如何使用Windows x64记录堆栈帧

时间:2009-02-26 11:32:01

标签: c++ c winapi 64-bit callstack

我正在使用带有Win32的Stackdumps,将所有返回地址写入我的日志文件。我稍后会将这些与mapfile相匹配(参见我的文章[Post Mortem Debugging] [1])。

编辑::问题已解决 - 请参阅下面的答案。

对于Windows x64,我找不到将返回地址写入日志文件的可靠方法。我试过几种方法:


   CONTEXT Context;
   char *eNextBP  = (char *)Context.Rdi;
   for(ULONG Frame = 0; eNextBP ; Frame++)
       char *pBP = eNextBP;
       eNextBP = *(char **)pBP; // Next BP in Stack
       fprintf(LogFile, "*** %2d called from %016LX  (pBP at %016LX)\n", Frame, 
              (ULONG64)*(char **)(pBP + 8), (ULONG64)pBP);


这在调试版中运行良好 - 但它在发行版中崩溃了。 Context.Rdi的值在那里没有可用的值。我确实检查了编译器设置的差异(visual Studio 2005)。我没有发现任何可疑之处。


memset(&stk, 0, sizeof(stk));

stk.AddrPC.Offset       = Context.Rip;
stk.AddrPC.Mode         = AddrModeFlat;
stk.AddrStack.Offset    = Context.Rsp;
stk.AddrStack.Mode      = AddrModeFlat;
stk.AddrFrame.Offset    = Context.Rbp;
stk.AddrFrame.Mode      = AddrModeFlat;

for(ULONG Frame = 0; ; Frame++)
    BOOL result = StackWalk64(
                            IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64,   // __in      DWORD MachineType,
                            GetCurrentProcess(),        // __in      HANDLE hProcess,
                            GetCurrentThread(),         // __in      HANDLE hThread,
                            &stk,                       // __inout   LP STACKFRAME64 StackFrame,
                            &Context,                  // __inout   PVOID ContextRecord,
                             NULL,                     // __in_opt  PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemoryRoutine,
                             SymFunctionTableAccess64,                      // __in_opt  PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 FunctionTableAccessRoutine,
                             SymGetModuleBase64,                     // __in_opt  PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBaseRoutine,
                             NULL                       // __in_opt  PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE64 TranslateAddress

    fprintf(gApplSetup.TraceFile, "*** %2d called from %016LX   STACK %016LX    FRAME %016LX\n", Frame, (ULONG64)stk.AddrPC.Offset, (ULONG64)stk.AddrStack.Offset, (ULONG64)stk.AddrFrame.Offset);
    if(! result)



*s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace)(ULONG, ULONG, PVOID*, PULONG) = 0;  
    if (s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace == 0)  
        const HMODULE hNtDll = ::GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");  
=  ::GetProcAddress(hNtDll, "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace");  
    PVOID myFrames[128];
    s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace(0, 128, myFrames, NULL);

    for(int ndx = 0; ndx < 128; ndx++)
        fprintf(gApplSetup.TraceFile, "*** BackTrace %3d %016LX\n", ndx,  (ULONG64)myFrames[ndx]);


有没有人在x64中实现这样的堆栈遍历,只能写出堆栈中的返回地址?我已经看过[StackTrace64] [2],[StackWalker] [3]和其他方法。他们要么不编译,要么太复杂。这基本上是一项简单的任务!


#include <Windows.h>
#include <DbgHelp.h>
#include <Winbase.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void WriteStackDump()


    FILE *myFile = fopen("StackDump64.log", "w+t");

    CONTEXT                       Context;
    memset(&Context, 0, sizeof(Context));

    STACKFRAME64 stk;
    memset(&stk, 0, sizeof(stk));

    stk.AddrPC.Offset       = Context.Rip;
    stk.AddrPC.Mode         = AddrModeFlat;
    stk.AddrStack.Offset    = Context.Rsp;
    stk.AddrStack.Mode      = AddrModeFlat;
    stk.AddrFrame.Offset    = Context.Rbp;
    stk.AddrFrame.Mode      = AddrModeFlat;

    for(ULONG Frame = 0; ; Frame++)
        BOOL result = StackWalk64(
                                IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64,   // __in      DWORD MachineType,
                                GetCurrentProcess(),        // __in      HANDLE hProcess,
                                GetCurrentThread(),         // __in      HANDLE hThread,
                                &stk,                       // __inout   LP STACKFRAME64 StackFrame,
                                &Context,                  // __inout   PVOID ContextRecord,
                                 NULL,                     // __in_opt  PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemoryRoutine,
                                 SymFunctionTableAccess64,                      // __in_opt  PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 FunctionTableAccessRoutine,
                                 SymGetModuleBase64,                     // __in_opt  PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBaseRoutine,
                                 NULL                       // __in_opt  PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE64 TranslateAddress

        fprintf(myFile, "*** %2d called from %016I64LX   STACK %016I64LX    AddrReturn %016I64LX\n", Frame, stk.AddrPC.Offset, stk.AddrStack.Offset, stk.AddrReturn.Offset);
        if(! result)


void funcC()

void funcB()

void funcA()


int main(int argc, char *argv[])




