第一个问题是更新组,我有很多句子(POJO)和很多组(POJO),组可以有很多句子,句子可以有很多组(M:N关系),它们之间用{{1 }}(POJO),
句子显示在public class GroupsWithSentences implements Visitable {
public Group group;
parentColumn = "groupId",
entity = Sentence.class,
entityColumn = "sentenceId",
associateBy = @Junction(value =
parentColumn = "groupId",
entityColumn = "sentenceId"
public class Group {
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.GROUP_ID, index = true)
private String groupId;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.GROUP_NAME)
private String groupName;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_WORD_DESCRIPTION)
private String sentenceWordDescription;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_WORD_TYPE)
private String sentenceWordType;
public Group() {
public String getSentenceWordDescription() {
return sentenceWordDescription;
public void setSentenceWordDescription(String sentenceWordDescription) {
this.sentenceWordDescription = sentenceWordDescription;
public String getSentenceWordType() {
return sentenceWordType;
public void setSentenceWordType(String sentenceWordType) {
this.sentenceWordType = sentenceWordType;
public Group(@NotNull String groupId, String groupName, String sentenceWordType, String sentenceWordDescription) {
this.groupId = groupId;
this.groupName = groupName;
this.sentenceWordType = sentenceWordType;
this.sentenceWordDescription = sentenceWordDescription;
public String getGroupId() {
return groupId;
public void setGroupId(@NotNull String groupId) {
this.groupId = groupId;
public String getGroupName() {
return groupName;
public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
this.groupName = groupName;
public String toString() {
return "Group{" +
"groupId='" + groupId + '\'' +
", groupName='" + groupName + '\'' +
", sentenceWordDescription='" + sentenceWordDescription + '\'' +
", sentenceWordType='" + sentenceWordType + '\'' +
public class Sentence implements Parcelable, Comparable<Sentence>, Visitable {
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_ID, index = true)
private String sentenceId;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCES)
//If this is null we have a single word sentences
private List<String> sentences;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.TIME_STAMP)
private String createdDate;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.UPDATED_DATE)
private String lastUpdatedDate;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_IMAGE_SMALL)
private List<String> smallImages;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_IMAGE_LARGE)
private List<String> largeImages;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_WORD_TYPE)
private String sentenceWordType;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_IMAGE_TYPE)
private String sentenceImageType;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_WORD_DESCRIPTION)
private String sentenceWordDescription;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_WORD)
private String sentenceWords;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_WORD_SOUND)
private String sentenceWordSound;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_WORD_FAV)
private boolean isFavourite;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_CLICKED)
private int clicks;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_KEY_STAGE)
private int keyStage;
// TODO: change this to userEdited and add a firebase image url
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_USER_ADDED)
private boolean isUserAdded;
@ColumnInfo(name = Constants.SENTENCE_PREDICTIONS)
private List<String> predictions;
public Sentence() {
public Sentence(@NotNull String sentenceId, List<String> sentences, String createdDate,
String lastUpdatedDate, List<String> smallImages, List<String> largeImages,
String sentenceWordType,
String sentenceImageType, String sentenceWordDescription, String sentenceWords,
String sentenceWordSound, boolean isFavourite,
int clicks, int keyStage, boolean isUserAdded, List<String> predictions) {
this.sentenceId = sentenceId;
this.sentences = sentences;
