if(state.changeTypeList.indexOf(action.data) !== -1) {
return {...state, changeTypeList: state.changeTypeList}
return {...state, changeTypeList: [...state.changeTypeList, action.data]}
export function getscnBackup() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
let {info: {Info}, InfoBackup} = getState().Scn;
let temp = {};
temp.Description = InfoBackup.Description
temp.TimeShipDt = InfoBackup.TimeShipDt
temp.Reason = InfoBackup.Reason
temp.SentDt = InfoBackup.SentDt
temp.Nature = InfoBackup.Nature
temp.ReslvDt = InfoBackup.ReslvDt
temp.Comment = InfoBackup.Comment
Info = {...Info, ...temp}
dispatch({ type: LOAD_JPN_INFORMATION, data: { Info: Info } });
if(InfoBackup.changeTypeList && InfoBackup.changeTypeList.length) {
for(let i = 0; i < InfoBackup.changeTypeList.length; i++) {
dispatch({ type: LOAD_CHANGE_TYPE_LIST, data: InfoBackup.changeTypeList[i].chgTypCode});
I have saved all the values of form in an object and sending the previous state value to redux to update the state again ,all the values are updating except type of change(drop down list )