***  0 called from 000000014000109E   STACK 000000000012F780    AddrReturn 0000000140005798
***  1 called from 000000001033D160   STACK 000000000012F788    AddrReturn 00000001400057B0
***  2 called from 00000001400057B0   STACK 000000000012F790    AddrReturn 0000000000000001
***  3 called from 0000000000000002   STACK 000000000012F798    AddrReturn 00000001400057B0
***  4 called from 0000000000000002   STACK 000000000012F7A0    AddrReturn 000000000012F7F0
***  5 called from 000000000012F7F0   STACK 000000000012F7A8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
***  6 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F7B0    AddrReturn 000007FF7250CF40
***  7 called from 000007FF7250CF40   STACK 000000000012F7B8    AddrReturn 000007FF7250D390
***  8 called from 000007FF7250D390   STACK 000000000012F7C0    AddrReturn 000007FF725B6950
***  9 called from 000007FF725B6950   STACK 000000000012F7C8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 10 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012F7D0    AddrReturn 000000001033D160
*** 11 called from 000000001033D160   STACK 000000000012F7D8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 12 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012F7E0    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 13 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012F7E8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 14 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012F7F0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 15 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F7F8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 16 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F800    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 17 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F808    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 18 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F810    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 19 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F818    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 20 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F820    AddrReturn 00001F800010000F
*** 21 called from 00001F800010000F   STACK 000000000012F828    AddrReturn 0053002B002B0033
*** 22 called from 0053002B002B0033   STACK 000000000012F830    AddrReturn 00000206002B002B
*** 23 called from 00000206002B002B   STACK 000000000012F838    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 24 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F840    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 25 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F848    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 26 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F850    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 27 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F858    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 28 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F860    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 29 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F868    AddrReturn 0000000000000246
*** 30 called from 0000000000000246   STACK 000000000012F870    AddrReturn 000000000012F7F0
*** 31 called from 000000000012F7F0   STACK 000000000012F878    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 32 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F880    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 33 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F888    AddrReturn 000000000012F888
*** 34 called from 000000000012F888   STACK 000000000012F890    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 35 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F898    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 36 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8A0    AddrReturn 000000000012FE10
*** 37 called from 000000000012FE10   STACK 000000000012F8A8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 38 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8B0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 39 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8B8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 40 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8C0    AddrReturn 0000000000000246
*** 41 called from 0000000000000246   STACK 000000000012F8C8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 42 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8D0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 43 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8D8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 44 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8E0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 45 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8E8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 46 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F8F0    AddrReturn 000000000000027F
*** 47 called from 000000000000027F   STACK 000000000012F8F8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 48 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F900    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 49 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F908    AddrReturn 0000FFFF00001F80
*** 50 called from 0000FFFF00001F80   STACK 000000000012F910    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 51 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F918    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 52 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F920    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 53 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F928    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 54 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F930    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 55 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F938    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 56 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F940    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 57 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F948    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 58 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F950    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 59 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F958    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 60 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F960    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 61 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F968    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 62 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F970    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 63 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F978    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 64 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F980    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 65 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F988    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 66 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F990    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 67 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F998    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 68 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9A0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 69 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9A8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 70 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9B0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 71 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9B8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 72 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9C0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 73 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9C8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 74 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9D0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 75 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9D8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 76 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9E0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 77 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9E8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 78 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9F0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 79 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012F9F8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 80 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA00    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 81 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA08    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 82 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA10    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 83 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA18    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 84 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA20    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 85 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA28    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 86 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA30    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 87 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA38    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 88 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA40    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 89 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA48    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 90 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA50    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 91 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA58    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 92 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA60    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 93 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA68    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 94 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA70    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 95 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA78    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 96 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA80    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 97 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA88    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 98 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA90    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 99 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FA98    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 100 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAA0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 101 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAA8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 102 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAB0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 103 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAB8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 104 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAC0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 105 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAC8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 106 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAD0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 107 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAD8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 108 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAE0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 109 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAE8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 110 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAF0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 111 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FAF8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 112 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB00    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 113 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB08    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 114 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB10    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 115 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB18    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 116 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB20    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 117 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB28    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 118 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB30    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 119 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB38    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 120 