
时间:2019-11-26 18:44:17

标签: r merge grep left-join



location <- data.frame(location = c('Asortia, New York', 'Buffalo, New York', 'New York, New York',  'Alexandra, Virginia', 'Fairfax, Virginia', 'Baltimore, Maryland', 'Springfield, Maryland'), number = c(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700))

state <- data.frame(state = c('New York', 'Virginia', 'Maryland'))

sapply(as.character(state$state), function(i) grep(i, location$location))

### doesn't work! ###
### my desired output would be ###

  location number
1 New York    100
2 New York    200
3 New York    300
4 Virginia    400
5 Virginia    500
6 Maryland    600
7 Maryland    700

df <- location
names(df)[1] <- 'state'
digit <- data.frame(state = c('New York', 'Virginia', 'Maryland'), digit = c(212, 703, 410))
new_df <- left_join(df, digit, by = 'state')

### the desired output ###

  location number digit
1 New York    100   212
2 New York    200   212
3 New York    300   212
4 Virginia    400   703
5 Virginia    500   703
6 Maryland    600   410
7 Maryland    700   410

我已经引用了thisthis线程,但是没有得到足够的线索。 希望有人可以帮助我。


我发现在grepl中使用for loop也可以,但是如果您有大量数据(我正在处理的数据有200万个观测值),则处理速度可能会很慢。 / p>

for (i in state$state) { 
location$location[grepl(i, location$location)] <- i

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



location$state <- map_df(state, ~str_match(location$location, .x)) %>% 
                  unite("state", na.rm=T) %>% 

left_join(location, digit, by = "state") %>% 
  select(state, number, digit)

     state number digit
1 New York    100   212
2 New York    200   212
3 New York    300   212
4 Virginia    400   703
5 Virginia    500   703
6 Maryland    600   410
7 Maryland    700   410

答案 1 :(得分:1)

也许我们可以通过from PIL import Image def load(path): return Image.open(path) 对“州”数据集中“州”列中的“ str_remove”向量paste进行使用来使用str_c作为匹配的正则表达式向量之前的任何内容(要删除)


另一种选择是将library(stringr) library(dplyr) location %>% mutate(location = str_remove(location, str_c(".*(?=(", str_c(state$state, collapse = "|"), "))"))) # location number #1 New York 100 #2 New York 200 #3 New York 300 #4 Virginia 400 #5 Virginia 500 #6 Maryland 600 #7 Maryland 700 分为两列,然后删除separate


或者,如果我们有特定的模式,则通过从开头(library(tidyr) location %>% separate(location, into = c('unwanted', 'location'), sep=",\\s*") %>% select(-unwanted) )开始匹配一个或多个不是,的字符,然后加上^和零或零来删除前缀部分。 ,
