
时间:2019-11-22 12:31:09

标签: python performance tensorflow machine-learning loss-function


我正在尝试在看起来像这样的数据库上训练和评估TensorFlow LinearClassifier

enter image description here


我将原始数据库划分为“ train”和“ test”数据库,大约是原始数据库的3/4的“ train”。 “培训”数据库有7048行,“测试”数据库有2350行。

在“功能”列中,我选择了['TSTA', 'SO', 'ATSTA', 'ATD', 'VAL', 'UNI', 'CHD']

我还添加了3个交叉列:['VAL x UNI'; 'TSTA x ATSTA x ATD', 'SO x ID']



accuracy: 0.97148937; 
accuracy_baseline: 0.65446806;
auc: 0.9604878;
auc_precision_recall: 0.9801797; 
average_loss: 19186.854; 
global_step: 2210; 
label/mean: 0.65446806; 
loss: 609312.25; 
precision: 0.9617075; 
prediction/mean: 0.67787236; 
recall: 0.9960988




from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import tensorflow as tf

import pandas as pd

import tensorflow.feature_column as fc

import numpy


# Path to the .csv files:
train_file = 'path_to_train_csv_file'
test_file = 'path_to_test_csv_file'

# Open the files as pandas DataFarmes
df_train = pd.read_csv(train_file)
df_test = pd.read_csv(test_file)

# Define the columns Index:
COLUMNS = ["TSTR", "TSTA", "SO", "ID", "TID", "ATSTR", "ATSTA", "ATD", "VAL", "UNI", "CHD", "CHB"]
df_train.columns = COLUMNS
df_test.columns = COLUMNS

label = 'CHB' # define the label

# Input function to create the TF DataSet:
def easy_input_function(df, label_key, num_epochs, shuffle, batch_size):
    label = df[label_key]
    ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((dict(df), label))

    if shuffle:
        ds = ds.shuffle(1000)

    ds = ds.batch(batch_size).repeat(num_epochs)

    return ds

# Define the Feature Columns:
TSTA = fc.numeric_column("TSTA")  # time stamps (actual) numeric column

SO = fc.categorical_column_with_hash_bucket("SO", hash_bucket_size=2000)  # Source categorical column

id_set_train = set(df_train.ID)
id_set_test = set(df_test.ID)
id_list = list(id_set_test | id_set_train)  # this list has all the unique ID strings in the databases
ID = fc.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list('ID', id_list)  # ID categorical column based on the id_list values

tid_set_train = set(df_train.TID)
tid_set_test = set(df_test.TID)
tid_list = list(tid_set_test | tid_set_train)  # this list has alla the unique TID strings in the databases
TID = fc.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list("TID", tid_list)  # TID categorical column based on the tid_list values

ATSTA = fc.numeric_column("ATSTA")  # time stamps (active) numeric column

ATD = fc.numeric_column("ATD")  # time deltas in second (actual-active)

VAL = fc.numeric_column("VAL")  # PV value

unit_set_train = set(df_train.UNI)
unit_set_test = set(df_test.UNI)
unit_list = list(unit_set_test | unit_set_train)  # this list has alla the unique units of measure in the databases
UNI = fc.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list("UNI", unit_list)

CHD = fc.numeric_column("CHD")  # chattering index time deltas (past)

crossed = [fc.crossed_column(["VAL", "UNI"], hash_bucket_size=int(1e6)),
           fc.crossed_column(["TSTA", "ATSTA", "ATD"], hash_bucket_size=int(1e6)),
           fc.crossed_column(["SO", "ID"], hash_bucket_size=int(1e6))]

my_numerical_columns = [TSTA, ATSTA, ATD, VAL, CHD]
my_categorical_columns = [SO, ID, UNI]
my_crossed_columns = crossed

classifier = tf.estimator.LinearClassifier(feature_columns=my_categorical_columns + my_crossed_columns + my_numerical_columns)

    input_fn=lambda: easy_input_function(df_train, label_key=['CHB'], num_epochs=10, shuffle=True, batch_size=32))

result = classifier.evaluate(input_fn=lambda: easy_input_function(df_test, label_key=['CHB'], num_epochs=1,
                                                                  shuffle=False, batch_size=32))

for key, value in sorted(result.items()):
    print('%s: %s' % (key, value))


enter image description here


PS。 您能否解释一下为什么2210个步骤后培训就停止了?我知道这与ephocs,批处理大小和随机播放有关。 您能(简要地)解释一下这些参数如何影响结果,以及(我认为)对于我的问题而言,正确的历元,缓冲区和随机播放值是什么?

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