如何使用GG Plot绘制多条相同颜色的线

时间:2019-11-21 13:23:45

标签: r ggplot2 colors


GAS_PRODUCTION_CURVE <- RawdataTest %>% ggplot(mapping=aes(x=DaysOn, y=GasProd_MCF, color=WellID)) + 
  geom_line(size=0.5) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = cols) + scale_y_continuous(label=comma) + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, max(RawdataTest$DaysOn)), ylim = c(0,max(RawdataTest$GasProd_MCF))) + 
  theme(legend.position="none") + xlab("Days On") +
  ylab("Gas Rate [MCF]")

这使我得到了想要的绘图(注意:这只是数据的一部分)。但是,我想绘制井眼数据,但是用变量“ RSOperator”着色。换句话说,我希望所有具有相同RSOperator的孔都具有相同的颜色。这样,用户可以区分孔之间的性能差异。有没有办法调整我的代码来实现这一目标?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


RawdataTest = data.frame(
  DaysOn = rep(1:10,6),
  GasProd_MCF = c(rep(1:10,3),rep(2*(1:10),3))+rnorm(60,3,1),
  WellID = rep(1:3,each=10,times=2),
  RSOperator = rep(letters[1:2],each=30)
# create a uniq identifier for observation
RawdataTest <- RawdataTest %>% 

# create mapping for uniq id to color, depends on RSOperator
MAPPING <- RawdataTest %>% distinct(RSOperator,uniq_id)
RS_COLS =  brewer.pal(9,"Set1")
RS_COLS = RS_COLS[1:n_distinct(MAPPING$RSOperator)]
names(RS_COLS) = unique(MAPPING$RSOperator)
names(PLOT_COLS) = MAPPING$uniq_id

 ggplot(RawdataTest,mapping=aes(x=DaysOn, y=GasProd_MCF,col=uniq_id)) + 
  geom_line(size=0.5) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = PLOT_COLS)

enter image description here


LINETYPE = rep(1:3,2)
names(LINETYPE) = MAPPING$uniq_id

 ggplot(RawdataTest,mapping=aes(x=DaysOn, y=GasProd_MCF,linetype=uniq_id,col=uniq_id)) + 
  geom_line(size=0.5) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = PLOT_COLS) +

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

根据我从 StupidWolf 的回答中学到的,我们只需要输入一个命名向量到:

ggplot(RawdataTest,mapping=aes(x=DaysOn, y=GasProd_MCF,col=uniq_id)) + 
  geom_line(size=0.5) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = NAMED_VECTOR)


我冒昧地创建了一个深受 StupidWolff 在他的回答中所做的启发的函数,但是为了清晰起见,它更多地使用了 %>% 运算符并具有一些附加功能(允许为每个价值)。我必须承认这个函数开始变得更短了。

#id: character vector with the id variable
#variable: character vector with the variable we are going to use for styling
#styles: style options (Preferably the same length or longer as unique variable values - Throws a warning)
#named_style: TRUE or FALSE. Specifies whether to create a named vector from values and styles.
#values: values from a variable for which styles are specified. Must be in the same order than each respective style. Other values will be styled according to other_styles.
#other_styles: applies when values specified. Specifies styles for other (non specified) values.

#Plot style mapper - Generates a named vector that can be used for Ggplot styles and colors
ggplot_style_mapper <- function(df, id, variable, styles, values = NULL, other_styles = NULL) {

variablequo <- enquo(variable)
style_by_variable <- if(is.null(values)) {FALSE} else {TRUE}

if((n_distinct(df[[variable]]) > length(styles))&style_by_variable == FALSE) {warning("style vector is shorter than unique id-variables")}
styles <- if(style_by_variable == TRUE&length(styles) > length(values)) {styles[1:length(values)]} else (styles)

#Other styles
other_styles <- if(!is.null(other_styles)) {other_styles[!other_styles %in% styles]} else {NULL}
if((length(other_styles) == 0|is.null(other_styles))&style_by_variable == TRUE&(length(values) < length(unique(df[[variable]])))) {warning("Either other_styles necessary but not specified, or other_styles %in% styles")}

