卷曲“ Content-Length”和“ Content-Range”标头(mirrorace.com api)

时间:2019-11-23 13:43:17

标签: curl upload content-length http-content-range



curl $SERVER -X POST -F api_key=$my_api_key -F api_token=$my_api_token -F upload_key=$my_upload_key -F cTracker=$my_cTracker $mirrors -F files=@$2GBFILE.EXT


<head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>
<center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>

我试图 -H“内容长度:字节0-99999995 / $ TOTAL_FILE_SIZE” “内容长度”  标志,但响应始终相同。

    All Upload requests shall be multipart/form-data encoded.

MirrorAce only supports chunk upload for files larger than Maximum chuck size. A single request should not upload more than Maximum chuck size. Note: Maximum chuck size will be returned from file/upload method.

Maximum chuck size as of now is 99999995 Bytes.

For files larger then the Maximum chuck size, files should be sent in chunks with proper "Content-Length" and "Content-Range" headers.

Every parameter should be sent with every chunk.

您可以检查其API文档。此处:https://mirrorace.com/api 有一个官方样本,但对我再也没有用 mirrorace_upload_example.php (Github)

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