this.createdDate = createdDate;
this.lastUpdatedDate = lastUpdatedDate;
this.smallImages = smallImages;
this.largeImages = largeImages;
this.sentenceWordType = sentenceWordType;
this.sentenceImageType = sentenceImageType;
this.sentenceWordDescription = sentenceWordDescription;
this.sentenceWords = sentenceWords;
this.sentenceWordSound = sentenceWordSound;
this.isFavourite = isFavourite;
this.clicks = clicks;
this.keyStage = keyStage;
this.isUserAdded = isUserAdded;
this.predictions = predictions;
public Sentence(Sentence thisSentence, Sentence otherSentence) {
this.sentenceId = thisSentence.getSentenceId();
this.createdDate = otherSentence.getCreatedDate();
this.sentences = otherSentence.sentences;
this.smallImages = thisSentence.getSmallImages();
this.largeImages = thisSentence.getLargeImages();
this.sentenceWordType = thisSentence.getSentenceWordType();
this.sentenceImageType = thisSentence.getSentenceWordType();
this.sentenceWordDescription = thisSentence.getSentenceWordDescription();
this.sentenceWords = thisSentence.getSentenceWords();
this.sentenceWordSound = thisSentence.getSentenceWordSound();
this.isFavourite = thisSentence.isFavourite();
this.clicks = thisSentence.getClicks();
this.keyStage = thisSentence.getKeyStage();
this.isUserAdded = thisSentence.isUserAdded();
this.predictions = thisSentence.getPredictions();
this.lastUpdatedDate = thisSentence.getLastUpdatedDate();
public Sentence(SentenceGroup sentence, List<Sentence> sentenceList) {
this.sentenceId = sentence.getSentenceId();
this.createdDate = sentence.getCreatedDate();
this.lastUpdatedDate = sentence.getLastUpdatedDate();
this.smallImages = sentence.getSmallImages();
this.largeImages = sentence.getLargeImages();
this.sentenceWordType = sentence.getSentenceWordType();
this.sentenceImageType = sentence.getSentenceImageType();
this.sentenceWordDescription = sentence.getSentenceWordDescription();
this.sentenceWords = sentence.getSentenceWords();
this.sentenceWordSound = sentence.getSentenceWordSound();
this.isFavourite = sentence.isFavourite();
this.clicks = sentence.getClicks();
this.keyStage = sentence.getKeyStage();
this.isUserAdded = sentence.isUserAdded();
this.predictions = sentence.getPredictions();
List<String> idList = new ArrayList<>();
if (sentenceList != null){
for (Sentence s : sentenceList){
this.sentences = idList;
public Sentence(List<String> cardImageSmall, List<String> cardImageLarge,Sentence card) {
this.sentenceId = card.getSentenceId();
this.smallImages = cardImageSmall;
this.largeImages = cardImageLarge;
this.sentences = card.getSentences();
this.sentenceWordType = card.getSentenceWordType();
this.sentenceWordDescription = card.getSentenceWordDescription();
this.sentenceWords = card.getSentenceWords();
this.sentenceWordSound = card.getSentenceWordSound();
this.isFavourite = card.isFavourite();
this.clicks = card.getClicks();
this.keyStage = card.getKeyStage();
this.predictions = card.getPredictions();
this.isUserAdded = card.isUserAdded();
this.createdDate = card.getCreatedDate();
this.lastUpdatedDate = card.getLastUpdatedDate();
protected Sentence(Parcel in) {
sentenceId = Objects.requireNonNull(in.readString());
sentences = in.createStringArrayList();
createdDate = in.readString();
smallImages = in.createStringArrayList();
largeImages = in.createStringArrayList();
sentenceWordType = in.readString();
sentenceImageType = in.readString();
sentenceWordDescription = in.readString();
sentenceWords = in.readString();
sentenceWordSound = in.readString();
isFavourite = in.readByte() != 0;
clicks = in.readInt();
keyStage = in.readInt();
isUserAdded = in.readByte() != 0;
predictions = in.createStringArrayList();
lastUpdatedDate = in.readString();
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeByte((byte) (isFavourite ? 1 : 0));
dest.writeByte((byte) (isUserAdded ? 1 : 0));
public static Creator<Sentence> getCREATOR() {
return CREATOR;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public static final Creator<Sentence> CREATOR = new Creator<Sentence>() {
public Sentence createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new Sentence(in);
