使用eBay Trading .NET API时,我遇到了一个奇怪的问题。
最近,在使用GetMyeBaySelling API时,我可以很好地加载第一页,但是随后的页面返回错误“无效的应用程序名称”
Dim ServiceInterface As New eBayService(e_settings, "GetMyeBaySelling")
Dim svc As eBayAPIInterfaceService = ServiceInterface.Service
Dim isLastPage As Boolean = False
Dim PageNumber As Integer = 1
Do While Not isLastPage
' Set up the Request (Post to eBay)
Dim request As New GetMyeBaySellingRequestType With {
.Version = ServiceInterface.Version,
.WarningLevel = WarningLevelCodeType.Low,
.ActiveList = New ItemListCustomizationType() With {
.Include = True,
.Pagination = New PaginationType With {
.EntriesPerPage = 200,
.PageNumber = PageNumber,
.EntriesPerPageSpecified = True,
.PageNumberSpecified = True
.SoldList = New ItemListCustomizationType() With {
.Include = True
.WarningLevelSpecified = True,
.DetailLevel = {DetailLevelCodeType.ReturnSummary}
Dim Res As GetMyeBaySellingResponseType = svc.GetMyeBaySelling(request)
' SNIP - do stuff with Res
' ALL of this works first time, but on the second loop after PageNumber has been increased to 2, we don't get this far. An error is returned "Invalid Application Name" from the svc.GetMyeBaySelling(request) line.
' Determine Page Number and if this is the last page
isLastPage = res.ActiveList Is Nothing OrElse res.ActiveList.ItemArray Is Nothing OrElse Not res.ActiveList.ItemArray.Any
PageNumber += 1