Failed to load bundle(http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false) with error:(/Users/myname/myapp/index.js: Cannot find module 'babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator' from '/Users/myname/myapp' (null))
__38-[RCTCxxBridge loadSource:onProgress:]_block_invoke.233
invocation function for block in attemptAsynchronousLoadOfBundleAtURL(NSURL*, void (RCTLoadingProgress*) block_pointer, void (NSError*, RCTSource*) block_pointer)
__80-[RCTMultipartDataTask URLSession:streamTask:didBecomeInputStream:outputStream:]_block_invoke
-[RCTMultipartStreamReader emitChunk:headers:callback:done:]
-[RCTMultipartStreamReader readAllPartsWithCompletionCallback:progressCallback:]
-[RCTMultipartDataTask URLSession:streamTask:didBecomeInputStream:outputStream:]
-[NSBlockOperation main]
-[NSOperation start]
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> npm WARN @babel/plugin-external-helpers@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of @babel/core@7.0.0 beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
> npm WARN @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer
> of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install
> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install
> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> dependencies yourself. npm WARN @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@7.0.0-beta.47
> requires a peer of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed.
> You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install
> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer
> of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install
> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a
> peer of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must
> install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-classes@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
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> peer of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must
> install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator@7.0.0-beta.47 requires
> a peer of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must
> install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer
> of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install
> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-for-of@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-function-name@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-literals@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer
> of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install
> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-object-assign@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-parameters@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a
> peer of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must
> install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer
> of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install
> peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a
> peer of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must
> install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-spread@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a
> peer of @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must
> install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN
> @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex@7.0.0-beta.47 requires a peer of
> @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.47 but none is installed. You must install peer
> dependencies yourself.
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我已按照另一个问题的答案进行操作,但仍然无法正常工作。 syntax 'nullishCoalescingOperator' isn't currently enabled