BLOCKSIZE = 64 # Number of frames per block
WIDTH = 2 # Number of bytes per sample
CHANNELS = 1 # mono
RATE = 44100 # Sampling rate (samples/second)
RECORD_SECONDS = 30 # Time lasts for Recording
p1 = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream1 = p1.open(format = p1.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
channels = CHANNELS,
rate = RATE,
input = True,
output = False)
回溯(最近通话最近):文件 “ C:/用户/ Rama / PycharmProjects /与文本无关的扬声器识别系统主/代码/main.py”, 第45行,在 输出= False)文件“ C:\ Users \ Rama \ Text-Independent-Speaker-Indentification-System-master \ lib \ site-packages \ pyaudio.py”, 750行,处于打开状态 流=流((自身,* args,** kwargs)文件“ C:\ Users \ Rama \ Text-Independent-Speaker-Indentification-System-master \ lib \ site-packages \ pyaudio.py”, 第441行,在 init 中 self._stream = pa.open(** arguments)OSError:[Errno -9996]无效的输入设备(无默认输出设备)