public Sentence[] newArray(int size) {
return new Sentence[size];
public String getSentenceId() {
return sentenceId;
public void setSentenceId(String sentenceId) {
this.sentenceId = sentenceId;
public List<String> getSentences() {
return sentences;
public void setSentences(List<String> sentences) {
this.sentences = sentences;
public String getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(String createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
public String getLastUpdatedDate() {
return lastUpdatedDate;
public void setLastUpdatedDate(String lastUpdatedDate) {
this.lastUpdatedDate = lastUpdatedDate;
public List<String> getSmallImages() {
return smallImages;
public void setSmallImages(List<String> smallImages) {
this.smallImages = smallImages;
public List<String> getLargeImages() {
return largeImages;
public void setLargeImages(List<String> largeImages) {
this.largeImages = largeImages;
public String getSentenceWordType() {
return sentenceWordType;
public void setSentenceWordType(String sentenceWordType) {
this.sentenceWordType = sentenceWordType;
public String getSentenceWordDescription() {
return sentenceWordDescription;
public void setSentenceWordDescription(String sentenceWordDescription) {
this.sentenceWordDescription = sentenceWordDescription;
public String getSentenceWords() {
return sentenceWords;
public void setSentenceWords(String sentenceWords) {
this.sentenceWords = sentenceWords;
public String getSentenceWordSound() {
return sentenceWordSound;
public void setSentenceWordSound(String sentenceWordSound) {
this.sentenceWordSound = sentenceWordSound;
public boolean isFavourite() {
return isFavourite;
public void setFavourite(boolean isFavourite) {
this.isFavourite = isFavourite;
public int getClicks() {
return clicks;
public void setClicks(int clicks) {
this.clicks = clicks;
public int getKeyStage() {
return keyStage;
public void setKeyStage(int keyStage) {
this.keyStage = keyStage;
public boolean isUserAdded() {
return isUserAdded;
public void setUserAdded(boolean isUserAdded) {
this.isUserAdded = isUserAdded;
public List<String> getPredictions() {
return predictions;
public void setPredictions(List<String> predictions) {
this.predictions = predictions;
public String getSentenceImageType() {
return sentenceImageType;
public void setSentenceImageType(String sentenceImageType) {
this.sentenceImageType = sentenceImageType;
public int compareTo(Sentence o) {
Date date = DateStringConverter.getDateFromString(this.getSentenceId());
Date date2 = DateStringConverter.getDateFromString(o.getSentenceId());
Log.d("PreviousSentence", "return " + date.compareTo(date2));
return date.compareTo(date2);
public String toString() {
return "Sentence{" +
"sentenceId='" + sentenceId + '\'' +
", sentences=" + sentences +
", createdDate='" + createdDate + '\'' +
", lastUpdatedDate='" + lastUpdatedDate + '\'' +
", smallImages=" + smallImages +
", largeImages=" + largeImages +
", sentenceWordType='" + sentenceWordType + '\'' +
", sentenceImageType='" + sentenceImageType + '\'' +
", sentenceWordDescription='" + sentenceWordDescription + '\'' +
", sentenceWords='" + sentenceWords + '\'' +
", sentenceWordSound='" + sentenceWordSound + '\'' +
", isFavourite=" + isFavourite +
", clicks=" + clicks +
", keyStage=" + keyStage +
", isUserAdded=" + isUserAdded +
", predictions=" + predictions +
public int type(TypeFactory typeFactory) {
return typeFactory.type(this);
public String id() {
return sentenceId;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您应根据此official guide,在您的加入模型和其他两个模型之间定义外键关系。
@Entity(primaryKeys = {"groupId", "sentenceId"},
foreignKeys = {
@ForeignKey(entity = Group.class,
parentColumns = "id",
childColumns = "groupId",
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE),
@ForeignKey(entity = Sentence.class,
parentColumns = "id",
childColumns = "sentenceId",
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE)
请注意,@ Relation批注只能在POJO类中使用,而Entity类不能具有关系。这是一项设计决策,以避免在实体设置中出现常见的陷阱。您可以在Room主文档中阅读有关此内容的更多信息。加载数据时,您可以通过创建扩展实体的POJO类来解决此限制。