
时间:2019-11-24 09:09:16

标签: excel vba loops

我遇到一种情况,我在A列中有数字。我想知道是否在B列中找到了这些数字。例如:A1的数字为5554,A2的数字为163。B1是00051631,B2是0000055549 。 该代码应执行以下操作:搜索B列中的单元格之一是否包含5554。然后移至A2并执行相同的操作。

因此,这两个字段都应返回“ true”,因为A列中的两个数字都存在于B列的单元格中。

Sub Search()

Dim StartCell As Integer
Dim EndCell As Integer
Dim i As Integer 'row counter
Dim x As Integer 'row counter2
Dim InvoiceNumber As Integer

StartCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
EndCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row

For i = 1 To EndCell
    InvoiceNumber = Cells(i, 1)
    If InStr(1, Cells(i, 2), InvoiceNumber) > 0 Then
    Cells(i, 3).Value = InvoiceNumber
    End If

Next i

End Sub




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 您的两列实际上都是数字,其格式设置为文本(按照前导零)
  • 您需要根据您的声明返回TRUEFALSE"....Therefore both of these should return "true"



Sub Test()

Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, x As Long
Dim arr As Variant
Dim rng As Range, cl As Range

With Sheet1 'Change according to your sheets CodeName

    'Fill the array for a loop in memory
    lr1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    arr = .Range("A1:A" & lr1)

    'Get the range to look in
    lr2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
    Set rng = .Range("B1:B" & lr2)

    'Loop over the array and perform the search
    For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
        Set cl = rng.Find(arr(x, 1), LookIn:=xlValues)
        If Not cl Is Nothing Then
            .Cells(x, 3) = True 'If you want to insert boolean value
            '.Cells(x,3) = cl 'If you want to insert the found value
            '.Cells(x,3) = arr(x,1) 'If you want to insert the search value
            .Cells(x, 3) = False
        End If

End With

End Sub


Sub Test()

Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, x As Long
Dim arr1 As Variant, arr2 As Variant, arr3 As Variant

With Sheet1 'Change according to your sheets CodeName

    'Fill the first array for a loop in memory
    lr1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    arr1 = .Range("A1:A" & lr1)

    'Fill the second array for a filter
    lr2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
    arr2 = Application.Transpose(Application.Index(.Range("B1:B" & lr2), 0, 1))

    'Loop over the array and perform the search
    For x = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)

        'Return an array of filtered values
        arr3 = Filter(arr2, arr1(x, 1))

        'Do something with the returned array
        If UBound(arr3) > -1 Then
            .Cells(x, 3) = True 'If you want to insert boolean value
            '.Cells(x,3) = arr3(1) 'If you want to insert the found value
            '.Cells(x, 3) = Join(arr3, ",") 'if you want to show all found values
            '.Cells(x,3) = arr(x,1) 'If you want to insert the search value
            .Cells(x, 3) = False
        End If

End With

End Sub


答案 1 :(得分:0)



Dim startRow As Long, endRow As Long
For aRow = startRow To endRow
  invoiceNumber = Cells(aRow, 1).Value
  For bRow = startRow To endRow
    If InStr(1, Cells(bRow, 2).Value, invoiceNumber) > 0 Then
      Cells(aRow, 3).Value = invoiceNumber
      Exit For
    End If

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Sub Search()

Dim StartCell As Integer
Dim CellSource As Range
Dim CellSearch As Range
Dim SourceRange As Range
Dim SearchRange As Range
Dim testValue As String

Dim i As Integer 'row counter
Dim x As Integer 'row counter2
Dim InvoiceNumber As Integer

StartCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") ' a you sure you need this?
SourceRange = Range(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
SearchRange = Range(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))

For Each CellSource In SourceRange
    For Each CellSearch In SearchRange
        testValue = "*" & CellSource & "*"
        If CellSearch Like testValue Then
            CellSource.Offset(0, 2).Value = CellSource
        End If
Next i

End Sub

答案 3 :(得分:0)


=INDEX(B:B, MATCH("*" &A1&"*",B:B,0))