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB40    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 121 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB48    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 122 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB50    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 123 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB58    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 124 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB60    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 125 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB68    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 126 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB70    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 127 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB78    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 128 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB80    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 129 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB88    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 130 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB90    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 131 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FB98    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 132 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBA0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 133 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBA8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 134 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBB0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 135 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBB8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 136 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBC0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 137 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBC8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 138 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBD0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 139 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBD8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 140 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBE0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 141 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBE8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 142 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBF0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 143 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FBF8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 144 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC00    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 145 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC08    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 146 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC10    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 147 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC18    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 148 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC20    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 149 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC28    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 150 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC30    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 151 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC38    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 152 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC40    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 153 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC48    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 154 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC50    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 155 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC58    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 156 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC60    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 157 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC68    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 158 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC70    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 159 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC78    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 160 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC80    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 161 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC88    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 162 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC90    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 163 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FC98    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 164 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FCA0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 165 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FCA8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 166 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FCB0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 167 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FCB8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 168 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FCC0    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 169 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FCC8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 170 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FCD0    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 171 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FCD8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 172 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FCE0    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 173 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FCE8    AddrReturn 0000000300000000
*** 174 called from 0000000300000000   STACK 000000000012FCF0    AddrReturn 0000000300000000
*** 175 called from 0000000300000000   STACK 000000000012FCF8    AddrReturn 0000000300000000
*** 176 called from 0000000300000000   STACK 000000000012FD00    AddrReturn 000000000012FCF0
*** 177 called from 000000000012FCF8   STACK 000000000012FD08    AddrReturn 0000000300000000
*** 178 called from 0000000300000000   STACK 000000000012FD10    AddrReturn 000000000012FD10
*** 179 called from 000000000012FD18   STACK 000000000012FD18    AddrReturn 0000000300000000
*** 180 called from 0000000300000000   STACK 000000000012FD20    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 181 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD28    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 182 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD30    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 183 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD38    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 184 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD40    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 185 called from 0000000100000000   STACK 000000000012FD48    AddrReturn 0000000100000000
*** 186 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD50    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 187 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD58    AddrReturn 0000000100000000
*** 188 called from 0000000100000000   STACK 000000000012FD60    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 189 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD68    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 190 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD70    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 191 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD78    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 192 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD80    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 193 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD88    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 194 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD90    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 195 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FD98    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 196 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDA0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 197 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDA8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 198 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDB0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 199 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDB8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 200 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDC0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 201 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDC8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 202 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDD0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 203 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDD8    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 204 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDE0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 205 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FDE8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 206 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FDF0    AddrReturn 000000CECCCCCCCC
*** 207 called from 000000CFCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FDF8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCC00000001
*** 208 called from CCCCCCCC00000001   STACK 000000000012FE00    AddrReturn FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE
*** 209 called from FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE   STACK 000000000012FE08    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 210 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE10    AddrReturn 000000000012FE40
*** 211 called from 000000000012FE40   STACK 000000000012FE18    AddrReturn 000000014000122F
*** 212 called from 000000014000122F   STACK 000000000012FE20    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 213 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE28    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 214 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE30    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 215 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE38    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 216 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE40    AddrReturn 000000000012FE70
*** 217 called from 000000000012FE70   STACK 000000000012FE48    AddrReturn 000000014000125F
*** 218 called from 000000014000125F   STACK 000000000012FE50    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 219 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE58    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 220 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE60    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 221 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE68    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 222 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE70    AddrReturn 000000000012FEA0
*** 223 called from 000000000012FEA0   STACK 000000000012FE78    AddrReturn 000000014000128F
*** 224 called from 000000014000128F   STACK 000000000012FE80    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 225 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE88    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 226 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE90    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 227 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FE98    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 228 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FEA0    AddrReturn 000000000012FED0
*** 229 called from 000000000012FED0   STACK 000000000012FEA8    AddrReturn 00000001400012CB
*** 230 called from 00000001400012CB   STACK 000000000012FEB0    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 231 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FEB8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 232 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FEC0    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 233 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FEC8    AddrReturn CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
*** 234 called from CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   STACK 000000000012FED0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 235 called from 0000000000000000   STACK 000000000012FED8    AddrReturn 000000014000190C
*** 236 called from 000000014000190C   STACK 000000000012FEE0    AddrReturn 0000000100000001
*** 237 called from 0000000100000001   STACK 000000000012FEE8    AddrReturn 0000000000454B50
*** 238 called from 0000000000454B50   STACK 000000000012FEF0    AddrReturn 0000000000000000
*** 23

