
时间:2019-11-26 11:37:34

标签: node.js node-streams

我正在尝试从axios获取流的pdf网址。我需要将该文件进一步上传到另一个位置,并返回上传文件的哈希值。我有接受流的第三方功能,并将文件上传到目标位置。如何使用相同的流获取文件的哈希值? 我正在尝试运行以下代码:

const getFileStream = await axios.get<ReadStream>(externalUrl, {
    responseType: "stream"
const hashStream = crypto.createHash("md5");
const pHash = new Promise<string>(resolve => {
    getFileStream.data.on("finish", () => {

const pUploadedFile = externalUploader({
  stream: () => getFileStream.data


const [hash, uploadedFile] = await Promise.all([pHash, pUploadedFile]);

return { hash, id: uploadedFile.id };


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以重复使用相同的axios getFileStream.data,以管道传输到多个接收器,只要它们同时被消耗即可。



Incoming file checksum: 82c12f208ea18bbeed2d25170f3669a5
File uploaded. Awaiting server response...
File uploaded. Done.


const { Writable, Readable, Transform, pipeline } = require('stream');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const https = require('https');
const axios = require('axios');

(async ()=>{
  // Create an axios stream to fetch the file
  const axiosStream = await axios.get('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/86/Map_icon.svg/128px-Map_icon.svg.png', {
      responseType: "stream"

  // To re-upload the file to a remote server, we can use multipart/form-data which will require a boundary key
  const key = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');

  // Create a request to stream the file as multipart/form-data to another server
  const req = https.request({
    hostname: 'postman-echo.com',
    path: '/post',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'content-type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=--${key}`,
      'transfer-encoding': 'chunked'

  // Create a promise that will be resolved/rejected when the remote server has completed the HTTP(S) request
  const uploadRequestPromise = new Promise(resolve => req.once('response', (incomingMessage) => {
    incomingMessage.resume(); // prevent response data from queuing up in memory
    incomingMessage.on('end', () => {
      if(incomingMessage.statusCode === 200){
      else {
        reject(new Error(`Received status code ${incomingMessage.statusCode}`))

  // Construct the multipart/form-data delimiters
  const multipartPrefix = `\r\n----${key}\r\n` +
      'Content-Disposition: form-data; filename="cool-name.png"\r\n' +
      'Content-Type: image/png\r\n' +
  const multipartSuffix = `\r\n----${key}--`;

  // Write the beginning of a multipart/form-data request before streaming the file content

  // Create a promise that will be fulfilled when the file has finished uploading
  const uploadStreamFinishedPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
      // Use the axios request as a stream source
      // Piggyback a nodejs Transform stream because of the convenient flush() call that can
      // add the multipart/form-data suffix
      new Transform({
        objectMode: false,
        transform( chunk, encoding, next ){
          next( null, chunk );
        flush( next ){
          this.push( multipartSuffix );
      // Write the streamed data to a remote server
      // This callback is executed when all data from the stream pipe has been processed
      (error) => {
        if( error ){
          reject( error );
        else {

  // Create a MD5 stream hasher
  const hasher = crypto.createHash("md5");

  // Create a promise that will be resolved when the hash function has processed all the stream
  // data
  const hashPromise = new Promise(resolve => pipeline(
      // Use the axios request as a stream source.
      // Note that it's OK to use the same stream to pipe into multiple sinks. In this case, we're
      // using the same axios stream for both calculating the haas, and uploading the file above
      // The has function will process stream data 
      // This callback is executed when all data from the stream pipe has been processed
      (error) => {
        if( error ){
          reject( error );
        else {

   * Note that there are no 'awaits' before both stream sinks have been established. That is 
   * important since we want both sinks to process data from the beginning of stream

  // We must wait to call the hash function's digest() until all the data has been processed
  await hashPromise;
  const hash = hasher.digest("hex");
  console.log("Incoming file checksum:", hash);

  await uploadStreamFinishedPromise;
  console.log("File uploaded. Awaiting server response...");
  await uploadRequestPromise;
  console.log("File uploaded. Done.");
  .catch( console.error );