#Named_style = TRUE
named_vector <- if(style_by_variable == TRUE) {
  mapped <- df %>%
    distinct_at(.vars = c(variable)) %>%
    filter(., .data[[!!variablequo]] %in% values) %>%
    {if(nrow(.) > length(styles)) add_column(., style = c(rep(styles, length.out = nrow(.)))) else
      add_column(., style = styles[1:nrow(.)])} 
  dataframe <- df %>%
    distinct_at(., .vars = c(id, variable)) %>%
    select(., all_of(c(id, variable))) %>%
    left_join(., mapped, by = variable)
  NAs <- dataframe %>%
    filter(., is.na(style)) %>%
    select(., all_of(c(id, variable))) %>% 
    {if(nrow(.) == 0) . else if (nrow(.) > length(other_styles)) add_column(., style = c(rep(other_styles, length.out = nrow(.)))) else
      add_column(., style = other_styles[1:nrow(.)])} 
  dataframe %>%
    filter(., !is.na(style)) %>%
    bind_rows(., NAs) %>%
    pull(., .data[["style"]], name = .data[[id]])
  } else {
    mapped <- df %>%
      distinct_at(.vars = c(variable)) %>%
      {if(nrow(.) > length(styles)) add_column(., style = c(rep(styles, length.out = nrow(.)))) else
        add_column(., style = styles[1:nrow(.)])} 
    dataframe <- df %>%
      distinct_at(., .vars = c(id, variable)) %>%
      select(., all_of(c(id, variable))) %>%
      left_join(., mapped, by = variable) %>%
      pull(., .data[["style"]], name = .data[[id]])}

named_vector }


#Create named vectors and graph
#Create named vectors 
named_colors <- ggplot_style_mapper(RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "RSOperator",
                                    styles = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,"Set1"))
named_linetype <- ggplot_style_mapper(RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "WellID",
                                      styles = c(1,2,3))

ggplot(RawdataTest,mapping=aes(x=DaysOn, y=GasProd_MCF,linetype=uniq_id,col=uniq_id)) + 
  geom_line(size=0.5) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = named_colors) +
  scale_linetype_manual(values= named_linetype) 


#Alternatively, create the graph in one step (shorter but messier)
ggplot(RawdataTest,mapping=aes(x=DaysOn, y=GasProd_MCF,col=uniq_id, linetype=uniq_id)) + 
  geom_line(size=0.5) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = ggplot_style_mapper(RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "RSOperator",
                                                  styles = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,"Set1"))) +
   scale_linetype_manual(values= ggplot_style_mapper(RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "WellID",
                                                styles = c(1,2,3))) 


#Style for each specific value
named_colors <- ggplot_style_mapper(df = RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "RSOperator",
                                    styles = c("blue", "red"), values = c("a", "b"))
named_linetype <- ggplot_style_mapper(df = RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "WellID",
                                      styles = c(3,2,1), values = c(1,2,3))

#Style for a few values and other style for the rest
named_colors <- ggplot_style_mapper(df = RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "RSOperator",
                                    styles = c("blue"), values = c("a"), other_styles = "black")
named_linetype <- ggplot_style_mapper(df = RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "WellID",
                                      styles = c(3), values = c(1,2), other_styles = 6)

#Style for a few values and style pallette for the rest
named_colors <- ggplot_style_mapper(df = RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "RSOperator",
                                    styles = c("blue"), values = c("a"), other_styles = c("black"))
named_linetype <- ggplot_style_mapper(df = RawdataTest, id = "uniq_id", variable = "WellID",
                                      styles = c(3), values = c(1), other_styles = c(6,7))



pacman::p_load(RColorBrewer, tidyverse)

#Create dataframe as StupidWolf
#Create data
RawdataTest = data.frame(
  DaysOn = rep(1:10,6),
  GasProd_MCF = c(rep(1:10,3),rep(2*(1:10),3))+rnorm(60,3,1),
  WellID = rep(1:3,each=10,times=2),
  RSOperator = rep(letters[1:2],each=30)
# create a uniq identifier for observation
RawdataTest <- RawdataTest %>% 