBInfo() {
        AllDao adao = this.allDao();
        List<UserData> allUserDataRows = adao.getAllUserDataRows();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("UserData rowcount = ").append(allUserDataRows.size());
        for (UserData u: allUserDataRows) {
            sb.append("\n\tID = ").append(u.getId()).append(" NAME = " + u.getName());
        List<OtherData> allOtherDataRows = adao.getAllOtherDataRows();
        sb.append("\n\nOtherData rowcount = ").append(allOtherDataRows.size());
        for (OtherData o: allOtherDataRows) {
            sb.append("\n\tID = ").append(o.getOtherDataId()).append("Column1 = ").append(o.getColumn1());

    static  void setContext(Context context) {
        sContext = context;

    private static void applyAssetDB(SupportSQLiteDatabase sdb) {
        String TAG = "APPLYASSETDB";
        String mainDatabaseName = (new File(sdb.getPath()).getName());
        String assetDatabaseName = mainDatabaseName + "_asset";
        String asset_schema = "asset_schema";
        Log.d(TAG,"Attempting application of asset data to database."
                        + "\n\tActual Database = " + mainDatabaseName
                        + "\n\tAsset Database will be " + assetDatabaseName
                        + "\n\tSchema for attached database will be  " + asset_schema
        if (sdb.isWriteAheadLoggingEnabled()) {
        Log.d(TAG,"Attempting to ATTACH  asset database " + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "." + asset_schema);
        sdb.execSQL("ATTACH DATABASE '" + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "' AS " + asset_schema);
        Log.d(TAG,"Attempting INSERTING NEW DATA using\n\t" + "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `otherdata` SELECT * FROM `otherdata`." + asset_schema);
        sdb.execSQL("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `otherdata` SELECT * FROM `otherdata`." + asset_schema);
        Log.d(TAG,"Attempting to DETACH " + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "." + asset_schema);
        sdb.execSQL("DETACH DATABASE '" + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath() + "." + asset_schema);

        int insertRows = 0;
        SQLiteDatabase assetdb = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);
        Cursor assetCursor = assetdb.query("`otherdata`",null,null,null,null,null,null);
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        while (assetCursor.moveToNext()) {
            for (String c: assetCursor.getColumnNames()) {
                if (assetCursor.getType(assetCursor.getColumnIndex(c)) == Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) {
                } else {
            if (sdb.insert("`otherdata`", OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE,cv) > 0 ) insertRows++;
        Log.d(TAG,"Inserted " + insertRows + " from the Asset Database");

        Log.d(TAG,"Deleting " + sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath());
        if ((new File(sContext.getDatabasePath(assetDatabaseName).getPath())).delete()) {
            Log.d(TAG,"Copied AssetDatabase successfully deleted.");
        } else {
            Log.d(TAG,"Copied Asset Database file not deleted????");

    private static void copyDatabaseFromAssets(Context context, String assetName, String databaseName) {
        String TAG = "COPYDBFROMASSET";
        int bufferSize = 1024 * 4, length = 0, read = 0, written = 0, chunks = 0;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
        try {
            Log.d(TAG,"Attempting opening asset " + assetName + " as an InputFileStream.");
            InputStream is = context.getAssets().open(assetName);
            Log.d(TAG,"Attempting opening FileOutputStream " + context.getDatabasePath(databaseName).getPath());
            OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(context.getDatabasePath(databaseName));
            Log.d(TAG,"Initiating copy.");
            while((length = > 0) {
                read += length;
                written += length;
            Log.d(TAG,"Read " + read + "bytes; Wrote " + written + " bytes; in " + chunks);
            Log.d(TAG,"Finalising (Flush and Close output and close input)");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error copying Database from Asset " + e.getMessage());

    private static void setAssetDBToWALMode(String assetDBPath) {
        SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(assetDBPath,null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);

答案 1 :(得分:0)



Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(), AppDatabase.class, "app_database.db")

Prepopulate your Room database Docs

This medium article很好地解释了这一点

答案 2 :(得分:0)

是的,这是可能的! 增加您的 SQLite VERSION 并在 Room.databaseBuilder() 中添加 .fallbackToDestructiveMigration()

Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(), AppDatabase.class, "app_database.db")