12 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)


   typedef USHORT (WINAPI *CaptureStackBackTraceType)(__in ULONG, __in ULONG, __out PVOID*, __out_opt PULONG);
   CaptureStackBackTraceType func = (CaptureStackBackTraceType)(GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"), "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace"));

   if(func == NULL)
       return; // WOE 29.SEP.2010

   // Quote from Microsoft Documentation:
   // ## Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  
   // ## The sum of the FramesToSkip and FramesToCapture parameters must be less than 63.
   const int kMaxCallers = 62; 

   void* callers[kMaxCallers];
   int count = (func)(0, kMaxCallers, callers, NULL);
   for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
      printf(TraceFile, "*** %d called from %016I64LX\n", i, callers[i]);


答案 1 :(得分:1)



答案 2 :(得分:1)

在试用版3中,您可能错误地使用了CaptureStackBackTrace()。根据文档,在Windows XP和Windows Server 2003上,第一个和第二个参数的总和必须小于63,但在您的情况下,总和将为128.


答案 3 :(得分:1)

对于vs2008 x64: 基于https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb204633%28v=vs.85%29.aspx和RED SOFT ADAIR:


#include "DbgHelp.h"
#include <WinBase.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Dbghelp.lib")

void printStack( void* sample_address, std::fstream& out )
    typedef USHORT (WINAPI *CaptureStackBackTraceType)(__in ULONG, __in ULONG, __out PVOID*, __out_opt PULONG);
    CaptureStackBackTraceType func = (CaptureStackBackTraceType)(GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary(L"kernel32.dll"), "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace"));

    if(func == NULL)
        return; // WOE 29.SEP.2010

    // Quote from Microsoft Documentation:
    // ## Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  
    // ## The sum of the FramesToSkip and FramesToCapture parameters must be less than 63.
    const int kMaxCallers = 62; 

    void         * callers_stack[ kMaxCallers ];
    unsigned short frames;
    SYMBOL_INFO  * symbol;
    HANDLE         process;
    process = GetCurrentProcess();
    SymInitialize( process, NULL, TRUE );
    frames               = (func)( 0, kMaxCallers, callers_stack, NULL );
    symbol               = ( SYMBOL_INFO * )calloc( sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO ) + 256 * sizeof( char ), 1 );
    symbol->MaxNameLen   = 255;
    symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO );

    out << "(" << sample_address << "): " << std::endl;
    const unsigned short  MAX_CALLERS_SHOWN = 6;
    frames = frames < MAX_CALLERS_SHOWN? frames : MAX_CALLERS_SHOWN;
    for( unsigned int i = 0;  i < frames;  i++ )
        SymFromAddr( process, ( DWORD64 )( callers_stack[ i ] ), 0, symbol );
        out << "*** " << i << ": " << callers_stack[i] << " " << symbol->Name << " - 0x" << symbol->Address << std::endl;

    free( symbol );


        if(owner_ != 0)
            std::fstream& out = owner_->get_debug_file();
            printStack( this, out );   

答案 4 :(得分:0)



答案 5 :(得分:0)

使用汇编代码 汇编代码很容易移植到AMD64和64位Windows,并且出于性能原因值得付出努力!例如,您可以利用新的64位通用寄存器(r8-r15),以及新的浮点和128位SSE / SSE2 /浮点寄存器(xmm8-xmm15)。 ABI(应用程序二进制接口)规范中的However, there are new 64-bit stack frames and calling conventions you should learn about ...

答案 6 :(得分:0)




答案 7 :(得分:0)


答案 8 :(得分:0)



答案 9 :(得分:0)

反汇编RtlCaptureStackBackTrace()我注意到传递给RtlCaptureStackBackTrace()的最大值应该是:framesToSkip + framesToCapture + 1应该小于64。 否则返回0并且没有其他错误代码。

答案 10 :(得分:0)


for (ULONG Frame = 0; ; Frame++)
  if (FALSE == StackWalk64(...))
    printf("Stack walk failed!\n");

  if (stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset == 0)
    printf("Stack walk complete!\n");


答案 11 :(得分:0)

发现带有“ CaptureStackBackTraceType”的简短版本非常有用!

然后使用以下命令解析“ callers []”的函数名称 SymFromAddr()SymInitialize(), 主要是Pedro Reis的版本

最后根据 function to mangle/demangle functions

注意:GNU demangler函数abi::__cxa_demangle()需要一个下划线前缀